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My post count, what happened?


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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Hey GUNNER - good to see you. You know I love you, man, but I'm not hugging you. Nothing personal, you know, but I have this thing about hugging men - I hate it. Or maybe I don't, and it's just really dissapointing compared to hugging women. Women are just so soft and nice and they smell good and... ... ...woah, went away for a second there! Anyway, what was I talking about? ... Oh yeah, good to see you and glad you still have your job!


So...any girls out there want a hug? :naughty:


And he claims to have never made a pointless post in his life...

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hello mr gunner, glad to see you are doing well, I'm alright, been better been worse.


Trying to scrap some grades together so I can get back into U of Illinois in CS/Stats so I can a decent job and support my girl and I while shes going thru medschool. Lost my drivers license in june get it back this june :mad:


other than that not much, waiting to here back on a job at the city part time for tech suport and 15 an hour tho :D

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand the significance of the dancing cow. What's up with that? :confused: :confused: :confused:


And I'm still hugless :(


In all my years here I have always used the same smilies so I just though I would use one of the other since there are over 200 of them. That one looked as good as any of the others. :)


Ok, come here Keyan. Let the GUNdog give ya a hug. I'll ask Shannon if she wants to give ya a hug too. Were you there the night wewere playing XWA and she was talking on my roger wilco?


I know Zarg was there.

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Originally posted by GUNNER

In all my years here I have always used the same smilies so I just though I would use one of the other since there are over 200 of them. That one looked as good as any of the others. :)


Ok, come here Keyan. Let the GUNdog give ya a hug. I'll ask Shannon if she wants to give ya a hug too. Were you there the night wewere playing XWA and she was talking on my roger wilco?

I know Zarg was there.


Yeah, it was me, Zarg, and Ace. Good times... I haven't played a PC game online since around then, either :eek: College, you know - man, I hate it. But soon. Soon it will be over. OVER!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha *cough* *cough* *cough* *wheeze*...



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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Yeah, it was me, Zarg, and Ace. Good times... I haven't played a PC game online since around then, either :eek: College, you know - man, I hate it. But soon. Soon it will be over. OVER!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha *cough* *cough* *cough* *wheeze*...




that's right...say is Ace still around? You haven't played an online game in almost 4 years? dude, back away from the books. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by GUNNER

that's right...say is Ace still around? You haven't played an online game in almost 4 years? dude, back away from the books. :rolleyes:


Books! It's not books, it's all those babes I'm scoring with!






OK, it's books. I haven't been on a date in over two years, come to think of it. There just aren't any nice girls around anymore :(


Actually, I did meet one nice girl at my job last summer. Actually, that's something of an understatement. She was probably the nicest person I've ever met in my whole life. She was so sweet that it would make you want to puke, except that the feeling behind it was so sincere that it just made you smile. She was so great with the kids (we worked at a summer day camp, by the way), and it was just a pleasure to sit there and watch her with them. She's planning to be a elementary-level teacher, so I think she's going to be pretty successful!


She's smart, too. She reads books on physics for fun! Not only that, but she really seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She mentioned once not liking to be around people when they are drinking heavily, and that alone speaks volumes about her character.


Now, that's enough, but on top of all that, she is probably the most absolutely beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life - in person or otherwise. But she doesn't flaunt it - dress in revealing clothes, flirt, etc. She has modesty, and that's important. Now, in addition to all that we have just everything in common. As I learned all these things about her, I was starting to get excited. And then, just when I thought things couldn't get any better, I learned that she goes to my college!


At this point I was seriously thinking about asking her out. But then...the one thing I feared from the beginning. Ah yes, it was obvious what the problem would be from the start, and if you've been paying attention, I bet you can guess what it is.


Yes, that's right. She has a boyfriend. (Nooooo!) Not only that, but a serious boyfriend - they've been together for more than a year. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!) So...I guess that's it.


But I try to keep in touch a little. I see her once in a while and say hi, and I sent her a Christmas card. So if things don't work out, maybe I'll get a shot after all. I don't want to bother her too much, though, since the last thing I would ever want her to think is that I'm trying to interfere with her relationship (indeed, it's the last I would ever do, as that's pretty obviously unethical).


Well, there have to be more where she came from. I just wish they were easier to find!

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