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Any News of the hinted at Expansion?


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Back in October there was a thread about the possibility of an expansion pack, and someone (I believe Gonkh8er) hinted around something like 'you'll be very happy in November'. There were other more direct hints that there *would* be an expansion. I'm certainly hoping so ...


Any news?


Also - any thoughts what would be desirable? MoH Spearhead is getting mediocre marks - mainly for having a very short expansion for single player, but apparantly it has a decent multi-player. (I've not picked it up as I'm a SP person). Wolfenstein's upcoming expansion is being touted as nearly an entirely new game - it has lots of new stuff and is quite large. So MoH gets a quick add-on in ~9 months, and RtCW gets a 'MotS'-grade expansion in ~18 months. Personally I'd wait longer for an 'expansion' than getting an 'extension' sooner. What do you think?



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Don't know, there has been many posts reguarding an expansion. Maybe hidden news about it somewhere, but Raven or LEC haven't said anything about it. I'd like an expansion, like MoTS or something similar, I'm not sure if Raven would bother, I heard they didn't get as much hype about it as they expected. Also heard that they almost didn't plan to do JKII in the first place, that they were only going to do Obi-Wan for the PC, so I'm not sure they would bother again. I would really like an expansion.....Ohh......Conc Rifles in better graphics...Think of the possiblities......:D

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Originally posted by Xylan

Don't know, there has been many posts reguarding an expansion. Maybe hidden news about it somewhere, but Raven or LEC haven't said anything about it. I'd like an expansion, like MoTS or something similar, I'm not sure if Raven would bother, I heard they didn't get as much hype about it as they expected. Also heard that they almost didn't plan to do JKII in the first place, that they were only going to do Obi-Wan for the PC, so I'm not sure they would bother again. I would really like an expansion.....Ohh......Conc Rifles in better graphics...Think of the possiblities......:D


When you refer to Raven getting hype about 'it' are you talking expansion or JKII or ... ? I assume that you are talking expansion, since JKII was one of the best selling games of the year (it is still full price most places I see).


As for concussion rifles ... cool idea ... I'm sure everyone here has some idea or another about how to expand / alter JKII for the better.



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Yeah, the expanstion, I'll elaborate......I heard Raven mentioned things about the idea, but people weren't that excited, you've seen recently, comments about the game dying and so forth. I'm sure people just lost interest but they will be back, or perhaps an expansion would bring them back.


But, if I had my way, I would make the game more eventful, JKII had a good storyline, but was unilateral, everything was about the Valley of the Jedi....which got sort of boring, Jan and Kyle need a Son or Daughter or something...... Or maybe make sabers and weapons a tad more complex. Everything else was pretty good about the game.

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*my* ideas for expansion pack:


- New singleplayer campaign, but with intelligent level design and more believable environments (ie NPCs) and puzzles.


- New CTF and FFA maps, preferably some large one, but not predominantly in favour of pull/push. Maps which encourage you to use ALL the skills at your disposal, unlike the existing maps.


- Alter the demo playback code so that the Function keys (F1-F12) don't exit the demo, ie to add some nice post-production.


- LEAVE MULTIPLAYER AS IT IS. Include any major gameplay changes in a MOD.


- Fully integrate saga support.

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Well, I'm not sure if we need an expansion or not. I'd be happy if people released more of the Total Conversion projects. I forgot how long it took for MoTS to be released, but I'd say that would the basic waiting time. But, yeah, wait till E3, maybe something will pop up.

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Here is something in the Insider I jumped up when I read. It is about Tim Lango, LEC's designer, "He's currently working on a yet-to-beannounced project."


JO Expansion???


We know of Sam and Max 2 hittin' shelves next year, early 2004. I wonder if a new JK is on its way...


I am sure it will be done before EPIII, but not to much before. Late 2004 or early 2005 like JO was supposed to do.

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for me there are only a few choices on what to do:

make an expansion

release the SP code



i would prefer both. im not a coder or anything, but JO would be the best game ever if it was completely MODable. ::drools over thought of 100s of saber stances with double-bladed sabers with 500 different colors...::

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Yes, i'd love to so someone try and balance THAT for multiplayer.


I think if people are desperate to mod so much, they should first come up with some decent ideas. Because endless saber mods ain't gonna make this game anymore popular.


Multiplayer balancing seems to be tricky enough when you have guns alone. Add explosives it gets harder. Putting in a Lightsaber and Force Powers .. and light & dark side powers at that ... and you have a very tricky proposition.


It makes me wonder what strides they would make for multiplayer ... Jedi vs Sith mode, Co-op, Jedi vs Merc, or some others.


They could also introduce RMG (ala SoFII).


Someone mentioned getting out the other TC's first, and I think that is great - I really loved the Demo of the Dark Forces TC, and would love playing JK1 with the updated system. I think those will always be 'exercises left to the user' however.


I would be very happy if something were announced for E3.

