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Windows XP - Your opinions


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I do have probs with XP, but it is the same one I had with 2K, and 98... I believe either my Mobo or GFX card plays up at certain times, and I always get the same error, with almost the same things causing it...


Next PC/Upgrade should get rid of that problem anyway......

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I have XP and I have to say that it is a great OS and that it has never crashed. The only thing I say is that you shouldn't install it yourself cause all of my friends who did it said it would mess every once and a while. Try to get it preinstalled on your computer and it will never give you any problem. I was an idiot when I first got my computer but I have learned alot about operating my computer and I am now my friends come to me when they have problems. I also like the look at the feel about it too. :D It is so nice and I have to say that it is great for me and that I would highly recomend it.



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Xp is the best Windows operating system yet, they finally are getting on track.


Having said that, it still comes in a distant 2nd place to Mac systems.


Very sad we will never know how good our computer experience could have been if Macs had won.

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If by good you mean "triple the prices due to no competition", "monopoly way bigger than MS on all aspects of hardware, software, etc.", and "restricted control with your computer", then yes, it would be "good". :D


Apple doomed itself to 2nd place when it totally horded its systems.

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Originally posted by Skate Boy



I have it, and I like it. I'm not sure why most people don't, I can't find anything wrong with it.:)


Old Programs dont always work on it.


I like it, because it has cable drivers,dsl drives,etc installed on it. As long as I can play Counter-Strike and Diablo 2 of old games im happy :D


Every new software does though, so thats good.


Plus XP can restore any file, without having to do that boring and dreadful, Recovery

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Originally posted by Darth Simpson

Doesn't work with my system, for some reason or another. I always get IRQ errors when I install it, so I went back to 98.


Maybe I'll give it another shot when I buy a new PC.


XP does fault on old systems alot. New systems are always better anyways, as long as you dont buy one made, just buy all the parts for under 500 dollars, and you can get one hella better then a 900 dollar dell.


"d00d your getting owned,dell"

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It's not exactly an old PC. I built it myself about 8 months ago or something ( can't remember exactly ), so it is getting on a bit, but it's by no means old.


1.33 Ghz

Asus A7M266 mobo

512 MB RAM

GeForce 3

Soundblaster Audigy


I've tried everything I know about computers to try and fix that XP problem, but to no avail. It just seems to be incompatible with my hardware. Other people with similiar setups report no problems though.


I'm going to buy a new motherboard and CPU soon anyway, so I'll try again then.

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Well, with the new computer I'm getting, there'll be XP, andthere is 1 game I cant wait to play on it : Splinter Cell!!!! I saw the screenshots, and they are better than the X-Box (Especially if you have the newer graphics cards) I'm sooo happy. I'll probably buy a gamepad...

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the best thing I have found with windows xp is it is totally customizable! so many options to play around with.


Also, if you do have a lock up or crash, 90% of the time the system itself will not lock ,and you will be able to just close out the bad program!!



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When I first got XP, I thought it was stupid compared to windows 98. But when I started to explore on it it got easier and easier to use. The one of the cool specs I saw on it was that you can change the mode on it for games that required 95 or 98. That is what is cool. One game didn't run and I didn't know what the prob. was so I swiched the mode to 95 and it ran perfectly. I was astonished about that.:)

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XP is one of the best OS I have used, and I have used a lot of them. Its by far the best that MS has done in a long while, but like all newest MS OS, it will hog resourses, so the better the machine, the better your performance. It upgrades pretty nicely with a handful of exceptions, but its definitly a better idea to start on a clean drive whenever installing an OS.

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It has been stable, but still has a long ways to go. I have been useing computers since DOS. And what I am impresed by is not fancy buttons, but how the system runs. If it does not do that good of a job it is useless to unless I realy have to use it. Windows has had too many bugs with it and though I have been pleased with XP it still has many issues(Like it takes double the amount of ram to run anything.)

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