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An insight into Episode 3!


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After watching the special features disc of the AOTC DVD, I noticed a small part where George is questioned as to why he is filming part of Ep3 in Tunisia now (now being while they are filming Ani and Padme's visit to Cliegg Lars home). This started me thinking as to what scene they were filming and then it became obvious.


We all know that Luke is bought up by his Uncle Owen Lars, so we know that at some point, Luke is bought to Owen Lars for his protection and to be hidden from Anakin/Vader. After reading about Owen on StarWars.com, it says that Obi Wan brings Luke to him and that Owen keeps the truth about his father from him because of his dislike for the Jedi.


After doing some additional research on StarWars.com, this leads me to conclude that the scenes from Ep3 are as follows:


Padme has given birth to twins, Leia and Luke, but because Anakin has turned to the darkside Obi-Wan and Padme decide to hide the twins from him.


Obi asks Bail Organa to to look after Padme and Leia and he sends them to Alderaan where Leia is adopted into the Royal Family.


During the Clone Wars, Organa befriended General Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the revered Jedi Knight served him well in that terrible conflict. When Kenobi's apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, succumbed to the dark side, Kenobi sent Skywalker's lover, Padmé Amidala, to Organa for hiding. Amidala hid one of her twin offspring in the high court of Alderaan, and this child, Leia Organa, was adopted into the Royal Family.


Obi then goes to Tatooine and tells Owen about Anakins fall to the Darkside and asks him to take care of Luke for him.


Complicating this simple life was his nephew. At the behest of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Owen and Beru were made the wards of Luke Skywalker, the son of Owen's stepbrother, Anakin. Lingering resentment over the actions of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi would color Owen's opinions for years.


Obi then goes into hiding on Tatooine.


Obi-Wan was instrumental in hiding Anakin's offspring, so that neither the Dark Lord, nor his master, the Emperor Palpatine, knew of their whereabouts. He took the young boy, Luke, to live with Owen and Beru Lars, moisture farmers on Tatooine.The young girl, Leia, was taken to Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan, whom Obi-Wan had served during the Clone Wars.


So there we have it, we at least know part of Episode 3 for certain. I know a lot of you have already come to this conclusion but I am writing this for those who havn't read StarWars.com in detail and to get the events correct and exact in my head.

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Originally posted by leXX

So there we have it, we at least know part of Episode 3 for certain. I know a lot of you have already come to this conclusion but I am writing this for those who havn't read StarWars.com in detail and to get the events correct and exact in my head.


Thanks man. But I did expected that(if it really happens).

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Dude, do you know what EU means? Anyway, I just went back to check if any of those quotes are in the EU section and they are not, they are in the character profiles for Ep2 which means that those events are FACT, they do happen!

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Why wouldn't we see it? I always thought that what is written as foresight on StarWars.com are events that will happen for certain and we already know that there will be a scene at Cliegg Lars home in Ep3:


After watching the special features disc of the AOTC DVD, I noticed a small part where George is questioned as to why he is filming part of Ep3 in Tunisia now (now being while they are filming Ani and Padme's visit to Cliegg Lars home). This started me thinking as to what scene they were filming and then it became obvious.
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Yeah me2, if you read my thoughts on Ep3 in a thread way back when. ;)


Another thing, we know that there is a big duel between Obi and Ani just before those events. That is one duel I am looking forward to enormously.


Sustaining grievous injuries at the hands of his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Vader required cybernetic enhancements and replacements to sustain him. His pure innocent self seemingly lost forever, Darth Vader cast a dark pall over the galaxy, as he was one of the foremost agents responsible for the elimination of the Jedi order.
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good interpretation lexx. us hardcore EU readers came to that conclusion a while back but kudos all the same. i cant remember which book it came up in but somebody's view was that Obi was setting a trap for Vader. i mean he hid Luke in the hood that Vader knows all too well, luke applied to the Imperial academy under the name "SKYWALKER" and hes spitting distance from the guy who chucked Anakin into a pit of lava and made him wear that damn suit in the first place.


thats just one interpretation and i doubt that it will happen simply because Obi isnt that coldhearted but its still fun to think on.

