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The Two Towers: The Review

Boba Rhett

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from what i'm hearing, i'm gonna love it and hate it. i'm gonna love it for all the obvious reasons, but i'm gonna hate it b/c they changed it up so much. i hate it in books-turned-to-movies when they change things that could have been left the same and made the movie better, and not taken up any more time. example: the faramir thing. they could've changed his lines and made it so that he stood strong and didn't try to take the ring, but no. the writers have to try and make it "better". as if a book that's been a bestseller for years isn't good enough. corect me if i'm wrong a/b the faramir thing, i still haven't seen it. i din't get to go yesterday like i thought i would, and won't be going until tomorrow. artoo's seeing it as i type this. i wanna see it!!

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Originally posted by Jatt13

from what i'm hearing, i'm gonna love it and hate it. i'm gonna love it for all the obvious reasons, but i'm gonna hate it b/c they changed it up so much. i hate it in books-turned-to-movies when they change things that could have been left the same and made the movie better, and not taken up any more time. example: the faramir thing. they could've changed his lines and made it so that he stood strong and didn't try to take the ring, but no. the writers have to try and make it "better". as if a book that's been a bestseller for years isn't good enough. corect me if i'm wrong a/b the faramir thing, i still haven't seen it. i din't get to go yesterday like i thought i would, and won't be going until tomorrow. artoo's seeing it as i type this. i wanna see it!!

My sentiments exactly. However I'd say that all in all TTT is much closer to the book than FOTR was... The only big (and useless) changes were Faramir, the Arwen scenes, and Aragorn falling in the water.
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I wrote this whole long winded review over at JKII.net and I'm too lazy to go get it, so I'll just add some more things to what has already been said.


Along with them changing Faramir around (I don't care what you say about increasing the drama and making the story better, your literary license only allows you to change or deviate from the original story so much), they also had Éomer leading the Rohirrim to the North and he only shows up once or twice before the big Helm's Deep battle when in the book, he is fighting with Aragorn at Helm's Deep. Gandalf doesn't go get him, he returns right after Theoden banishes Grima. There goes his character development down the drain.


I wanted to yell and scream when they killed Haldir. Sure, it was cool when he showed up with legions of archers to assist Rohan, but they had him killed? That's not right at all. Haldir probably goes off to Valinor and has a happy eternal life. Ugh.


So what if Peter Jackson said that TTT was the movie that deviated the most from the original novel? You do not go about killing characters that are not supposed to die and screwing Éomer out of his character development. Not to mention Faramir and the whole dumb Arwen thing.

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Aw, lay off Rogue, it's still a great movie (I just saw it). I think that TTT is better than any Star Wars movie, shoot I think its better than any movie period, despite how they deviated from the book.


TTT was Damn ******* cool, it's a must watch. I give it full marks!!!I only wish that they would make an LotR RTS game, that would be fun!!!


Actually there is gonna be a LotR RTS game made, I'll get a link about it. It's called, "The War of the Ring".

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Well, i just came back from seeing it, and i absolutely LOVED it :D


I agree with those above who said faramir's character was butchered. Indeed!! It made him seem BAD!


Anyway, my favorite part (obviously) was the helms deep part. And whenever Gandalf brings out "the light" i can do nothing but smile...smile widely...dunno why, but it just happens :o


THe only thing that really pissed me off was not with the movie, but with the most gracious audience i had to watch it with.



Whenever legolas did something cool - like shoot the rope holding the ladder up..or the skateboard stunt, or anything like shake his hair or when the camera did a close up of him



i'd hear nasty shrieks and clapping from the crowd...and all i can say is "why?" :confused:


oh well...each man his own....


this was a good movie...good...good....yesssss, we likesss it...we likes it very much...


Gollum's "split personality" really freaked me out :p

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saw it yesterday and i even recieved a gandalf poster :D


trully an amazing movie. they did a very good job with it which made me sit on the edge of my seat all the time. the chance is big im goin to see this 1 again. ;)


ps. young david, check ur pm ;)

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I saw it last night, and i was really dissapointed. i was hoping for a great movie and i didn't think it delivered. Sure, it was good, but it wasn't great. I can't quite put my finger on why, either. It just didn't feel very exciting or even dramatic, and at times it was too humorous in places i thought should have been more serious. I've never read the book so i wouldn't even know how they changed it much less care. It just wasn't that incredible, IMO. It may have had something to do with me seeing it at 10:30-1:30....




Please don't argue with me, i probably won't even read this anymore, just stating an opinion.

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Well, I've seen it, I echo sentiments of the above except on the Gimli part.


The Gimli humor, I thought was well-timed and very appropriate, for if he hadn't lightened it that bit that he did, the movie would have been overwhelmingly intense and dark, which wouldn't have been a good thing.


Me like the Gimli humor, otherwise the movie would have been to serious for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by ckcsaber

Yeah there were bad points. For me it was Gimli. Dont get me wron he was great. But for instance

when he got stuck underneath that beast

and wasn't really doing anything except making the audience laugh (which is not nessecarily a bad thing) I kinda got annoyed. Gimli is a WARRIOR. he doesnt get into those stupid situations while Aragorn and Legolas are out kicking ass. He did make up for it at Helms Deep though.



C'mon, that is the same as what was going on in the book, he was proving his incompetence in riding a horse. Although there was more evidence in the book to show that Gimli just loved being on his feet... It depends on how you look at it, obviously PJ saw the lighter side of Gimli's lack of riding ability....


I have to see it again, I thought there was still plenty to go, having read the book, when the credits rolled.....

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