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bad idea

ksk h2o

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I really think joining all the forums into one editing forum was a sincerely bad idea. Now not only is this forum entirely convoluted and full of conflicting threads, but also most question threads will be buried much fatser and never receive an answer.


Don't understand why this was necessary but it sure makes searching old threads on a specific topic such as modelling, entirely obsolete.

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maybe this is a solution for the moderators or for n00b's or something else, but still it is a bad idea.

every forum has its own ehm... how am I going to say this..

"posting time difference ", here's an example : on the coding forum someone would post only once in the week, on the moddeling every day and on the general editing forum every hour.

fo now this combining thing hasn't give any probs, but in time this would cause the coding threads to dissapear much faster and soon the moddeling threads would follow.


I think it should be put back as it was before.

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You know when the search function is going to be disabled (unfortunately I believe it will happen again, at least I can't see this move helping out search times since the forums, hence the database is much larger than the individual forums were) it will be IMPOSSIBLE to go back and read through the invaluable information that was contained in the modelling thread (or the respective topic threads). It was allready hard to sift though that information before but now, once search is disabled, forget about using any of the GREAT info buried deep in the threads. Might as well delete all of it. :(

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Well, I thought I'd come back today and find things fixed, but, no, not fixed, still mush. The only thing I can think of is to read each thread and reply to it. If it is a coding thread, and you are not a coder, reply:


"I'm sorry, I'd help you, but I don't know a thing about coding."


Or, alternatively, if you are not a modeller, or skinner, reply the same on model and skinner threads.


I can only imagine that in some perverse way they did this to make us stop coming here, but I can't really see how that is.


I don't know. I haven't seen ANY announcements about this change STILL, and I'm more than annoyed.


You know, NRG Team has some forums that are separated out. I don't see how that would be a conflict to go to there, as that site is run by one of the forum moderators from here. I'll be checking over there, if anyone would prefer to ask a question over there.

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AAAAARGH... This is a MESS there are to much new threads posted every day. Everything gets lost argh...


you know, if they are going to get everything back as it was before "The Mess" it would take them hours to get everythread back to where it belongs, some threads will actually end up nowhere

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poor little coding forum.

I requested you when there was none, and now you're gone...


seriously, we can't continue like this.

coders boards don't have the same rythm as the others.

maybe it's selfish but i don't WANT to have to bother sorting the coding threads and the others....


it was fine as it was before : ASK HELP US talk to Mattwindu do something. the forum is useless in this form...

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This new "flat organization" is for the birds...


I've already expressed my feelings to ZeroXcape, who is of the opinion that 'hey, everyone likes the change - only two people have complained...'


So, if you don't like the new format then it might be a good idea to let him know...

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JediStone: thanks for totally misquoting me in your last post. If you want, feel free to quote our actual PM conversation instead of writing something at random.


Everyone else: As I stated to JediStone, a significant amount of people have been asking for united forums as it angered most that they had to check multiple forums across JKII.net. I'll agree that it made more sense to have individual forums for individual topics (and that's exactly why it was like that,) but the demand for multiple forums simply doesn't exist.


The General Editing forum alone has posts that go back 2 days on the main page, so if threads are getting lost... (and you don't feel like searching for them) than we can go back to the old way. All I would have to do is dump the forums on another server, and import only coding/skinning/modelling threads... then go back and delete all the duplicates that are in the GE forum, but whatever.


The way it was previously setup, there was maybe 5 posts a day in the coding forum and it had been like that for well over a month.


Anyway, here is a new post to voice your opinion. You can decide how you want to see these boards. Yay for democracy.

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