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Personally, I think that something happens to Obi-Wan to make him give Luke to Owen and Beru. We know that Jedi are supposed to start training when they're very young--if possible, before they can grow attatched to their parents. So why would Obi-Wan give Luke to the Larses, if he intended to train Luke? I think that Obi-Wan gives Luke to Owen and Beru for safe keeping while he takes care of some unfinished business (duel with Anakin?), and when he comes back for Luke, Owen refuses to give him up.



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After reading certain web sites, here is what has been proven fact as to what to expect in Episode 3:


"- ObiWan and Anakin will fight

- The Emperor will take control of the galaxy

- Anakin will become Dartth Vader

- Yoda will end up stranded on Dagobah

- Obi Wan Kenobi will change his name to "Ben" and become a hermit on Tatooine."


Rick McCallum also notes that there will be yet ANOTHER showcase of spectacular lightsaber battles.


"...Rick McCallum expects that Episode III will again showcase spectacular lightsaber battles. "Im not only expecting it, I'm looking forward to it."


He demurs when asked how Lucas and stunt coordinator Nick Gillard could possibly top the Jedi fight scenes in Attack of the Clones, but reminds us, "Episode III is the last one, so no-holds barred now."


"James Earl Jones to Voice Darth Vader Again at ORT Toronto..."


STARLOG: What about Boba Fett?

LUCAS: “Boba WILL be in Episode III, but his role definitely won’t be larger. He’s in a transition period of becoming a bounty hunter. The next film takes place two or three years later, so Boba would only be 13 and still wouldn’t fit in the suit." WHich means that there is a 99.9% Chance that he won't kill Mace Windu... SORRY!!! But Mace Windu IS going to die, and according to my research, it will be a very spectacular death. "Samuel L. Jackson talks about his exit in EP3, "I don't think I'm going out like some, some girl. I gotta go down, you know, in a blaze of glory. It (EP3) will lead perfectly into what we know as, you know, the original."


E! Daily News interviewed Star Wars creator George Lucas and finally got an answer on the mystery surrounding what R2-D2 and C-3PO should and shouldn't remember of their adventures in the prequels. "Well, one, his brains have, his memory system has been erased and so has R2's. So, they don't remember anything from the first trilogy. I'm telling you something from Episode III, but I shouldn't be telling you that, but I think most of the fans already know that." So, C3PO and R2 both get their memory chips erased somehow.



"Nov 10, 2002; Italian newspaper reports on local cameramna shooting volcano "footage" for Ep3"



More to come!!!

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Originally posted by Andy867

After reading certain web sites, here is what has been proven fact as to what to expect in Episode 3:


"- ObiWan and Anakin will fight

- The Emperor will take control of the galaxy

- Anakin will become Dartth Vader

- Yoda will end up stranded on Dagobah

- Obi Wan Kenobi will change his name to "Ben" and become a hermit on Tatooine."


Is it just me, or does all this seem kinda too much for one movie.... I mean: All of this in 2 hours? :confused:

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Originally posted by Andy867


"Nov 10, 2002; Italian newspaper reports on local cameramna shooting volcano "footage" for Ep3"



Now of course this still doesnt mean Anis gonna fall in lava. Thats just ridiculous. If this volcano footage is for the duel then Ani may fall near the lava and get his lungs messed.
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I have a feeling all this volcano duel stuff is rubbish! It just doesn't seem very StarWarsish if you know what I mean.


teutonicknight - Is it just me, or does all this seem kinda too much for one movie.... I mean: All of this in 2 hours?


I don't think it is too much for one movie, after all look how much they managed to fit into Ep2. I think Ep3 will be longer than Ep2 aswell.


Jedi_Monk - Personally, I think that something happens to Obi-Wan to make him give Luke to Owen and Beru. We know that Jedi are supposed to start training when they're very young--if possible, before they can grow attatched to their parents. So why would Obi-Wan give Luke to the Larses, if he intended to train Luke? I think that Obi-Wan gives Luke to Owen and Beru for safe keeping while he takes care of some unfinished business (duel with Anakin?), and when he comes back for Luke, Owen refuses to give him up.


I don't think Obi has training in mind for Luke at all. He just want's to keep him hidden from Vader and Palpatine. He only happened to cross paths with Luke when he was older and began his training then, he didn't go looking for him even though he was on the same planet and not too far away from where he lived. If he really wanted to train Luke, he would of started his training a lot ealier.

