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Why do I have to be so ugly and Geekish

Why am I so shy

Why in gods name do I get nervous when I speak to girls?


I really like this girl, and I barely had the guts to tell her I fancied her, and she was ok about it, but the rest of the glass laughed because I am ugly.


She is really nice, she has never swore at anyone, she always compliments people, and I had a weird dream about her, here it goes



I was in a big hall, and I was awnsering questions for a test, then we stopped, it would be continused in an hour, then Keiliegh [the girl I fancy :love:] tested me on a few questions so I was prepared, then she suddenly said

"Its ok, we will get through this"

I was thinking, "wtf!" and then she said

"This is romantic really"

And then my heart started pounding, and my stomach felt very weird

And then guess what, I kissed her!

And after she smiled, and I smiled, and then we both walked off.




Could someone help me how to actually get here out with me? Since that dream happened, I cant even speak to her, she asked me a question and I got all funny and couldnt speak.....


Someone help..

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ok, first off, how old are you? if you 12 or something it's probably just a little schoolboy crush that will go away in a week or so. if your 17 or 18 you should just ask her out. the only reason you wouldn't is because you don;'t want to be rejected, right? but if she's as nice as you say she is then she will probably say yes.

my advice: go for it. the only risk is not taking one. if oyu ask and she says no, you'll feel really bad for a while but you'll get over it. but if she says yes, then you could have a very long lasting and meaningful relationship:thumbsup:


I hope my humble opinion helps;)

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I cant for f*ck sake, as soon as I see her, my heart pounds, and when she speaks to me, or if I even try to speak to her, I go all weird and stuff.. :eyeraise:


I cant ask her, it feels....... Weird.....


I cant ask her,


When ever I look or speak to her, I lock up and I cant speak


And by ugly i mean : I look ugly....




[Edit - Stormy - don't worry about it. Sounds like you have enough problems. ;) Dupes deleted. :cool: ]

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Originally posted by Flanders

Shes 13 too.


I dont really know why I cant just pluck up my confidence and ask her out.... :(



Ahh Flanders me lad, women at that age only want older guys. They'll only want younger guys their age when they hit 40.





j/k :)




Getting a girl between 13 and 17 can be tough unless you're rich, handsome, or both. I've come to find, no offense, that people don't appreciate each other until they're outta highschool and enter the work force. The younger you are, the harder it is to swoon the ladies.



I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. If you really want her, you have to show her how special you are. Find something that you guys have in common and BEEF up on your knowledge. For me it was artwork, playing the guitar, and having a sence of humor. Showing them that you're special makes them interested in you.





That's what it takes to make a girl interested in you; you have to be a snake charmer sometimes, lol.

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I would just ask her, if she says no, then move on. I would like to think of myself as a pretty nice guy, that's why no girls like me. I wouldn't mind if I were you, some day they'll find out what a nice guy you are.:) I don't think any girls like me right now but that's okay. Just be yourself, use your sence of humor and other things that they would like. They'll come around:)

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Listen dude, im 22 and i can remember how hard it was when i was young to ask girls out (still is!)


I used to get really nervous everytime i saw this girl, i thought i loved her... then i fell in love for real and found out the difference.


The best advice, is aim to be friends with her, just try to talk to her as a friend, then you wont feel so much pressure :)


then see what happens.



but trust me this will happen a lot... youll get used to it buddy ;)






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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Hey, she's got a very interesting name. How do you pronounce it? You can strike up a conversation about that, see how it goes. It's an idea. And if you do, can you ask her its origin?


You pronounce it Key-Ley




And I am quite smart in school, so is she, but she has these 'other' freinds, thats why I am too scared, they are very annoying and feisty, and she hangs around with them alot...


And I have seemed to notice, one of her freinds has called me 'darling' and 'love'.....


Weird.. And I have noticed that they try to go for older people, but they wont get um!


They need to realise!


And can anyone help? I do not know really how to 'kiss' or what ever it is, I am getting worried, just say that I do 'kiss' how in gods name to I do it? :(

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well my young padawan my wisdom dosent go very far into this subject but ill try my best.........ok im almost there.......little more.....ok be yourself and try to be confedent just go up to her and start talking. throw in a conversation if you get a chance and then just bring up the subject and if all possable dont listen to me :p just be confedent and try not to be shy and plus ignor the class around you. dont worry about kissing that comes later


well theres my best but give me some more information

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You say you are ugly, but it is probably becasue you have started gworing and stuff.. I was like that, I was all out of proportion but now its ok :D


My advice to you is to try and speak to any brothers/sisters. They have to be Older and Successful.. No offence but its no good asking them if theyve not had much more experience than you.


Speak to Uncles too, they are normally pretty good.. The thing is to play it cool, her friends are obviously speaking to you so it is unlikely you are doing something THAT wrong.


Get her on her own and say, "hey x (ive forgot her name), look, I dont know if you already know, but I think you're quite attractive and was wondering if you would like to go out with me for a coffee\pictures\town one afternoon?"


by arranging to see her for a short time, you will get a chance to see her out of school without the hassle of everyone watching, and if it doesn't work out, then oh well, just leave it.. You could even ask her to take a friend along (you too) so she doesn't feel uncomfortable and u can all have a nice time without it feeling like a date...


To be honest tho dude, You may as well hurry up cos school will finish soon and you want to start your next school at least having some interaction with the opposite sex.


If you think its hard now, wait till you get to middle school, and there will be even MORE people there...Do it now, and you will be rewarded later...


I think thats enough wisdom from the W for now, Ive not even mentioned an american in this thread :D




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