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Should tobacco be banned?

Dagobahn Eagle

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STTCT (what's that short for anyway girl;)), raising tobacco fees would not change anything as people would still be forced to buy packs from addiction. Look at narcotics: A single shot may cost $200-$400 yet people down to the age of 15 (nasty, but it's the truth) can somehow afford it.


If we can't ban tobacco, let's


  • Ban all tobacco advertisement
  • Ban all smoking in public (including cabs and buses) and all smoking areas in places like resturants.
  • I'm a bit unsure about this one, but what about banning smoking in movies (except from stuff like fantasy, where everyone smoke anyway)?

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didn't they try to ban smoking in movies? I think some actors are against smoking and they refuse to play roles that require smoking. At least that's what I heard.



the thing i hate to is those patches, gum etc. GREAT idea...but it is so expensive most people don't even buy it. Even though duh, it cost you in that for cigerettes. Just another excuse - but I think they should lower the prices of the nicorette etc.

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"First amendment"

They can use that as an example of how it should be legal, but it's also an example of why it should be ILLEGAL. It violates our constitutional rights too. Second hand smoking can KILL us let alone cause many diseases. Also I am badly allergic to it. It fries my eyes and causes me to choke...it is so horrible. I hate smoking restraunts...especially when they are filled so much that smokers are smoking in the waiting areas, etc...it's one of my big pet peives...smoking:evanpiel:

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

STTCT (what's that short for anyway girl;)), raising tobacco fees would not change anything as people would still be forced to buy packs from addiction. Look at narcotics: A single shot may cost $200-$400 yet people down to the age of 15 (nasty, but it's the truth) can somehow afford it.


If we can't ban tobacco, let's


  • Ban all tobacco advertisement
  • Ban all smoking in public (including cabs and buses) and all smoking areas in places like resturants.
  • I'm a bit unsure about this one, but what about banning smoking in movies (except from stuff like fantasy, where everyone smoke anyway)?


1) Yes

2) Yes, definetely.

3) No! Most good guys in films don't smoke (watch xXx) and the bad guys do, which sends a message. Also they're bad guys so they're doing things that are illegal anyway.

Anyway that would make a lot of films banned, most of them very good. Pulp Fiction, the Sean Connery Bond films and GoldenEye, Die Hard and even Lord Of The Rings!






*shocked silence fills thread*

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Originally posted by STTCT

i say raise the price to 10 dollars a pack. Make it so its not affordable. Tax them to death!!!


I wouldn't mind if they did that. Virginia is in financial trouble and talking about raising taxes on cigarettes.


I always laugh at that cause I don't smoke.

I'd be crying if I did.:D


I don't wanna do anything that I'm eventually going to need to do that I have to pay for and is going to eventually kill me.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

Holy s*** guys! I was walking back from McDonalds yesterday and I saw a little kid, like 8 yrs old, SMOKING!:eek: :eek: :eek:


And he was with a yet smaller kid, about 7, and he was offering his ciggarette to the smaller kid!!!


I didn't go to stop them and now I feel a little upset with myself.:mad:



*shakes head* Europeans.... j/k :D



Anyways, its sad, but if the parent smokes, why would they bother stopping their little kid from doing it?

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Originally posted by Hannibal

and how could they?



If your a parent and you can't even stop a 7-year old from smoking then your in for a lot of trouble. Parents understandably can't always keep a close eye on teenageers, but parents simply should not let that happen. I mean, if your a parent, how often do you leave a 7-year old alone at McDonalds, or wherever?

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I don't thank a prohibition of tobacco would ever be possible, there is too much money on the table for that. I really wish the tobacco industry wouldn't be so indifferent towards hooking kids on smoking. It's dispicable. Well, at least a pack of cigarettes in New York City is like 8 bucks now.

But I'm not really against the use of tobacco. It's been a part of our country before a white man ever stepped foot on this entire continent.

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Weeell, the USA invaded Kuwait for oil, right? That's like waging war to save the USA from depression.


So if they can start a war, banning an industry. Or as someone said in a book about to Chinese: "They built a very long, very tall wall. They should be able to dig a ****ing hole". See the perspective :)?

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That was Iraq that was at War with Kuwait, the U.S. has never engaged in aggresive conflict with Kuwait directly, I don't think. My memory before birth is a little fuzzy so someone please feel free to correct me.


I'm not sure about the status of smoking in Iraq right now, but I'm pretty sure it's quite legal. :D

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Weeell, the USA invaded Kuwait for oil, right? That's like waging war to save the USA from depression.



The US invaded Kuwait to save it. Iraq invaded to take it's oil so the US went in and drove them out, then left. Quite frankly we didn't gain a whole lot though because Kuwait still isn't very nice to us with its oil supply even though we saved their small butts.

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