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ok i made one of those....."hotel rooms"



It basically...suxs


if you pm i will invite you - if you are a good forumer.


the thing wont' let you do smileys...or at least...ab legion figured it out but he won't share his secrets...


you can't see who's in the room


you have to refresh every single time you want to Check for a new message....ack


no post counts - elimanating spam problems



you might as well use msn.


and you can cuss...or at least i said **** and it let me.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Havoc, is your old acount still not working for you? I suppose I'll just move all your info over to your new account and change your name and maybe throw in a few points for all the trouble if I can't get your old one working. ;)


Thanks Rhett, but my old account is working again.


Of course, if you still want to throw a few points my way for all the trouble, I'm not opposed to that. ;)


On topic, after the last couple days, I think this system may indeed work, with constant tweaking to keep ahead of those who would pervert the system.

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Originally posted by STTCT

i wonder if we can make returns at the store...this glowy name is ugly.




voice of cartman "that just piiiiiisssses me off man"



*Laughs hysterically pointing at STTCT's "Glowing Name"*


You paid how much for THAT?!


*Laughs some more*


Okay, sorry.... I just couldn't... help... myself...


*Falls on floor and rolls around laughing*




*Tries to Catch breath*


I'm sorry I laughed. All I can say is....



Sucks to be you! :D





I'm just kidding STTCT. You could ask Rhett to give you the points back and take off your "glowy name".



haha...mwahaha... Glowy name... bwahahaha, What a bunch of crock! :p

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