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666 + 1337 = 2003

Sherack Nhar

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It's all coincedence. Like Tie said, you can do that with almost any set of numbers to make it seem ominous or scary. Except that this one is nowhere near as elaborate as the WTC one.


You're just taking a mangled English word and making it look like numbers. 1337 isn't even a number of any mystical significance.


People just have too much free time.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

It's all coincedence. Like Tie said, you can do that with almost any set of numbers to make it seem ominous or scary. Except that this one is nowhere near as elaborate as the WTC one.


You're just taking a mangled English word and making it look like numbers. 1337 isn't even a number of any mystical significance.


People just have too much free time.

Ah but I disagree. "1337" has been used for years on the internet, it has become pretty significant. Not everything has to be religious-based to be significant :)
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and if you fold the dollar bill up in a multitude of ways you can see the twin towers and it says 9-11...


and what about that silly thing about some dude predicting the "fall of the two towers"



and what about that black - lady who comes up on tv telling you that she will find out if your lover is cheating on you and whether you will get promoted at your job all for the discounted price of 6.99 a min.


And that special Hollywood Diet. You can loose up to 10 pounds over night!!! All for the discounted price of $29.99


And don't forget that salesman who called me on the phone yesterday evening telling me that I'm the winner of $500,000 dollars and a digital camera....sucks we got cut off before I could claim my price.


And what about that machine message that I got that I won that free satallite system!!


And some cult over somewhere has created the first human clone! We just don't have any proof of course and the only thing they can tell us is that the grandma says the baby looks just like her mom.....



the end is near people...face it.

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I once found a two headed penny on the ground but one side had the head of Doc Brown from Back To The Future on it. Then, almost immediately, an old one eyed lady spit at me and called me a whore and the very next day my dog died. Only it wasn't a natural death. His head.... *shudder* his head had been switched with a nearby squirrel. Like it was some sort of sick game! And then, whoever or whatever had done that, took their bodies... and switched them too! They were both laying there looking liken' the same. But I knew..... I knew they had been all.... "switched up." :indif:





True story.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I once found a two headed penny on the ground but one side had the head of Doc Brown from Back To The Future on it. Then, almost immediately, an old one eyed lady spit at me and called me a whore and the very next day my dog died. Only it wasn't a natural death. His head.... *shudder* his head had been switched with a nearby squirrel. Like it was some sort of sick game! And then, whoever or whatever had done that, took their bodies... and switched them too! They were both laying there looking liken' the same. But I knew..... I knew they had been all.... "switched up." :indif:





True story.


[best Bill & Ted's Voice] :eek: Whoa...Bogus!!!![/bill & Ted's Voice]

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Okay I have to reasons against this 666+1337


1. I here by declare that I use the Chinese calander instead of the Roman for in China It is like the year 2026 I belive


2. (note posted 01-03-2003) I know the Appoclaipse can not come on January 3 2003 because in other parts of the world it is january 4 2003 already

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well, the whole sun-based timezone thing proves that this whole number-fumbling-thing is pointless, doesn't it ?

really, whatever equation you come up with, doesn't apply in as many cultures and parts of the world.

I'd stick to the general indication that Jesus will be back SOME time.

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