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Galaxies on april 15th ? damn...

Com Raven

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I know, I saw Wraith 8 and he's got a shot of the box for his avy and the release date as his title.


I won't have any money because that is the day that we are supposed to have filed our tax forms here in the US. :(


I'll check it out.......but obviously, Knights is #1




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Yeah Flanders, once I found that out about the game, it sure calmed my enthusiasm for the game....


Welcome to Starwarsknights.com btw! :D I don't think I remember you posting here before.....so enjoy.....take a look around the site as well. :D

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

Yeah Flanders, once I found that out about the game, it sure calmed my enthusiasm for the game....


Welcome to Starwarsknights.com btw! :D I don't think I remember you posting here before.....so enjoy.....take a look around the site as well. :D


I have the PC Gamer article on SWG(the cool one with Boba FEtt on the cover:D).

They don't want people to be Jedi in the game so bad that they are not only making it difficult to become one but there are a lot of draw backs to it as well.

Now I'm a Star Wars fan, but if I'm going to be RPGing Star Wars I want to be a Jedi. To me it's not fair that I will have to spend more time(therefore money) on this game to advance than someone who is becoming a Bounty Hunter.


I realize the game is set in a time where this is the case(I'm not putting that down). I think the way they being a Jedi in this game fits perfectly and that they implemented the system well.

But I refuse to spend all that time creating a character and then having 3 times the hassle that somebody else playing the game has.

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I have heard that it will be difficult to become a jedi.....I feel like you Hannibal, if I'm gonna play a star wars rpg, I have to be a jedi, not for just a short time, but for quite a while. Not to slam on the game because I've obviously not played it.....I am looking forward to checking it out. :)



Originally posted by Com Raven

it's just a fact that such a game cannot be run without a monthly fee...



Oh of course.....I wouldn't think there would be any other way to run a game like this one.

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well, might sound controversial, but that's the way I am: I give no damn about being a jedi...


In fact, I am quite happy about that move...


I was already bored when in the novels, one by one, more and more "last jedi" appeared...


I mean what makes Luke so special ?


that he's supposed to be the last one of them!

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Oh of course.....I wouldn't think there would be any other way to run a game like this one.


Donations? :D


well, might sound controversial, but that's the way I am: I give no damn about being a jedi...


In fact, I am quite happy about that move...


Definitely agreed with Raven here. If I'm playing Star Wars during the galactic civil war, I don't want to see a bunch of 133t j3D1s running around. It doesn't fit in with continuity.


I think that in a few years time LEC will anounce the development of an MMORPG set in the time that KOTOR is in or around there. Then people can satisfy their sith/jedi urge.


However, wanting to be a jedi might be centered around people wanting to have the single player experience of being the center of attention. This apperently is an idea that people should get out of their heads when playing an MMORPG.


Hope you all have a good 2003 folks. :)

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

Yeah Flanders, once I found that out about the game, it sure calmed my enthusiasm for the game....


Welcome to Starwarsknights.com btw! :D I don't think I remember you posting here before.....so enjoy.....take a look around the site as well. :D



Thanks, I read about Galaxies in my book and I was thinking, "This is too good to be true"


Then I read on a little more and it said "monthly fee", then I just thought, ] "I aint getting this!"




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Ki Mundi,


What I got out of reading that article is that people hate Everquest and its developers yet are still willing to pay $12.95 to play it each month.


If people aren't happy, then they shouldn't keep playing.


I realize the author is using the addictive stance, but how can you be addicted to something that you hate? It's just a computer game, if people don't want to play it they don't have to.


These situations are ‘lovingly’ referred to by the players as timesinks; gameplay traps intended to waste your time and keep you playing longer.


The longer you play the game, the more you're costing them in bandwidth, maintenance, server processing time etc.


Copntradicts what the author was saying about how they just try to rip money out of you.


I would say to the author to get out of the mindset of blaming other people for his/her own problems/mistakes and start taking responsibility for their own life and the choices they make.

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Originally Posted by FunClown:

If people aren't happy, then they shouldn't keep playing.

FunClown, the impression your post gives me is that you have never played an MMORPG such as EverQuest, Asheron's Call, Dark Ages of Camelot, or UO, or a game that you have to pay a monthly fee in order to participate.


As far as i can tell, the story being discussed was not meant to blame Sony for creating an addictive game, it was to blame Sony for creating a poor addiction. It seemed more aimed at convincing current addicts to realize they aren't having fun, and warn new customers away from the game, than to actually alter or condemn the behavior of Sony itself. (Of course, it did seem *very* keen on condemning Sony, but i think that was more meant to be a secondary effect of the article. Altering Sony's behavior, on the other hand, the author appears to have given up on.)
My point that I'm trying to make with giving out the link to this article is that MMORPG's rarely turn out to be what you expect unless you already have experience with Multi-Massively Online Role Playing Games. Most games don't, and everytime, it's the same way with all the previews and hypes that get thrown around. If you have never played a game like this, take into consideration the advice of people who have played them. It is just a game, but like so many other things in life, we try to make more out of them than what can be had.


The friendships, no, the relationships that are formed in these types of games are different than the friendships that you form with your friends in any other type of game. It's one of the main issues that people have with giving up their subscription to an MMORPG. I know this from first hand experience. A person of strong will, someone who can organize their time and then follow a straight path can divide their time between an MMORPG and other games and RL. But it's tough, real tough, and very few can do it.





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