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The Ring, Max Payne, and some other stuff


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Watched 'The Ring' last night....it sucked, i was hoping to be scarred for life and wasn't. :( i can't believe people actually freaked out over that movie, seriously, they NEED a life...or death, wahtever. :rolleyes:


Me and S1DC rented 'Max Payne' for xbox and beat it in under 24 hours. That is a pretty awesome game, but was way too short and the last level was a near-remake of Syphon Filter 2's last level.


now for the other stuff....


we dloaded some stuff that was banned from tv.......like a guy carrying a box of pizza across the road and looking one direction and not the other before crossing....i couldn't stop laughing, in fact i still am.


another had people crossing a railroad track.....you'd think they'd look, the one person does, the other doesn't until it's too late and he's rolling down the track, i think he survived it...


another one was a kickboxing match and guy A kicked guy B in the leg, and the bottom half of the guy's leg broke and it was i half, and he like stood on it. ow ow ow ow ow!!!! i laughed pretty hard when i saw that and almost puked.


in another there's this alligator wrestler idiot putting his head in the gator's mouth and the guy in the background says 'and the gator's mouth is open! AND THE HEAD IS IN!' and then the gator bites down and people are screaming and freaking out! (the guy didn't get killed i think)

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Originally posted by Rogue15

in another there's this alligator wrestler idiot putting his head in the gator's mouth and the guy in the background says 'and the gator's mouth is open! AND THE HEAD IS IN!' and then the gator bites down and people are screaming and freaking out! (the guy didn't get killed i think)



What in hell was this guy thinking? My thoughts..."is this something I really need to do?"


What an idoit...

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

*wonders what other stuff Fifteen downloaded that he shouldn't have*


yeah....S1DC's fault, he dloaded this news reporter suicide...in black and white, it didn't look 'real' enough so today he dloaded the color version, i nearly threw up. that was so disturbing. :(

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nope, but play it w/cheats after we beat it hehehe kinda boring though since we're to the point where we know everything that happens and what to do....


I got turok evolution today, and i'm having alot of explosive fun. i don't see why the game is so damn bad though, of course anything is bad when compared with something else...*cough*halo :rolleyes:*cough* this one level me and my best friend couldn't get past in the ps2 version, i was actually surprised that i beat it on my first try (i was EXTRA cautious and almost died so many times), it was such a great feeling...


the only thing that i can find that people may HATE about the game is the lack of save points, so when u die on a huge level that you've beat say, 3/4 of it, well it sends you back to the beginning...S1DC just hates that, while i just get a little frustrated and say 'yay, i get to kill these dudes again!' :cool:


it gets much better after getting the automatic shotgun...

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