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childish admins


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Originally posted by Darth Maniac

Regarding Vulcanus - Does anyone know if/when a new version will be released?


Its a great mod - But there are a number of tweaks that would be cool.


As of now, the mod is one of the worst things to ever happen to jko. I, and many others, absolutely despise it. If 'they' do release another, I hope to GOD that it's completely different from the moron-friendly lame bs that's out there now.

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Originally posted by OnlyOneCanoli

I'm going to edit the flames in this thread and allow discussion to continue. Break and FallenOne, do it again, and you will be banned. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. :)


Edit: Flanders, you too.


Oh c'mon, the /cry was funny :D .

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Oh c'mon, the /cry was funny :D .




And the general comment for this thread = you don't like admins, go to another server. People who bitch about admins waste their time because a) the admins that did it don't give a ****, and b) you lose 10 minutes of your life by actually debating the thing.



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Originally posted by BlackDove



And the general comment for this thread = you don't like admins, go to another server. People who bitch about admins waste their time because a) the admins that did it don't give a ****, and b) you lose 10 minutes of your life by actually debating the thing.




No, I don't like idiot admins. I'm an admin and don't kick ppl for bs reasons. I'm sorry, but owning a server is no reason to be kicked from it.

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Originally posted by Darth Maniac

Regarding Vulcanus - Does anyone know if/when a new version will be released?


Its a great mod - But there are a number of tweaks that would be cool.

The Vulcanus coder is tutoring me in his free time, I am trying to get him to do 2 things with the new release of Vulcanus.

#1) Make some anti-cheat software that disallows the use of the reconnect cheat that people like :Xr:Ronin are known for.

#2) Making the death messages say the remaining health points. Like when it says "so&so was sabered by so&so" it will say "so&so was sabered by so&so with whatever health left".

These 2 are just a couple of my ideas & I plan on implementing them in my own mods. I'm also trying to do a multi-duel mode among many other mods.


Anyways, the Vulcanus coder is spends most of his time working & the only real free time he has is on the weekends. I am trying to get him to implement this into Vulcanus this weekend, but we'll see what happens. He's a really nice guy & if you start a thread on some new ideas for Vulcanus I'm sure he'll take a look at it, but again, he spends most of his time working so I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Originally posted by Break_dF

As of now, the mod is one of the worst things to ever happen to jko. I, and many others, absolutely despise it. If 'they' do release another, I hope to GOD that it's completely different from the moron-friendly lame bs that's out there now.

Really? I wasn't aware the #1 mod in Jedi Outcast was the "worst things to ever happen to jko". Find that hard to believe? Let's look at the numbers, shall we? Here's the numbers from 5 minutes ago via the GameSpy master server.

584 servers total.

277 of these servers do not use mods of any kind.

184 of these servers are using the Vulcanus Admin mod.

44 of these servers are using JediPlus/OmniMod.

9 of these servers are using ProMod.

The remaining 70 servers are using misc. mods or using these other mods but in the wrong folder.


Originally posted by Marker0077

Anyways, I recommend you guys find some servers that you like & get to know the admins, that way you won't have to worry about getting lamed like that.

As for these people that are laming others, let them think they're hot stuff by owning people that just bought the game.

If there are any real players out there that like to duel, come to a DarkSide server & show us what you got. If anyone wants to checkout the DarkSide servers statistics, you can do so at http://www.DarkStats.com. Cheers & happy new years everyone.

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I don't agree with Break on Vulcanus being the worst thing that happened to JO.


1.03 was the worst :D


Anyways, I stay clear of Vulcanus-modded servers. Here's why:


They're usually Clan-servers. This means that the All Weapons Full Force Free For All is (in reality) a huge duel-map where you MAY NOT


a) use ANY weapons (that's dishonorable)


b) use any force powers except jump.


c) attack anyone unless they have accepted your challenge and you enter the duel-mode. In duel mode you must chat about this 'n that for a while before starting to fight. (Otherwise you're being rude and get punished by the All-Powerfull)

Kicking is dishonorable, and labels the kicker as a "LAMER, LAMMER, LEIMERI" or whatever depending on the nationality of the admin.


Multiple duels --> my game becomes choppy when people duel. In Vulcanus there can be (and usually is) multiple duels going on simultaneously. My comp can't deal with that.


The admin --> normally a 12-year-old brat who is just waiting for excuses to use his powers. (You must lose every time the admin attacks you or challenges you to a duel. Winning means that you will be kicked sooner or later.)


Vulcanus admin mod? .............nope, don't like it. :mad:

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Ack! I was blinded by a sudden urge to make a point and thus ended up accidentially insulting the Global Community of 12-year-olds! (GC12)


I'm truly sorry. I hope GC12 will find it in their hearts to forgive me. :D



Ps. All that [edit]-stuff..hahahaha! :D


Break: [edit]

Flanders: [edit]

Fallenone: [edit]

Break: [edit]

Fallenone: [edit]



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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Break: [edit]

Flanders: [edit]

Fallenone: [edit]

Break: [edit]

Fallenone: [edit]


That wasnt funny at all.



Back on topic!


The vulcanus admin mod is very good, but needs a little big-fix here and there, like the /amsit and /amcrossarms, they made you invincable exept for kicks.


