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Servers :)


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How many servers do you reckon will be in Europe after they release the game? Naturally we'll take Eclipse as the best choice, but further down the line I'd like something close to where I live not including (which will most likely be) Germany, which is :::ICK::: because their line uses different coding which in the end makes the east coast give me lower ping.


So you know where they'll be settling?

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Thanks Sidious, my friend lives in Switzerland, can he play on the same server as me in the U.S?

I'm sure the Devs would have said something by now if this wasn't the case.


The plans by the European people to "hijack" the Eclipse have frequently come up ever since the servers where announced. ;)

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Look's like i'm heading to Eclipse then:).

i really need to know an answer on euro release! before i buy a US copy..:(


I don't want to wait more than six month's, but they could do us all a favour and tell us Grrrr.......


Nando Shar

Sativa Mineral Corporation

*Rock's Big and Small we got'em all*


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