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If you run backwards will you gain weight?


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heh, this is just a funny thread for the swamp, to make some people laugh...:) just post some weird questions or oxymorons that you kno, ill list some more....i think there great.


If you try to fail and succeed, what have

you done?


What's the speed of dark?


If Barbie is so popular, why do you need to

buy her friends?


What happens when you get scared

half-to-death twice?


Are you telling the truth when you lie in



If your vacuum cleaner really sucks, is it a

bad thing?


Why does X stand for a kiss?


Why does O stand for a hug?


Why is the alphabet in that order?


When cheese gets its picture taken what

does it say?


hah thats just a couple ive heard, ive got some more but i want to hear some of yours guys...


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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas

If you try to fail and succeed, what have

you done?


What's the speed of dark?


If Barbie is so popular, why do you need to

buy her friends?


What happens when you get scared

half-to-death twice?


Are you telling the truth when you lie in



If your vacuum cleaner really sucks, is it a

bad thing?


Why does X stand for a kiss?


Why does O stand for a hug?


Why is the alphabet in that order?


When cheese gets its picture taken what

does it say?


I got some weird answers for these hehe.


1. You got unlucky.


2. Dark has no speed... Light travels through dark. Light = cars. Dark= highway.


3. So the companies can make money. :D


4. Depends on how far apart these occur. If they happen one after another then you would die. :D But if they occur a month apart then you will have recovered.


5. Your not talking so yes you are telling the truth. :)


6.If this means what I think it does... we're both perverted. :D :D


7./8. I don't understand why anyone would care because it is a show of affection for someone. :)


9.Cheese? :confused:


:D :D :D

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If scientist build a supersonic train, will they bother to give it a whistle?


Can atheists get act-of-God insurance?


If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?


When lightning strikes the ocean why don't all the fish die?


If eating your dessert before your dinner will spoil your appettite for dinner, won't eating dinner before your dessert spoil your appettite for dessert?


What would happen if everyone on Earth flushed their toilet at the same time?


If people with one arm get a manicure, do they only pay half price?


If the weather man says "there's a 50% chance of rain," does that mean he has absolutely no idea if it will rain or not?


If you drink Pepsi in a Coca Cola factory, will you be thrown out?


If cupid is so good at matchmaking, does he have a girlfriend?


Is an alchoholic just a drunk who's afraid of a hangover?


Why is there Canadian bacon on Hawaiian pizza?


If a table is propped UP, can it be propped DOWN?


If you can test drive cars at the dealership, shouldn't you be able to test drive lawnmowers at the hardware store?


Since the United States says "United we stand," does that offend legless people?


Are you able to fart in heaven?


Don't you find it weird that we teach our kids a song that goes: Scrub a dub dub, three men in a tub?


If your name is Will and you're in the army, do you get worried when everyone is told to "fire at will?"


Why do years of bad luck always come in increments of 7 when 7 is a lucky number?


Go ahead! I dare you to answer those!

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Originally posted by Squater

This is off-topic I know and forgive me but what has happened to vegiettos rank and post count??

....ya ive been wonderin that to, i wasnt on all day saturday cuz i was busy, and when i got back he was back down to zero and had no posts, lol. i mean hey, theres nothin wrong with that but...i was wonderin what happened to em. he was all spam so i thought he had it comin to em.

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Originally posted by Elessar-Eärfalas

....ya ive been wonderin that to, i wasnt on all day saturday cuz i was busy, and when i got back he was back down to zero and had no posts, lol. i mean hey, theres nothin wrong with that but...i was wonderin what happened to em. he was all spam so i thought he had it comin to em.


Maybe (hopefully) the mods took away his rank and post count so when he spams it wont raise his post count so he wont spam so much. *Sigh* I hope so...;)

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OMG, this has got to be one of the more interesting posts i have read in a long time.. hahaha..


I really enjoy this one. I am actually cracking up while readin those cause they are sooo true. I mean there has to be scientific/logical answers for all of them, but it is funny.. one thing I always wondered..


Where do animals get there names? I mean, did some guy just name then when he saw them and they took? like for instance..


Lion =They are always "Lion" around



comon.. anyone got a "funny" reason for an animal name? :D


Now i know there are scientific names, but we will not get into that cause it has been close to a decade since High School Biology.

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if pro is the opposite of con, does that mean congress is the opposite of progress?


how do we know that all those trickortreaters in sheets arent ghosts, but beds?


if u spin a japanese man around 3 times, does he become disoriented?


if a man is alone in a forest and there are no women around, is he still wrong?


does the little mermaid wear an algebra?

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Why is it called the rush hour when it is dominated by slow moving traffic jams?


How come the catburgler never steal cats?


Why do people refer to the "birds and the bees" when they have no idea how their mechanics and is obviously so much different to human... especially considering some wasps devour their mate?


When someone says, "I'm lying right now", what does he/she means?


Why is our planet "earth" when it's covered with water?


Can we dream of dreaming?


How many people is acyually called John Smith?


What's a donkey's bum called?

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Originally posted by MydnightPsion

if pro is the opposite of con, does that mean congress is the opposite of progress?


how do we know that all those trickortreaters in sheets arent ghosts, but beds?


if u spin a japanese man around 3 times, does he become disoriented?


if a man is alone in a forest and there are no women around, is he still wrong?


does the little mermaid wear an algebra?


1. Yes.


2. Because beds are cubes.


3. Maybe not 3 times, but spin him around enough times, and he becomes disoriented.


4. Probably


6. No, they are two scallop shells strung together.


Originally posted by thehomicidalegg

Why is it called the rush hour when it is dominated by slow moving traffic jams?


How come the catburgler never steal cats?


Why do people refer to the "birds and the bees" when they have no idea how their mechanics and is obviously so much different to human... especially considering some wasps devour their mate?


When someone says, "I'm lying right now", what does he/she means?


Why is our planet "earth" when it's covered with water?


Can we dream of dreaming?


How many people is acyually called John Smith?


What's a donkey's bum called?


1. Because everybody is in a rush to get out of work and go wherever they are going, and because most people leave work around the same time, the highways become congested.


2. Because housecats are not particularly valuable.


3. This is an attempt to compare eggs and sperm. Birds lay eggs, and bees are small, quick, pointy, and come in swarms (somewhat like sperm). As for the wasps that devour their mates... that's just an unfortunate detail.


4. They are lying about lying, which means they are telling the truth.


5. That is just what our planet is called. The word earth being synonomous with ground came afterwards.


6. Probably. It would be pretty confusing though.


7. There probably aren't very many, considering the name is now considered the pinnacle of generic-ness, and people prefer to name their children something more creative.


8. A donkey's bum. Duh. :p

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