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Rotk Vs Rotj


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ROTJ - Return of the Jedi - Star Wars Episode 6


ROTK - Return of the King - Final Lord of the Rings Movie



It's nearly impossible to say as of now, but if Peter Jackson continues in the current fashion, I'd say RotK will be a better movie, simply because Tolkien wrote the story, which is magnificent. All jackson has to do is make sure it doesn't drag and the post preduction doesn't get in the way of but rather adds to the story, which he has done a fine job so far.


Besides, IMHO, I think ROTJ isn't the greatest Star Wars Film anyways! ;)

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He doesn't throw the ring in. In short, he's succumbs to the power of the ring and claims it as his own just as he get's inside the mountain. Gollum, seeing this, get's into a fight with him and eventually bites off his fingers with the ring on it. Gollum is so happy about finally having the ring back he doesn't notice how close he is to the edge and he falls into the lava with the ring. The books still has like 150 pages of story after that happens. The go back to the shire, find Saruman has destroyed it, they fight back and win, Saruman dies. Then it tells you about what happened to various members of the fellowship.

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Do you Forget so easily?



LoTR has a sad ending, if your remember. After Suaron is defeated there is a large party, wedding ect. When the Hobbits return home they find the shire destroyed and set it right. After that, Frodo makes Sam his heir. Eventually Frodo leaves the Shire and Joins Bilbo and the other elves and leave Middle Earth. I believe Gandalf goes as well.


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that's the great difficulty of movie making! :(



Everyone expects that once the ring is destroyed the movie should end. Extending it over for another 30-40 mins will only make it boring for the crowd to watch...maybe not for us book lovers. Hence if it's there at all, it shoudl be in the extended footage dvd, if there'll ever be one :)


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I've read RotK last year ... I'm currently re reading LotR trilogy. I'm currently at the chapter 'Passage trough the marshes' of TTT ... so that's past halfway.


RotK is the shortest book (less than 300 pages) and the last part (50 pages) is left out of the movie. For that reason TTT stops earlier. There are some great chapters from TTT that will be in RotK


One giveaway ... If you like battlescenes ... you're gonna like RotK, the book is mostly divided in:



The siege of Gondor/the battle at the black gates of Mordor and the last part of Frodo's jourmey


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