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Immortality. Would you take it?


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The title should be pretty self-explanatory, but to clarify:


I'm talking about this life, so religious points are moot.


No funny little clauses in fine print about selling your soul to the

devil. ´Just´ immortality derived from medical treatment.


Don't worry about overpopulation. With the techlevel that I am talking about here, interstellar travel would be accomplishable, and we would therefore have an entire universe to expand into.

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1. Would your body grow older?

2. Would you suffer from diseases?

3. Could you be killed by weapons?


Either way, having those questions answered yes or no, I surely wouldn't want to live life forever, for you cannot have happiness that way, it'd eventually lead to distress and sorrow.


Regarding kal el's post below, I certainly do not look forward to growing old but it's a cycle that everyone has to experience sooner or later. Death no longer effects me like it does to some/most people, I've seen (to) much of it and I've given up fearing it, however take into account that death is what makes life so worth living.

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Think about it..If you were immortal. This would mean no death.


If you began to hate your life, as you saw your friends die..one by one...you might go crazy, and you'd be alive everyday going crazy..and getting more and more crazy, suffering, either from emotions or self-pain from suicide-attempt..





You might be HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY cause your a fruit.

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because you will live to that day where you have done practically everything and doing anything else will seem boring to you and your mind will get to the extent where you just might want to kill yourself afterwards.


i think it will be hell being immortal. time is forever. the life of immortality, its like being surrounded by 4 walls in a long period of time and you just wanna get out of there.

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

1. Would your body grow older?

2. Would you suffer from diseases?

3. Could you be killed by weapons?


Good questions, which I will try to answer to the best of my, limited, ability.


The trick to immortality, from a medical point of veiw, would seem to be repairing the signs of ageing faster than they appear. Thus, no you would not grow older, yes you would suffer from some diseases, but, at the techlevel we are talking about here, not many, and weapons could kill you (which means that you could commit suicide if you grew too depressed BTW).


Originally posted by DarkSaber-<ZeN>

Think about it..If you were immortal. This would mean no death.


If you began to hate your life, as you saw your friends die..one by one...you might go crazy, and you'd be alive everyday going crazy..and getting more and more crazy, suffering, either from emotions or self-pain from suicide-attempt..


Not true: Since I am talking about a medically induced immortality I would think that your friends could benefit from it too (show me the cruel sonofagoat who would discriminate the treatment and I would make him a very dead sonofagoat).


Originally posted by -s/<itzo-

because you will live to that day where you have done practically everything and doing anything else will seem boring to you and your mind will get to the extent where you just might want to kill yourself afterwards.


i think it will be hell being immortal. time is forever. the life of immortality, its like being surrounded by 4 walls in a long period of time and you just wanna get out of there.


But you can get out (see above).

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of course id take it. also, it might interest folks to know that if they stay healthy for the next 20 years theyll probably live to see this technology. in the next 20-30 years we'll be scoffing at the low-tech of star trek, as we expand outward from earth to colonize the galaxy. unless we destroy ourselves first.

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Originally posted by Darklighter

No way, I never would. I wouldn't want to live forever under any circumstances. Did the fact that you might get bored at some point ever cross your mind? And then you would have no chance of release.




Even if you was offered the same powers as Q??? :D I would do it then too... :D lol being like Q would be fun you know... When you sneeze you could "accidentally" blow up a planet... :D

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Yes, I would take that type of immortality (it's basically the same as the elves in LOTR). And as for getting bored, fact is, the progress of mankind is too fast (and it's accelerating) for someone to be able to get completely bored (of course, it depends on what you're interested in). The knowledge of the human race is growing at such a rapid pace, that even if you could learn everything humanity knows now, every time you learn something new, 10 more things are discovered which you then have to learn, etc. Since I'm the type of person who yearns knowledge and isn't bored as long as there's progress happening, I probably wouldn't get bored unless something cataclysmic happened that would cause the entire race to stop progressing. And at that point, I could always end it, but that's a worst case scenario (after all, with the universe being infinite, that suggests that you'd require an infinite time to see it all, right?). Of course, once the universe cools down to a lukewarm state in a few billion years it'll be difficult to find a way to survive without being bored anyways.

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Originally posted by 12345678

in the next 20-30 years we'll be scoffing at the low-tech of star trek, as we expand outward from earth to colonize the galaxy. unless we destroy ourselves first.


You have a very optimistic veiw of the future. On a good day I wish to agree that veiw, on a bad day I think that we are just too damn stupid, as a species, to ever accomplish that. Anyway, in Denmark we have a saying: "It is difficult to predict stuff. Especially about the future." (My translation). I hope that you are right...


hell no. i wouldent take it. one of the most precious things about life is that it ends. it would be a curse more than a blessing. you would have to keep moveing around and find new friends your family would die but you would live on in greef


That is, basically, the same thing as Elrond tells Arwen. But, y'see, I'm talking about immortality that could be extended to everyone around you, an option that Arwen doesn't have.


@Dazilla: I agree completely. There is always new stuff to see and learn. And by the time that humanity has stopped progressing I will be long dead... (remember that accidents such as getting a 20t wooden log in my head would still kill me).

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Bah. If you think you'd get bored, I only have one thing to say:


This isn't about you doing one thing only for the rest of your life - it is life. You can do whatever you want. And you could always end it when you've had enough.


No matter which way you look at it, it can only be a blessing.


If you seriously think you'd get bored of living, why not just end it right now? It's not like it's fun living anyway, no?

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Ahhh, I'd love to be immortal... Humans interest me more then a human...


Oh god, the idea of watching humans evolve from cave men... If I could do that, I'd **** my pants. I'd love it. I want to see where we go over the next 1000 years. What we do, what we become. Of course... if I simple could not die... meh... That'd be almost more scary then death... Death is... black... but you're not conscious of it... If I some how got flung into space or something bizzare like that... Floating through space... for eternety... Damn, it'd be freezing... Completely conscious of my blackness... Argh, that is hell.


But as long as something like didn't happen, It'd be cool ^_^


And Agen, if the world WAS hit by a meteor, with our tech level, we would have to be blind sided... We'd probably be able to avert the disaster... And if we're talking about the original rules, you'd die anyway... And if you didn't... You'd get to watch evolution all over again *shudders* It'd almost be like playing god. I wish I could

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People seem to think that immortality means: No way to die. Well, that's one interpretation, but that isn't really the one I wanted this thread to be about. Basically because I know that that is not desireable, as you would then be around after the universe ended (since you wouldn't be able to die, even from that).


Also, in this thread, it is important to keep in mind that you would not be the only one to live forever, because I already know that that is not desireable either (and if you want to know why read vampire novels).

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I wouldn't want it....all of my friends and family dying around me. I'd be stuck all alone with nobody I'm close too...but then again, I guess you could get to know people.


You would know a lot of death in your life and that to me would not make it very much fun at all. You keep living as everyone keeps dying.......no thanks.

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