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CNN and Canada


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Hey, if you've been fallowing this mega news corporation for the last two weeks you'll notice they are suddenly paying a lot of attention to Canada.


Normally I would say: finally, the general US population is learning more about us.





It consists of 5 old biggot man insulting the canada for 3min or 1 hour. For two weeks this has been going on.


Just today they starting insulting our police system (mostly in Vancouver, BC) because there was a serial killer. He's been arrested and more investigations are pending. He's being tried for 15 murders and possibly more on the way. They were saying the cops didnt care that allmost 20-30+ women have dissapeared over the last 15 years. They kept saying: "Oh the police up there dont care if prostitutes were killed and etc." They pointed out our police forces are idiots because they couldn't stop this man. Immedialty one word poped into my head: Sniper. Are they blind and stupid enough that America's police force also has its troubles.


Last week a Prime Minister's aide called President Bush a moron. Since then CNN has bombared us even more. Why? didnt the general population use to make fun of Bush? Didn't you guys start a show called Thats my Bush on ComedyCentral? But a foreing country cannot even get mad at him and call him a name? CNN practicly demanded the aide to resign even though she holds no power whats so ever in the government! HOWEVER, the Bush administration did nothing, they shruged it off.


The thing that is pissing me off the most is the fact that finally Americans are getting to know more about Canada. You know, it being tucked all the way down there. :rolleyes: Its just sad that a news corporation is just feeding pure horse**** to the mass public about a foreing country.:mad:


What do you guys think?

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All I know is I know better then those idiot's. Every country has it's problem's but it doesn't mean that we should critisize. I wouldn't care if some other country made fun of my president. I make fun of George W all the time. I just think that CNN is just trying to get viewers back. Everybody is now watching the other major network News channels and they are just trying to show something that will get some viewers to watch. I personally think that most of the people on that channel are idiots. I'm with you man but I wouldn't let it get to you.


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being a fellow canuck myself im pretty mad about it. i cant think of a single canadian who cared "aboot" the negative stereotypes we've taken recently. remember when southpark hit theatres? blame canada was huge! i saw it on award shows for months on american tv. i didnt care, heck i thought it was funny!


i suppose that some people up here really didnt appreciate that song but i dont recall our news stations picking apart the US because of it. i dunno maybe im blowing it out of proportion but those americans on CNN dont speak for all americans, they're just a few whiny idiots who like to rag on others to feel better about themselves, if they wanna moan about us maybe its a good thing, keep them from doing anything stupid elsewhere in the world. keep them from picking a fight with a country who might actually care.


oh well, when stuff like that happens i just turn on the good ol royal canadian air farce or maybe this hour has 22 minutes. theres bound to be something on there that'll crack me up and its homecooked too.

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Yeah, too bad Rick Mercer isnt with This Hour has 22 Minutes anymore. His sketch of Talking to Americans allways made my day when CNN did something stupid :)



That and when they went to the Reform Party Leader (before the days of the Canadian Alliance)... i cant remember his name... well anyways. They gave him a lighter with a child saftey to him and he couldnt get it to work. He kept protesting it was fixed, of course Rick Mercer was nice enough to test it out for him and got it on the first try :)


God bless Canadian humour. Remember when we had two football teams with the Roughriders name? Soo many jokes about that but all of them were halarious.

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Originally posted by Ratm

I just think that CNN is just trying to get viewers back. Everybody is now watching the other major network News channels and they are just trying to show something that will get some viewers to watch. I personally think that most of the people on that channel are idiots. I'm with you man but I wouldn't let it get to you.



I agree with this......they are so desperate for viewers that they are trying to stir things up a little bit to get ppl to watch.........I sure don't watch CNN. They are my least favorite news channel.....




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CNN is all propaganda, all the time. They don't care about reporting the news... I'm not even sure they care about boosting their ratings, anymore. They're just there to distract from the stupidity of certain... people... and report on how weak us democrats are.


They hounded Clinton practically 24/7 during that whole impeachment debocle (that's a bloody tabloid story, not national news!), and while they were doing so, they asked the dubious question, "Is the news media paying too much attention to this story?" (DUH!)... they led us around by the nose during the Florida recount (there's a reason why we have elections in November and inaugurations in January--namely so they'll have enough time to count the friggin votes!).


And during the election, they put Gore under a microscope, picking on him for every little thing... saying he was a liar even about things he told the truth about! And what did they do to W? They gave him a free ticket, a "get to the white house free card" (the guy went AWOL from the national guard... isn't that slightly... illegal?).


And lately... it's just been Iraq talk, all the time. They have a show called "Showdown Iraq"! They're one of the biggest cheerleaders for this thing! But where were they when Senator Byrd was fillibustering in the Senate over the matter of homeland defense? Where were they when thousands of people were protesting in the streets about Iraq? Where were they when there were reports flying of police brutality in Portland and Washington D.C. (where protesters were arrested and held without charges for 20+ hours with plastic cuffs around their wrists and ankles, and were not allowed to see their lawyers)? Where were they to bisect this homeland security bill before it passed, leaving us with Big Brother looking over our shoulders?


Amazing, historic events are happening, but you wouldn't know it to watch CNN. Liberal Media my foot! :mad:



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