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Well, all of my above posted have been confirmed to have been true, according to LucasFilms. So A) Obi-wan and Anakin do fight, B)Lucasfilms hired an Italian film group, supposedly the best in Italy for shooting HD video, which the company was told to shoot film of the volcano. So, I don't think we can expect less than a spectacular yet tragic event near the end of Episode 3. There is word the James Earl Jones will have part of about 5 minutes where you hear Vader's voice. But then you have to conside the cut that is seen on Anakin/Vader's head at the end of ROTJ. And also, only burn marks could have scorched every inch of hair off his head, sure his face is pale from not being tanned, but it could also be blamed by the lava. So many things to ponder, so much/little time to ponder at it.


You do have to consider that the chance of Obi just happen to cross paths with Luke again is more than coincidental. Look at Anakin's meeting with Qui-gon Jinn. Jinn pointed out there that their meeting was more than a coincidence. And how nothign happens by chance with the Force. So Obi is meant to train Luke, he just doesn't know it yet.


LexX -> You have to consider the fact that George Lucas and the rest of the Lucasfilms crew have all stated that this will be the darkest of all the films and that the very end of the movie will be very tragic. Rick McCallum even said "Don't expect a happy ending" in this movie.

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I don't think Obi has training in mind for Luke at all. He just want's to keep him hidden from Vader and Palpatine. He only happened to cross paths with Luke when he was older and began his training then, he didn't go looking for him even though he was on the same planet and not too far away from where he lived. If he really wanted to train Luke, he would of started his training a lot ealier

Why wouldn't Obi-Wan want to train Luke? I mean, for all he knows he's the last Jedi (maybe only knew about Yoda still being out there by being a part of the Unifying Force), and wouldn't you think that he would want to keep the Order and its traditions alive?


Obi-Wan has tried to make contact with Luke before... remember what he told Luke when he finally gave him Anakin's lightsaber, "Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it." There are also some references in the audio drama (EU, I know, but fairly close EU for the most part) to Owen running Ben off whenever he came to the homestead. He tells Luke Obi-Wan is no more than a "crazy wizard" and refuses to talk about him.



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"Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it."


Ah, I had totally forgot he said that! With that in mind, I think your insight into what happens is spot on. What is puzzling me now is what Anakin does just after the twins are born!

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My best guess is that

A) Anakin knows that Padme is pregnant, but

B) He doesn't know she is going to have twins.


That's why he knows Luke is his son, but doesn't suspect that Leia is his daughter, even when confronted in ANH. If not suspecting, he wouldn't have any reason not to change his attitude towards her.

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Originally posted by Andy867

- Yoda will end up stranded on Dagobah




sorry buddy, uh uh. if he were stranded then how the heck could Obi-wan know he was there? there must be some form of communication between them for Obi to know where yoda's hut is. if they can communicate then yoda can request a ride off that rock.


While the EU explanation is rather cool id bet money that it wont be the actual reason in the movie. however if that WERE true then yoda would be hiding there because hes undetectable through the force there.


Yoda will admit defeat to Obi-wan and tell him that they can do no more good for the republic. that they must now fend for themselves and try to raise a new fighter to lead the galaxy out of the dark ages to come.

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sorry buddy, uh uh. if he were stranded then how the heck could Obi-wan know he was there? there must be some form of communication between them for Obi to know where yoda's hut is. if they can communicate then yoda can request a ride off that rock.

Well... Obi-Wan was dead at the time he told Luke to, "Go to the Dagobah system," etc., and a part of the Unifying Force. He might not have known where Yoda was--or even whether he was even still alive--during his life.



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Originally posted by Andy867

My best guess is that

A) Anakin knows that Padme is pregnant, but

B) He doesn't know she is going to have twins.


That's why he knows Luke is his son, but doesn't suspect that Leia is his daughter, even when confronted in ANH. If not suspecting, he wouldn't have any reason not to change his attitude towards her.


I think so too. Also he must have some sort of conversation with Obi about Luke saying 'I want him to be a Jedi like myself and to have my old lightsaber' etc etc.


Another thing that has always puzzled me, if the force is so strong and it is like a 6th sense, why didn't Vader know Leia was his daughter, after all, he did have enough contact with her?!

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