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Roswell, The Alien Autopsy, and U.F.O. Coverups

Darth Groovy

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Here is one of my favorite topics, and clearly belongs here. I am what you would call a sort of hybrid of Fox Moulder and Dana Scully. While I do believe in the possiblitly of the existence of extra terrestrial life, I seriously doubt that this planet has ever been visited in this lifetime. I want to believe, and the stories and sightings fascinate me beyond imagination. I don't believe people are abducted, but I have woke up with strange scars before that cannot be explained. I believe that we will make contact with something someday in the future, but not in this lifetime. I kind of lost track with The autopsy, was it indeed a hoax? If it was, it was amazing! One thing for sure, is that something did go down in Roswell, but i'm not sure I subscribe to the alien encounter theory. Also do I believe the Government would cover up U.F.O sightings or investigations? Since I have held a Government clearance at one point, I would have to say yes, without a shadow of a doubt. The Government would hide any evidence from the public eye for fear of panic. I'm undecided if I agree with that or not. What is your input on this subject?

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Aliens are like God. They can't be proved in any way, which makes you require belief in them. Show me one irrefutable evidence of the earth being visited by green little men, and I'll look into it. But for now, all we have are strange sightings which can be explained and interpreted any way you want it.


Now, I don't know about any autopsy, but if there was indeed found a dead alien lifeform, I think it'd be pretty easy to examine it for DNA etc to test if it's a hoax or not. But hey, give me some linkage if you want.


Aliens are the modern folklore. Just as people in the middle ages believed in elfs and dwarfs abducting them to never be seen again, so do we now have people believing this (crap) about flying saucers and tractor beams. All these stories have so many holes in them it's ridiculously funny.


I believe there are aliens out there. It might be in another galaxy, but I find the idea of life spawning on only earth to be somewhat silly. If it can happen here, it can damn well happen on another planet in another solar system as well. Scientists believe there's a possibility for life on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. If this is indeed true (it's probably only going to be microscopic life), it's amazing. It will once and for all shatter the terra-centric's beliefs, and will place life on earth as a mere coincidence (unless God decided to seed other planets with life as well, but that'd require a nearly complete rework of the Bible).

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Originally posted by Cjais

It will once and for all shatter the terra-centric's beliefs, and will place life on earth as a mere coincidence (unless God decided to seed other planets with life as well, but that'd require a nearly complete rework of the Bible).


LOL. You beat me to that.


But I am pretty sure that that Nevada incident was not an alien. I think that it was a military test of a piece of equipment that looked like a flying dinner plate (a remotecontrolled spyplane or something). Now, someone messed up, real bad, and the thing crashed. This would also explain why there was a government cover-up. Or the whole thing could be a hoax by the Nevada-dwellers to attract gullible tourists.

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*steps into Senate Chambers*


Well, this is actually one of my favorite subjects here, one I've spent many hours in the middle of the night researching.


Yes, Roswell has many different sides to it. The gov's side, which if you look hard enough, you can find the Government's report on it (if it hasn't been doctored). It's radically full of BS if you ask me, but then again, take a look at what the civilian side is....filled with varying details about dead aliens and alien autopsies. Of course, I don't believe what either side says, but rather, an inbetween...


The Alien Autopsy - I doubt it ever happened. I have to say though, that it was indeed quite an elaborate hoax. The supposed camera roll of autopsy photos, detailed reports, etc. Some had a lot of time on their hands.


Roswell - Happened? Yes. Alien spacecraft or Government Weather Balloon? Who knows. All I know is that both stories are very fishy....


And one thing that nobody has yet said is what stems off of Roswell....



...Area 51...

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This is absolutley one of my favorite topics. I am a X-Files nut and I watched every episode.....I'm even begining my dvd collection of the series. :)



Now to the topic....I try to keep an open mind about things, I know I don't know everything and I want to learn new things all of the time.


I think that all three can be tied together. As much as I want to believe in the existence of aliens etc I just don't know that we can prove it. The alien autopsy, I think, was a creatively done fake just to add more validity to the stories made by our government to cover up their own secret operations.


I really think that all of the "alien" incidents is just a cover-up of the secret military operations and it is just an easy thing for them to say. While they hide their new super war plane or whatever.



Jedi220 brings up an interesting point about Area 51.......I believe it wasn't til recently that the government even acknowledged its existence. Even though you could see it from far away. It wasn't on any maps and I heard that they also moved the fence line further away so you can't even hardly see it anymore.


Talking about this stuff is fun I think and I always try to watch the shows on Discovery Channel and TLC that talk about aliens and Area 51.

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Personally i don't believe in aliens. We proved many of their photos/ tapes as fakes. Like the crop circles perhaps, it was just people who use a lil platform and make the circles within minutes/hours! Even the hoaxers themselves claim they make em. The only way i will believe in aliens is if it came up to me... or something like that, then i can knock em out and turn them in so i can get huge $$$ LOL.

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I have no doubt whatsoever that there is life on other planets. Terran conditions would not be too abnormal, they can't be. And with Terran conditions, and a few billion years, I find it quite probable that life of some kind may arise.


As for the UFOs. Yes, UFOs exist. UFO means Unidentified Flying Objects, and those exist.


ETI: Well, why should there not be ETI? But we may never see them. If (which I don't hope) the gulf of void between the starts is uncrossable, then we won't see them. Ever.


The sightings: There is too much merchandice in it IMO. It also seems weird that they could remain undetected. But if they are suffeciently advanced, they could, of course. However I think that it is part hoax, part secret weopons testing.

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I like to believe that aliens do exist out there....but as to them being on Earth......i dont know...that's a LONG trip to make, and then to be so advanced that they can travel through wormholes and near the speed of light...and they cannot even land successfully..they crash.....meh.

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

Jedi220 brings up an interesting point about Area 51.......I believe it wasn't til recently that the government even acknowledged its existence. Even though you could see it from far away. It wasn't on any maps and I heard that they also moved the fence line further away so you can't even hardly see it anymore.


Well, I've done a little research on the subject.


It turns out that Area 51's base is 15 miles inward from the border you're allowed to go to. The base is protected by the so called "cammo dudes," guards hired by the government to stop intruders. Don't try to cross.....those guys have the right to kill you if you won't stop, and crossing the border at all will get you arrested and a 1000 dollar fine.


They have to be hiding something in there.

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Thanks for that info 220. That's one scary part about Area 51....the guards shoot first and ask questions later. :( Now, tell me what's going on in there....



Originally posted by Darth Groovy

So nobody has really investigated the Autopsy video itself? Has anyone seen the video i'm talking about? It looks freaky as hell.



Yes Groovy I have seen the video.......and I try to forget it.

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

Thanks for that info 220. That's one scary part about Area 51....the guards shoot first and ask questions later. :( Now, tell me what's going on in there....






Yes Groovy I have seen the video.......and I try to forget it.


Why?:confused: That's great stuff man! Alot better than all those home videos with some shakey lights in the sky. I was just curious if anyone has cracked the origin of the video or debunked it as a hoax yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i too am an x-files nut, i dont belsive in an autopsy but i beive that aliens exist and that our govt. know about them kmaybe contacted them, area 51 i also beleive in although little alien slaves--no---i watch alot of sci-fi and research alot and some people who clam to see things seem too real and some videos couldnt be provev wrong-there is a theory caled chariot of the gods which claims that we were put on the earth by aliens-i dont beleive that at all-but the whole alien thing ocourse i beleive.

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