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Official SWGB 2 GB.com Thread

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Warcraft III style SWGB game would be a VERY bad idea. WC3 is very limited in terms of units, structures etc and most will get bored of it very quickly.


No one ever said that Blizzard would think about making a clone of their game. They would most likely refuse. Besides it doesn't fit with the star wars feel. They would likely make a new engine, new concept for the game, etc. Blizzard is that meticulous. BioWare is doing the same thing with KoTOR. So why assume they will make a clone like Ensemble did?


The same goes for Age Of Mythology. Everyone raved on about how good this game was going to be. Now, everyone is bored of it and coming back to Galactic Battlegrounds.


...I'm not...I went back to my PS2 because I got bored of Battlegrounds ages ago...


SWGB 2 has to maintain the appeal and with LA and Garrys team making it, I am sure it will.


um...yeah...I'll believe it when I see it...


If gary gaber said he's making a SWGB 2 he works for LA so where did all the Blizzard talk come from ? lol


Gaber worked with Ensemble did he not? KoToR is being made by BioWare with a LucasArts team supervising. Many other LucasArts games are being made by other third party companies with LA supervising...it's not all that rare.

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DMUK- I'm not quite sure that the figures would agree with you. Who precisely does GB hold appeal for? Apart from us, I wouldn't say very many at all.


GB2 doesn't just have to maintain the appeal. It has to be better. A damned lot better. That's the whole point of making a sequel... and also to include Episode III material, I guess.


Edit: Oh, uh, happy new year everyone. :)

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Ok, stop cheering, i know im loved by all :)


Seriously though, ill go into a little more depth here. The main reason i have gone for a mix of generic and unique unit sets is because it is the most functional, and would also reduce computer strain. However i would like to point out that even though there would be generic unit sets, there would be civ upgrades etc that would make these units different in terms of art and also stats (ie armour, firepower etc)


Generic Unit sets = Infantry - Standard Trooper, Repeater Trooper, Rifle Trooper. All civs get them, and are roughly the same, although as i said there would be small differences.


Unique Unit sets = Mechs/Heavy Weapons - this would mean that units such as the AT-TE, AAT, AT-AT etc would be individually balanced, and would allow these units to take on the roles more like those in the Star Wars movies.


Unique/Generic mix = Aircraft, Ships - using an example from aircraft, most civs would have the generic fighter, bomber, transport mix. However the Republic would get the Fighter, Gunship and Dropship. The difference here is that the Republic has, by far, the best assault capability, but no base-attack ability (bombers).


Unique buildings = to emphasise civ strengths. For example, Republic = Clone Factory. For every infantry (non-jedi) unit produced at the barracks, another one is produced for free at the clone factory. Also, Rebels - ion cannon. Temporarily disables any non-infantry unit within the blast radius (also causes aircraft to crash)


I would like some suggestions on what people think good unique buildings would be for the confeds, federation, wookies etc

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Er. Hmm.


I see your point about the combination of generic and unique. It's a good start, but we need to work on it a bit more.

To begin with, infantry should differ a lot more between civs as you suggested. Sure, they're all laser troopers, but we need unique elements. For example, the Rebels may have lightly armoured yet long-ranged 'hit and run' troopers, while the Republic's clones will be heavily armed and armoured and suited for pitched battle.

I think that most buildings should be unique, but have the same function. This is to reflect the fact that the civs are unique, rather than everybody having a "Mech Factory" and "Airbase" despite their huge differences.

For example, as you said, the Republic might have a Cloning Facility that produces its infantry, while the Confederacy might have a Super Battle Droid Factory.

The Rebels might only be able to build the lighter kinds of mechs, thus having a Light Mech Yard, while the Empire will have large industrious Heavy Mech Yards (or some kind of better name).

Also, I think that there needs to be far more air units than you suggested. I'm sticking with my idea of the three air classes- fighter, medium and capital ships- each having a few ships to choose from.

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I meant to post about this earlier, sorry:


Originally posted by darthfergie

because the Republic has the power to make the army, not the Naboo. I mean making the Naboo would be exactly like making the plantary defense force of any other planet...let's make the Correlian Security while were at it. The Republic's army is suposed to wage war on a galactic level. The Naboo inside the republic have a small, plantary force. A militia if you want to call it that.



But, the Naboo were in the movies. If we had ur way, there could be no campaign were the Federation was taking over the planet or vice-versa. We would get the Federation taking over a planet of clones!:D

I take it u're one of those realism>gameplay people? Well that way it would hurt both realism and gameplay!!!!

Same goes to all those who said Naboo and Gungans should be merged and those who said Trade Fed and Confideracy should be merged. Stupid people.

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK


The same goes for Age Of Mythology. Everyone raved on about how good this game was going to be. Now, everyone is bored of it and coming back to Galactic Battlegrounds.



last time i checked AOM has 3000 people online compared to barley 300 on SWGB.

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Corran - you completely missed the point. Yeah sure, buildings and units should have unique names and all, but im talking unique buildings. The republic clone factory would be in addition to their normal barracks, so that when you build an infantry unit at the barracks, a clone is produced at the clone factory.


