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The Two Towers: The Review

Boba Rhett

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I get to see it in 3 hours. Then I can finally contribute to these talks. I get to see it with my 7 other friends! YEAH!


In the whole Arthonian thing Galahad (sp) was a pure and chaste man and he was uncorruptable by any means. It was he and not Lancelot that was supposed to watch Guienevere and have her remain totally virtuous with her love for Arthur. I am so sorry about the spelling of names. Been forever since I picked up a book about them. Anyways, if Galahad can be uncorruptable then why couldn't Faramir. He always to me represented the absolute best in men. Why is it so hard that there would be a man out there that could withstand all temptation (or at least A LOT)?


Just some off the wall thoughts and I think it is Galahad that I am thinking about.



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i thought that was enough but ill add some more comment:

i went to see it today and i was lucky to get a big gandalf poster. we went the the room and then i became silent, very silent. i was on the edge off my seat the whole time, as this movie is AWESOME!!!! its in fact a bit different to the book, but i dont mind it that much.



*takes out his bow and glides down the stairs trying to shoot anything*

*smacks against the wall*

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the move itself


-great cgi/digital enhancement..love the sence when Gandalf was going after the Balrog. he was more of Gandalf the Bad@##

-great actions sences, loved the battle of Helms Deep. oh and when legolas flies down the steps on the shield shooting arrows and then lands the shield in one of the orcs chest.

-humor, god Gimli was funny it this"toss me over Aragorn, oh, and dont tell the elf"



- cant say many. havent read the book(just started it) all that i didn't like is how the first chapter of TT was basically the last part of FoTR


Seeing the movie with the school.




-no schoolwork



-god i hated my class that day. all the girls where either talking or drooling over Legolas or Aragorn

-my friend two seats back(hyperactive) kept making rude noices.



thats all i got to say. i saw it just today. me and my LOTR fan best friend where both in our seats going"Hell yeah" and "this is bad@##"

cant wait for the third instalment.

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it's been a while since i posted but anyways:OMG, THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!! Orlando Bloom should win the stunts award with the amazing ability to get up a horse quickly from down low and shooting the uruk-hais on that shield :)


Yeah, i needed to go to the washroom badly but i didn't want to miss any footage but i went and missed the part when treebeard planned to attack Isengard.:( anyways....... this movie is great and i recommend it to everyone:cool:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I went to see it again last night. It just keeps getting beter and better. :)


Oh, and I also messed up with Merry and Pip. It was Pippin who convinced Treebeard to fight.

ur wrong man, it was merry who persuade Treebeard to fight. Pippin has a boyish type face and pippin has the man type face. You were right before but u just got it wrong now

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Originally posted by git_sum_stuka

ur wrong man, it was merry who persuade Treebeard to fight. Pippin has a boyish type face and pippin has the man type face. You were right before but u just got it wrong now




didnt your post above this one say that you missed that part?

if so, how would you know?

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HOLY ******* ****!



Heh heh, my sentiments exactly. Simply stated, this movie not only blows the socks off of AotC, which I thought was kick ass in the first place, but it even goes as far as blowing away the first LotR movie, which is a feat in and of itself since Fellowship of the Ring was MOST EXCELLENT. Oh, and Golum, man he was SO REAL! When he went schizo, my best friend looked like she was going to cry (heh, yeah, I went with a date :D to see the movie on its opening night, and yeah, I know, I'm a lucky SOB for that as well heh heh) b/c even though he was CG, the face looked SO REAL!


And the battle for helms deep . . . WHOAH!!!!! Definately one of the best sequences/parts of this all round kick ass movie! Since its been over 10 years since I read the books (well, had them read to me since when I 'read' the books, I was only in 1st grade and learning how to read), I had forgotten what had happened, and didn't know how the battle was going to end. I kept guessing that the humans would completely lose since it was 300 humans (well, 500 humans/elves in the end right before the battle began) vs. 10,000 Uruk Hai, but WHOA!! They actually WON!!!! Thats more Corellian than even Han Solo could be (ok, I don't care if that was cornball, I'm sticking with it :p)!




This has got to be THE movie of the year, hands down! :D

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yes you should see the Fellowship before seeing Two Towers, as PJ does not provide any summary into what happened in the previous movie, and just starts off with a roll. Two Towers can get confusing and overwhelming if you didn't see Fellowship.