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Forget MP! JO's MP IMO was so baaad! Well, at least compared to MotS and JK. I want some good solid SP levels. MotS was great for gameplay, but story was... well, bad. Until JO cleared it all up.


I'd like something with a good story and more levels and bosses.

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Originally posted by Katarn07

Forget MP! JO's MP IMO was so baaad! Well, at least compared to MotS and JK. I want some good solid SP levels. MotS was great for gameplay, but story was... well, bad. Until JO cleared it all up.


I'd like something with a good story and more levels and bosses.


MP ... isn't that member of parliament or something? See - I've already forgotten ;) I have never been a big MP person anyway.


I agree with the assessment of wanting solid SP story and levels. However, the quantity of 'bosses' I'm not sure about. Think about JKII ... many people have said that they had a tougher time with Tavion than Dessann. I tend to agree. While with Dessann if you are flawless he is quick toast, with Tavion you are virtually assured a few hits. By the time you're back on Yavin you are very powerful - and well practiced. I personally found the melee battles against multiple Reborn / Shadowtroopers much more fun and challenging than Dessann - but I like the final battle for what it was - and needed to be.


So I'm not sure how I'd handle the 'boss balance'. But a couple of thoughts. First, *if* they do an expansion soon, and base it around Tavion, there isn't much room for other Bosses. If it isn't based around her, then they can save her to amass troops for some part in JKIII.


An interesting thought would be having 'another' failed Jedi, who was workign with Dessann, perhaps never entered the Academy, but was working towards an attack on Coruscant ... thus settign up the entirety of the expansion.

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Think about JKII ... many people have said that they had a tougher time with Tavion than Dessann.


Yup, I did. Dessann was just pushing and pulling the whole time, and I barely had any force powers while fighting Tavion. But for that whole aspect I would say bring Dark Troopers back, they were simply awesome and would make some interesting saber battles. Dark Troopers or some sort of advanced mercenary, because Galak didn't cut it with weapons.....

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Originally posted by Katarn07

Forget MP! JO's MP IMO was so baaad! Well, at least compared to MotS and JK.


Yeah but thats why it needs work done to it :)

The saber combat is pretty unique, its worth a bit of work to make the game a bit more interesting IMO

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I was talking about high HP mercenaries that look really cool.

Remember Boba Fett and General Mohc from the classic DOS Dark Forces? That is what I mean!


Here is a fanfic story I've been fiddling around with and it'd make a great sequel/ expansion/ mod.


You're still Kyle. It is 10 years after JO. You reside on Sulon with your wife, Jan, and your 10 year daughter (no name yet...) and 6 year old son Morgan, where you are a combat instructor.


Brakiss's Shadow Jedi (Reborn) come and lay waste to your home. While trying to fight them off and get to your saber which is in your bedroom (you're somewhere in Sulon's wastelands for some reason, no excuse yet...), Brakiss comes and kidnaps your daugter. You and Jan take the Claw and the rebuilt Crow (a wedding gift courtesy of Lando) and set course for Yavin to get Luke's help. You then learn the Shadow Academy crisis and you and Jan pledge your support to assist.


There are a few named "bosses" to take out, Shadow Academy students and a few mercs (no good reason why they're there yet, to find force-sensitive kids?). Your main goal is to find your daughter. Just for a really nice, dark, sad plot twist, it turns out she has been turned already and to beat the game, you must take her out or turn her to the light. I won't say how my story ends. I don't know yet!


But good story like this to implement this stuff is good. A few bosses with guns while you only have Force powers (opening levels/ mission) would be cool.

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The DF series really need Kyle as the protaganist though.....


Big debate at SW boards. 50% want to be the kid, the other 50% want to be Kyle. Does it really matter? It isn't like LEC is asking us...


The reason I wanna be Kyle is his daughter (more interesting than a son) is she would only be 10 years old.



*** Actually, I think she'd be 13 if Jan gets pregnent right away on Spira (she does in my story). That means, it'd be 13 years after JO, not 10. I don't know. I am doing this timeline from memory...

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Personally, being part of the smaller crowd here that was not only born before Star Wars came out (i.e. the 1977 one), but was actually old enough to go see it without my parents (11), I have no issue with an 'aging' Kyle with gray hair ...


One thing you bring up is the timeline. An issue I had with JKII was that it played a bit loose with the DF / JK1 / MotS time & plotline in the interest of its' own plotline. I do hope that when/if the JKII expansion is done and JKIII is done, that they pay more attention to the DF 'saga' and the general EU timeline.


... I mean, after all, we are mainly Star Wars fans, and they should realize how anal we are about the details and how we overanalyze every little detail ...



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I won't even go in depth what your talking about, but yes, I know what you mean. I think...

hey, I love Obi-Wan (as I can see you do too). People complain, "He's old... :(."


You wanna see young Obi, see the PT.


"Kyle's too old :(." You wanna play as a young guy, play DF and JK!"

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