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Vote: Forum Organization?


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How would you like to see the editing forums organized? If you are interested in reorganizing the forums, feel free to list the forums that you feel are appropriate. Then give a brief description of what they will focus on.


We will go with the majority and common sense here, so other rants are not necessary. You can build on what is already here or come up with a completely new approach. Anything from themes to discussion can be altered.


Also, some new moderators are going to be picked up as well. Intelligence is quite welcome :)

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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

A forum with tutorials only would be the best new thing to have.

Tutorials from skinning and modeling, mapping, adding new weapons, bot waypointing and whatnot else, all in one forum.


This could be called the Reference Forum.

Excellent idea... that'll be in for sure
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Firstly, in my opinion the forums are fine as they are now, it's easier for us mods to watch the threads. Personally I'm beginning to like the new change, however I can see from the point of view of older members that they feel it's to 'jumbled', it'll only take time to get used to.

Secondly, If you plan to seperate general editing back to the original setting, then perhaps skinning and modeling should be under one forum because both subjects are so closely related and there's no need for a forum exclusively for skinning since it's used so infrequently.

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I am much in favor of the old setup. I thought I had expressed myself quite clearly in the reasons in the old topic, and so had the other people.


Could I suggest you actually make this a Poll? No offense but, I think it's redundant to lock a topic and start an identical one, especially if the old topic had nothing wrong with it... If you want people to re-post exactly what they said in another thread once again, at least make it into a poll to make the point somewhat different (although the old tread could have meed modded into a poll anyway).


Since the old thread is locked, I guess it's best to re-state my reasons again here.


Modelling/skinning/coding topics have much different paces and certain topics get buried very fast. Sure the old way every forum was not as active as a general chat forum, but most forums with substance to em move at a slow pace anyway. People don't necessarily have the time to browse every day.


Besides important threads getting buried much faster, question threads get buried as well. I tried to help as much as I could in the old setup in modelling but now I really dont have the time to sort through 2x40 topics on various topics to see which ones I could possibly answer. Since I believe people to be allmost as lazy as I am, this would mean a lot less answers to problems, which in turn just translates to a barrier to newcomers and innovation.


Thirdly and most importantly, the individual forums had a LOT of info in them. Need to know about JKII coding? Go to the first page of the coding forum and start reading threads with good topics... Need to know about modelling? Same thing. I actually learned a WHOLE LOT about weighing/ carcass problems by just reading though the first 20 pages of the modelling forum. Search function is nice to look for a specific topic, but not to generally read through threads for info. (I also dont see a singe BIG forum helping out search times better than a couple of small forums). Now with this big forum, you'd need to sift through at least three times as many threads and five times as many redundant re-occuring threads on various subjects.


Lastly, modelling/skinning/coding/mapping are SO different in nature that I cant quite see the benefit of grouping them together. There allready are very few memebrs who can halp others well in a given field, it is even rarer to find someone who can help on ALL topics. I'd much rather go to two differnet forums on different subjects to help out or get answers than go into one bigg mess to help no one and get no answers to my q's. ;)

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At the very very least, 2 new forums


1. Modelling/Skinning

2. Coding


I don't mind if you let the threads that were jumbled into the General Editing Forum stay here, it would be too much work to move them all back, just make new forums.

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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

A forum with tutorials only would be the best new thing to have.

Tutorials from skinning and modeling, mapping, adding new weapons, bot waypointing and whatnot else, all in one forum.


This could be called the Reference Forum.


I think tutorials should stay in their corresponding forum, it's easier that way, you go to the mapping forum for mapping assistance/tutorials, go to modeling for modeling tutorials, and so forth. We sticky threads that are important and helpful, why do we have to move them as well to another forum which requires extra moderation?


Originally posted by ZeroXcape

Excellent idea... that'll be in for sure


I hope you're planning to discuss this first with the other mods who possibly havn't had the chance to view this thread, as opposed to when we weren't notified with the merging of the original forums.

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The former layout was far superior. The main problem is that having a catch-all forum for coding, modeling, *and* any other miscellaneous "General Editing" questions just gets too messy and disorganized.


Personally, as a programmer, I like to go to a specific location where the discussions pertain to that which I'm working on - I don't want to have to sift through endless posts just to get at the information I need.


In fact, my browser bookmark before the change was set to go straight to the Coding forum, since that's all that matters to me right now. If I want to go read up on other topics I can nav from that point.


OK. So, I would suggest the following at the very least:






...but I would not be opposed to the structure outlined by Chandler, though Sound might be too narrrow a subject to handle its own forum - perhaps including it in Mapping might work (though Modelers will be conderned about sound for their models). I will defer to the powers-that-be to make the decision on that one. :)


At any rate, then it sorta gets broken down into three basic areas: Characters, Environment, and Code.


The "Tutorial Center" or "Reference Area" is not a bad idea either, though I think those kinds of topics might be better located within their individual category as stickies.


Thanks for hearing us out!



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I kinda liked the other forum setup as well. It may sound strange coming from a mod, but I actually found the old setup easier to moderate. That being said, I wouldn't go back to the old style, I'd say all that's needed now is to add a Coding forum.

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Originally posted by Emon

There should only be four forums:





General (where things that don't fit the above go)


I'd go with that... the "General" category helps for generic questions that are not specific to the other functions. Good call, Emon!



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I should also point out, that while ICARUS is a programming language and is coding, it might be better to put in the mapping forum since it revolves so much around interaction with entities in the map.


Perhaps the discussion of most ICARUS coding could go in the mapping forum, while more intense stuff, such as problems that would occur in pages of complex scripting, logical errors or syntax and setup errors, would go in the coding forum.

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I also liked the old setup infinetly better.

I think that for editing, we only really need four forums.


General Editing





That's it, I personally don't see the use of the showcase forums, as stuff like that can simply go into their respective forums. It also helps out the editor in question more(at least from my point of view), because then they simply need to ask their question, instead of posting in an entirely different forum.

I beg you, please go back to the old system, things were so much better then. I'm beggining to lose faith in LF, I really am, it used to be such a good place, but you've changed so much since the old days. It's just not the same anymore, so please go back to the old system.




And by the way, moderators is kind of a poor excuse(meaning no offense of course). You can always look around and I'm sure you will find hundreds of willing people.

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Originally posted by Emon

I should also point out, that while ICARUS is a programming language and is coding, it might be better to put in the mapping forum since it revolves so much around interaction with entities in the map.


Perhaps the discussion of most ICARUS coding could go in the mapping forum, while more intense stuff, such as problems that would occur in pages of complex scripting, logical errors or syntax and setup errors, would go in the coding forum.


I agree with Emon about the ICARUS scripting. This is the way I would have the editing forums organized:


General Editing




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