OT: Can anyone translate my sig into English? Also, what language is it in? :D

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The movie felt like a war documentary on Discovery Channel. In all seriousness. We get to know what leads up to the battle and what happens to the main characters who are tasked with destroying the ring. Big surprise.


But it is all too easy to distinguish between good and evil in this movie. Even Gollum/Sméagol - he's obviously good, only corrupted by the ring.


The characters are epic, bombastic.... but sadly not very deep. Aragorn would look heroic playing railroad tycoon in my room, but throughout the movie, he felt as two-dimensional as Kyle Katarn. He's good. He can't fail.


For sheer epic quality and quantity, it can't be beaten. But when the movie is over, it doesn't feel like a very eye-opening movie, or one that makes you sit back and try to decipher its deeper meaning. Huge, but slightly hollow.


Now, for things I didn't like:


They could have shown more of the Uruk-Hai's evil. They're described as being relentless, hating humans with a passion and scarily unstoppable. Make them throw themselves at the riders when they're getting trampled, instead of dodging neatly out fo the way. Make them feast on the human remains. Make them kill in the most suitably grotesque fashion. I heard Jackson is going to add some more gory scenes, but they could still have made them more evil without using bloody special effects. Think Saving pvt Ryan-realism.


The scene with Legolas surfing on a shield was pure cheese. Don't ever do that again.


Using Gimli as comic relief is fine, but make him say something important as well. And make him do something equally cool in fights as Legolas.


They cannot make the film truly moving without making us invest something emotionally in the characters. All we see is them running, fighting, and running some more. Generalization yes, but there's a lack of deep conversations. Throughout the movie, I didn't feel attached to the characters, didn't care whether they won or lost - and was in fact, cheering on the Uruk-Hai when the humans resorted to cheap, unrealistic cavalry tactics.


The music is good, but repetetive. Mix it up a little, and do some really scary tracks to accomodate Mordor and its evil.


Now, for the good things:


You can't put a single bad word on the special effects. Astonishing.


Very good, creative use of epic backgrounds. Amazing.


Good flow in the movie, it didn't feel like grinding to a halt, nor blazing through important events at any time.


Very spectacular use of mixing costumes on the baddies. The samurai helmets on the Mordorian soldiers at the black gate were nice.


Nice to see they haven't forgot to add a bit of Elvish language :thumbsup:


Overall, I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. 5 out of 5 if you're a sucker for special effects epics like me. Still very good entertainment none the less.

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I have to disagree, the characters ARE deep. I did feel that aragorn could fail, but I knew he wouldn't b/c I happen to know that he is also in Return of the King. The reason you feel they are two dimensional is that you already know about whether they will die or not, or whether they will succeed or not. Also, good and evil is not always so obvious. What about the men from Gondor? Where they good? They were fighting the forces of Mordor weren't they? So they must be good. Not always so. They also wanted the One Ring, and brutalized poor smeagle, and basically kidnapped Frodo and Samwise. So they must be evil. Not so. They are a mix, and much of what makes up middle earth, those who are neither pure good or pure evil, just human, dwarf, elf, hobbit, ent, etc. They are caught between two opposing powers. One is the obvious and powerful evil forces of Mordor, and the other is the quiet, invisible, but no less potent forces of good. I felt that the characters were extremely well done, and did the book justice indeed. Now, I am a harsh critic of movies, but I could NOT find much wrong with this film. IMO, it deserves nothing less than 10 stars out of 5! It is a must see!

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Originally posted by Sir Brass

The reason you feel they are two dimensional is that you already know about whether they will die or not, or whether they will succeed or not.


I haven't read the books yet, though it shall be known I have tried many times. Tolkien's writing skill is hideous.


What about the men from Gondor?


The men from Gondor are pure good, just like it was revealed in the end of the movie. They were lured by the power of the ring, like Boromir, but in the end, they're just skin-deep good people.


I felt that the characters were extremely well done, and did the book justice indeed.


The problem is, the movie's characters aren't very deep, because Tolkien's characters weren't very deep. Jackson can't really change that, no matter what he does. Yes, they did the book justice in that sense.

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