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Attention all Personel!


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I would like to thank all of you who stood by LFJA's side through these past few months. It has been a long and difficult road, but we have survived! Give yourselves a pat on the back! You deserve it!


I would also like to take the time to congradulate Darth Groovy, Darklighter, and Reb Starblazer on their new positions. They have stuck with LFJA since the very existance, and have been at my side thick and thin. Congrats guys! :cool:

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Wow, I am still gasping for air............


It is a great honor to server as a member of LFJA and to finally see this become a permanent part of one of my favorite communities. I first joined LFJA because I felt they really had the right ideas and as it has turned out, the members of LFJA have come to be some of the best friends I have ever had, or ever could have. I have said it before, I'll say it again; The LFJA was created for all the right reasons and this is the greatest award that any group of people could accept. It is with great honor that I accept a mod position here, and and even greater honor to have known these guys as long as I have. I don't know what else to say......


Thank You! So Much! :cry7:

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I'd like to thank the Academy...




I first joined the LucasForums Jedi Academy when it was still young. The Academy Wars were not even conceived of, and we were all randomly joining, creating jobs for ourselves in the process. From a Shuttle pilot to a member of the Jedi Council, not bad if I do say so myself...


Then came the Academy Wars, a tale of good versus evil set a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. This brought in a rival academy, and plenty of new members for both, which was great. It bolstered our ranks, and brought a touch of Role-playing to Jediknightii.net, and they are now stored in the story forum.


The LFJA is all about promoting LucasForums, having fun and a good time, a sense of belonging. Whether it's to us, a clan, the Sith Academy, anything, that's what these forums are all about in the end. A community. A family.


And now, we have our little piece of LucasForums. I hope to see this forum blossom into a group of individuals who know each other well, and play Jedi Outcast as well as other games together. New members coming here for help and guidance, and receiving it from older members, truthfully, not mockingly. The LFJA is not just another clan, it's more like an association. We do our best to keep our posts clean and respectful and to help others, because that's how these forums are supposed to be(read the rules;)). To almost set an example in a way, because if we can do it, so can everyone else right?


As for being a mod of this section, I will do what I can with the time I have. My job is rather demanding at this point in time, so I probably won't be as active here as I could/should be. But I thank the powers that be, that gave me my powers that are, so I can do my part for the academy, and for LF. Abraham Lincoln once said "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.", so let my test begin...


*Salutes* Lieutenant Starblazer, reporting for duty.

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I really can't believe it...


I know it has been difficult, like Obi said, for a while now with the Academy. We hit a bit of a rough spot, and activity was a little dead. But we held our heads high, and carried on. Everyone has worked so hard to keep the Academy going. And I really believe this new forum will elevate us back to glory, so we can continue do carry out what we set out to do.


I would like to thank all of the Academy members, not just for being superb members, but for being great friends. We've all stuck together through this, and at last have emerged victorious (I think I'm getting a little too patriotic lol). You guys make this Academy what it is. Don't stop doing what you do best.


I would like to give some special mentions. Thank you Tyrion for always making me join in and play on the server:). Thank you to Groovy helping out with all kinds of LFJA stuff, and for taking the control of the clan in the beginning. Thanks to Reb for the Academy Wars (and Groovy as well), for hosting the server, and for making my JK2 skin:D


And at long last, to thank the man who started it all. The man who if we were without him, the Swamp would have never been such a great place to post in. Who taught us to use our abilities to teach others to respect everyone on here. Without him, the LFJA would be nothing. Thank you Obi:)You're the best dude:thumbsup:


There are so many more people I would like to thank, but for now I'm gonna try to calm down a little lol:o. And thank you to Matt-windu. Thank you so much for the forum, and for making me mod. I am in your debt, I am so appreciative.


Thank you again:)



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you guys brought tears into my eyes


although i don't think that we hit rock bottom for the past months, we may have not been that active, but under the service, there was still alot going on here. this forum, i guess, proofes that the LFJA is a worthy clan, but it is not only a clan, it's a community.



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Ah, the sentiment in this room could fill....


...this paper cup. *holds up cup for all to see*


And away with the cornyness.


I came here late, but I still hold the same ideals as all the other members. The LFJA has been not only a home away from home for many people, but has been a terrific one at that. I'm proud to call myself a member, and join in saying that it's great we all have our own little area here at these forums, as well as saluting you all, for being some of the best people in world.


And, nothing better to see than three dedicated members of the LFJA to be the mods. I salute you all, and congratulate our new moderators.


Cheers friends.

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Hey guys,

It's me again. Sorry i haven't been with us lately but i just didn't see any good threadsa t the time on the forums and i ended up losing interest but i'm back and i don't think i've been 60 days (3 weeks?)


If your computer crashes it is your responsibility to contact us within 60 days by any means necessary. This may seem harsh but there are too many people that use this as an excuse to cover up the fact that they have forgotten all about LFJA. It is unacceptable and no longer will be tolerated. In this day and age it is not that difficult to get access to a computer, and if it takes you more than 60 days it’s probably not in your best interest to be a member, since you will loose complete track of what is going on. If you are going to be without computer longer than sixty days and you know for sure when you will be back, arrangements can be made in advance.



Can yous forgive me?

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Hey guys,

It's me again. Sorry i haven't been with us lately but i just didn't see any good threadsa t the time on the forums and i ended up losing interest but i'm back and i don't think i've been 60 days (3 weeks?)





Can yous forgive me?


How dare you abandon us...:mad:

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