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Life on other planets?

Dagobahn Eagle

Do you believe in Extra-Terrestrials  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe in Extra-Terrestrials

    • Yes, and most likely they have visited Earth.
    • Yes, I think they exist, but I don\'t think they\'ve been on Earth.
    • Except from my girl/boyfriend.. nah.

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Okay, time for a new debate :). This one's less controversial, though.


Do you believe there is another planet with life on it? And if so, do you think the inhabitants of those planets have visited our planet?


Personally, I'm more of a religious guy, so I'll just say that the Gods created this planet for us to live on, then as we live here they judge us to figure out if we deserve to be sent to a better place or not when we die, such as Nirvana or Paradise. So I don't see why the Gods would create more than one planet.. this one has more than enough beings (for souls to live in) in my opinion.


Okay, you can disagree with that, I guess most will, I won't be offended :). Do you think there's life "out there"?

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I agree with those who posted before me. Personally, either religiously or not, i don't think there exists life beyond earth. That wasn't meant to be a self-centered conclusion, but it's just something i believe in...


But then, that makes crop circles, easter island, stonehenge and all those "weird" monuments all the more interesting....not that i mean aliens came and built them, but just why?

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

So I don't see why the Gods would create more than one planet..

But even if there is a God, we do know that there are a bajillions of other planets in the universe, many of them having the right climate to let life grow.


You asked if we think that there is life on other planets. There is - microscopic unicellular beings have been discovered on Mars, no? And what about those thousands of other planets that have a similar climate to Earth? I'll be damned if there isn't one plant growing on one of them!

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I do think that there is life on other planets. There are so many galaxies with many planets. There has to be some sort of life out there. As for intelligient life that is more tougher. I think that there is out there but that they might not be as advanced. They may be like us but very far away so that's why we haven't contacted each other.


As for aliens that have visited earth I am not sure. There is a lot of evidence as to strange beings visiting us but how do we know that they are from a distant planet. They might be time travelers that have come to visit us and that are very advanced. They might even be us but evolved. They also may be from a diffrent dimension or parrael. So many theory's so little time and evidence.



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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Personally, I'm more of a religious guy, so I'll just say that the Gods created this planet for us to live on, then as we live here they judge us to figure out if we deserve to be sent to a better place or not when we die, such as Nirvana or Paradise. So I don't see why the Gods would create more than one planet.. this one has more than enough beings (for souls to live in) in my opinion.


kinda like the theory the Earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it...


I do believe there is intelligent life out there other then on earth...there can't be JUST ONE place in the universe where conditions are right for intelligent beings. Now they might not have visited because like I said it is a big universe...and they may not even be more advanced than us...I don't care. But I do think they are out there.

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