Also, the whole idea with generic unit sets is that, for all purposes, infantry are the same for all civs. They do have slightly different strengths/weaknesses, and these would be represented by that civs unique abilities.

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Seriously though, ill go into a little more depth here. The main reason i have gone for a mix of generic and unique unit sets is because it is the most functional, and would also reduce computer strain. However i would like to point out that even though there would be generic unit sets, there would be civ upgrades etc that would make these units different in terms of art and also stats (ie armour, firepower etc)


Generic Unit sets = Infantry - Standard Trooper, Repeater Trooper, Rifle Trooper. All civs get them, and are roughly the same, although as i said there would be small differences.


Yeah, I can see that, but I do also see Rebel infantry bonuses with Bothan Spys, Demolition Units, etc. I see much better use of infantry. It is GB2's DESTINY.


Unique Unit sets = Mechs/Heavy Weapons - this would mean that units such as the AT-TE, AAT, AT-AT etc would be individually balanced, and would allow these units to take on the roles more like those in the Star Wars movies.


um...dunno...I could see some of that kind of balancing, but since they pretty much have to fit into the same classes (unless you want to totally customize each civs tech tree completely) they need to have pretty much to the same stats...(since we're not doing a realisticish combat scene we have to make ancient technology as good as cutting edge technology...oh yay...)


Unique/Generic mix = Aircraft, Ships - using an example from aircraft, most civs would have the generic fighter, bomber, transport mix. However the Republic would get the Fighter, Gunship and Dropship. The difference here is that the Republic has, by far, the best assault capability, but no base-attack ability (bombers).


uno problemo...I'm thinking the Empire is a tad bit better at invasions personally...Republic might rank a distant second, but the Imps are the all powerful planet conquerers. If faced one on one = instant death. The Rebels had to use sabatoge and subterfurge to even get close to defeating the Empire. Just think about the Hoth disaster.


Unique buildings = to emphasise civ strengths. For example, Republic = Clone Factory. For every infantry (non-jedi) unit produced at the barracks, another one is produced for free at the clone factory. Also, Rebels - ion cannon. Temporarily disables any non-infantry unit within the blast radius (also causes aircraft to crash)


ion cannon = no. It sounds to much like the French Grand Cannon on Red Alert 2, which was a grand waste. Besides, Ion Cannon blasts don't have an arch, they shoot STRAIGHT.


I would like some suggestions on what people think good unique buildings would be for the confeds, federation, wookies etc


1. Wookies don't exist

2. Feds merge with Confeds


...as for a Confed building...super droid factory. Spits out droids like crazy and a research for droids = 1/2 pop point (IF we do this the non-perfect way...if we do it the perfect way alot of this is irrelevant.:p

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Trade Federation and Confideracy should not be merged, for both gameplay (less civs) and realism (to be explained). No matter how strongly u feel about it, Fergie, they were not merged at the end of AoTC. Yes they fought alongst each other, but NATO did not make Britain and US merge, and niether did it here. Besides, it would look very weird; Super Battle Droids and such things invading Naboo in an TPM.

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*sigh* why, oh why must people be stupid?


fergie - I have already said that Unique Units would be part of the game, i suggest you read posts properly before you respond. Also, with air i wasnt talking about invasions, i was talking about battlefield assault. In this respect the Republic would be able to mount heavy and quick battlefield assaults with their gunships and dropship, but unlike every other civ would have no base attack ability (ie no bomber).


Also, the Confederacy and Trade Federation should NOT be merged. This would present problems with any ep1 themed senario's/campaigns, and also it gives greater variety without them being merged.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

*sigh* why, oh why must people be stupid?


fergie - I have already said that Unique Units would be part of the game, i suggest you read posts properly before you respond. Also, with air i wasnt talking about invasions, i was talking about battlefield assault. In this respect the Republic would be able to mount heavy and quick battlefield assaults with their gunships and dropship, but unlike every other civ would have no base attack ability (ie no bomber).


Also, the Confederacy and Trade Federation should NOT be merged. This would present problems with any ep1 themed senario's/campaigns, and also it gives greater variety without them being merged.


I agree...why must they be so stupid? Well first you define stupid. It is something rediculous in your eyes. Unfortunatly for you, you don't have the only pair of eyes in the world. So please respect others opinions to a certain degree...(especially when they're right...but when they are really really really wrong you have the right to petition the Senate to call them stupid ;) )


I read the part about UUs. And I was also making my sugestions. The generic units you sugested were very...plain...it didn't give any decent justice to the infantry class. BTW, Rifle troopers=standard trooper...unless you plan on giving the regular troopers stun batons.


As for Republic being good at assaults...I'd still say the Empire has them by the collar.


Now if you want quick assaults you go with Rebels (get in, get out, get on with your life)

slow yet powerful= Empire

Decently quick but not as powerful=Republic

quicker than Republic, but not as powerful= TF


but basically what that arguement amounts to is, one guy has faster dropships then the other...or are there more bonuses you're implying?


and lastly...you're saying we will deny the Confederacy over 50% of their military forces? You did notice the Battle Droids, and Destroyer droids there I hope. Very integral parts to the Confed. I hope you also noticed the TF battleships in orbit over Geonosis durring the escape...the TF=Confed.