Some people who have just got the game try and kill a lamer and then he used amsit, and the other person is standing there slashing and hitting nothing, which is not very funny for the new guys! :)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Ack! I was blinded by a sudden urge to make a point and thus ended up accidentially insulting the Global Community of 12-year-olds! (GC12)


I'm truly sorry. I hope GC12 will find it in their hearts to forgive me. :D



Ps. All that [edit]-stuff..hahahaha! :D


Break: [edit]

Flanders: [edit]

Fallenone: [edit]

Break: [edit]

Fallenone: [edit]







But remember.


The GC12 are always watching you.Always.



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Originally posted by Luc Solar

They're usually Clan-servers. This means that the All Weapons Full Force Free For All is (in reality) a huge duel-map where you MAY NOT


a) use ANY weapons (that's dishonorable)


On our "clan" (although it's not really a clan...) server, we have a specific area designated for guns. That's to allow people who want to play the game only for the sabers a chance to do so. It also allows people who want to use the guns too a chance. Are you sure that's not the case on all of these ever so horrible servers?


-edit- And a second thing. I can barely stand to play duel mode. Why? Because you sit in line for 30 minutes to play for 3 minutes. Whoopty-freaking-do. Doing a FFA but setting a rule so that people only duel makes the dueling that much more enjoyable. You can duel who you want and when you want.

Originally posted by Luc Solar

They're usually Clan-servers. This means that the All Weapons Full Force Free For All is (in reality) a huge duel-map where you MAY NOT


b) use any force powers except jump.


If that's the case, I'd think they'd disable it. If you just walk up to people and zap them with lightning on a FFA server that isn't exactly a FFA server, that will earn you a kick, it doesn't mean force is not allowed. Again, on my "clan" server, you don't just START a FFA or a full force duel, you make sure all parties want to participate... I hand out a warning on the first offence on that server, the second offence is a kick, no questions asked.


Originally posted by Luc Solar

They're usually Clan-servers. This means that the All Weapons Full Force Free For All is (in reality) a huge duel-map where you MAY NOT


c) attack anyone unless they have accepted your challenge and you enter the duel-mode. In duel mode you must chat about this 'n that for a while before starting to fight. (Otherwise you're being rude and get punished by the All-Powerfull)

Kicking is dishonorable, and labels the kicker as a "LAMER, LAMMER, LEIMERI" or whatever depending on the nationality of the admin.


Somehow, I sense this is an extreme exageration on your part. If all the servers you play on do this, you must have played on about 3 total JK2 servers in your JK2 carrer.


Originally posted by Luc Solar

Multiple duels --> my game becomes choppy when people duel. In Vulcanus there can be (and usually is) multiple duels going on simultaneously. My comp can't deal with that.


That's not the admins fault. That's your fault. And it's no where near a reason or excuse to denouce them.


Originally posted by Luc Solar

The admin --> normally a 12-year-old brat who is just waiting for excuses to use his powers. (You must lose every time the admin attacks you or challenges you to a duel. Winning means that you will be kicked sooner or later.)


I won't even comment on the 12 year old part. But maybe it seems like they're just waiting to use their powers because they're doing their job and are doing it well. They kick out the actual lamers. Meanwhile, you don't know the whole story. You wouldn't believe how many people I've seen screw off on our server, I give them AT LEAST 2 warnings, then I kick them. I go to our website to found out that they've left a nasty comment on it and that they've reported me for admin abuse.


That's another thing you may not see. We have a system for reporting admin abuse. If you never go to the cooresponding website, you'll probably never find out about this kind of stuff. Don't blame the admins because of your own ignorance to the rules.


In most cases, the server is sabers only. If it's not and you get kicked for using guns, there may be a specfic schedule for the server. Again, that falls into the catigory of you blaming the admin for your own ignorance to the rules.


And if you get kicked because you win. Take it as a compliment and move to the next server as opposed to complaning about it.

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Yes, Datheus, I was obviously exaggerating just like you did by saying:

you sit in line for 30 minutes to play for 3 minutes. Whoopty-freaking-do.


I simply tried to make a point and stated the reasons why *I* generally don't enjoy playing on Vulcanus-modded servers.


I did not bash the MOD, but the PEOPLE who play it, so no need to take it personally.. umm...no wait... uh...just forget that part, 'kay? :D


Anyways; not all people like to play the same way.

I don't find it enjoyable to walk around looking all Jedi 'n stuff in a virtual enviroment.

I don't lame but I really want some action. There seems to be a lot less ACTION and a lot more immature admins and SILLY RULES in Vulcanus-modded servers.



Your server seems ok, though.

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#2) Making the death messages say the remaining health points. Like when it says "so&so was sabered by so&so" it will say "so&so was sabered by so&so with whatever health left".


No, no, and well, let me think about this. No. It is different then statsme in Counter-Strike, where you won't respawn with an M4 and DE, ready to hunt down the person that killed you because he has 1 hp left. Death messages to this context in a fast paced game such as Jedi Knight II will only provoke vulturing and furthering the causes of vendettas. So to put it straight forward: no.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Yes, Datheus, I was obviously exaggerating just like you did by saying:


It wasn't an exageration... It's happened to me on multiple occasions... It's mainly why I don't play duels. You sit there for ages to play very briefly...


Just get on Infinite Fragging or whatever those servers are... They're right at the top of the list, and there are never any admins on anyway..


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt... It's just the majority of complaints regarding admin that not only come across my "virtual desk" but that I also see here at LF and just in general on the net general come from people who are just plain too stupid to read.


But yea, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, I don't even venture onto clan servers, because I don't even want to get tangled up in clan crap... Most of them are idiots anyway...


they r da 1337 n00bs y0!!!!!!!!!! cuz i sux0r0z at da int3rw3b!!!!!!!!!

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