(BTW, that last bit about the battleships makes me wonder where the Republic fleet was...or if they even had one...)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

and lastly...you're saying we will deny the Confederacy over 50% of their military forces? You did notice the Battle Droids, and Destroyer droids there I hope. Very integral parts to the Confed. I hope you also noticed the TF battleships in orbit over Geonosis durring the escape...the TF=Confed.


U did notice there were no Geonosian warriors on Naboo I hope?

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Fergie, I saw Battle droids and DD's in Ep 2, but they belonged to the TF. TF and Confeds signed an agreement to ally themselves, TF still is its own separate entity.


*sigh* why, oh why must people be stupid?

I don't know Windu, but I sure asked that a lot while posting at the gunship thread(s). Im glad you've reformed




POST 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!

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TF and Confed merger... no. The TF played a huge part in two movies, one of them a completely independent role, and we cannot deny them a place. Also, both the Confed and the TF are equally worthy and easily made as civs- they both have lots of material to work off and so on.

The Republic and the Naboo were allies. Should we remove the Naboo? The Naboo and Gungans were allies. Should we merge them?

No. (just in case people don't understand that it's rhetorical...)


Windu- I understood your posts. I was trying to say that most buildings should be unique. Thus, the Republic doesn't have a 'Normal Barracks,' they have a Troop Cloning Facility (with unique bonuses), or some such.

I'm also not sure about your ideas of 'civ strengths.' It seems clear that any civilisation in power would be pretty capable and skilled at making invasions. Thus, the Republic, Empire and New Republic would all be good at making frontal assaults, though in different ways- Republic has masses of troopers and some mechs, Empire has mighty mechs, and New Republic uses airborne units.

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Naboo and Gungan can be merged...I don't care...just as long as after they are merged both are deleted from the database. Neither belong in the game as Galactic Powers. They both are horrid and so are wookies. Give me ligit civs please. The Naboo can beat down the full might of TF, Empire, anybody in game...in SW cannon...planetary bombardment. If the TF hadn't moved their fleet off, just leaving the controlship...diff story. The Naboo fielded ONE SQUADRON! ONE. Now just think about it if instead of one battleship there were 20...or even 50+. A fighter screen so tight that the Naboo wouldn't have even seen the droid control ship. The Naboo and Gungans are NOT relivant powers. It's a waste. Give me some decent EU civs please (NOT WOOKIES!).


I can live with no merger on TF and Confed, but without the pathetic Naboo and Gungans there is no reason to keep the TF...so once again it's best to merge the two. :p

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As CorranSec will gladly tell u, here we are not talking about the conquest of galaxies.;)

Therefore who cares if the Gungans and Naboo are Galactic Powers or not. The whole "conquer the galaxy" thing should be left to the other civs, in separate scenarios like maybe Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War.


Anyway, I have watched TPM like 4 times and in none of those times I have seen there to be Flash Speeders on the Battle Of The Grassy Plains, niether have I seen Gungan Warriors helping to recapture Theed. Finally, I can safely say there were NO humans living In Otoh Gunga.

Any questions?

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There have been some comments regarding Naboo/Gungan being removed becasue they dont traverse the universe fighting, they are planet specific and therefore it wouldnt be logical to include them.


SWGB2 needs the Naboo and Gungans purely because they are in Episode I and therefore deserve a presence in the game. Any counterarguments have a serious flaw- if not including them would make battles less "realistic" then what do you say to a multi game with Republic fighting the Rebels. Using the same logic, this is also not possible. Should we ditch these civs????


I think not.

Leave the Gungans and Naboo. Just because they are not quite so powerful as the other civs does not mean they should be removed. Rather, they have to be "balanced" to make the civs "fair", despite the fact that in SW reality Naboo/Gungans would be crushed very quickly.


Just a thought...


May the Force be with you...

Jedi Master Jono

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That's right. And let's keep in mind that what we use in a battle isn't the ENTIRETY of the civ. It's really like the equivalent of a legion or garrison. So yes, the entire Galactic Empire civ would grind the entire Wookiee civ into dust, but a subgroup of Wookiees could easily overpower a subgroup of the Empire.


One of the biggest arguments in my mind for why Trade Fed and Confed should not be merged is that it would be a waste of perfectly good cannon. Is a civ really going to have STAPs, Droidekas, AATs, and MTTs in addition to Dwarf Spider Droids, Homing Spider Droids and Hailfire Droids? It's just too many mechs. And getting rid of any of them would just be plain foolish considering you have to make up entirely non-cannonical mechs for Rebels.


Oh and Windu that cloning idea is exactly the same as in Red Alert 2 and I don't want SWGB2 to be ripping off ideas. Having them produce twice as fast like they do now is more original and also more in keeping with the way cloning is in Star Wars. In Red Alert 2 the guy who came out of the cloning facility was supposed to be a clone of the other guy you made at the barracks. In Star Wars all clones come from the same guy, the benefit is you get them quickly.

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