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No! Somebody Wake Me Up!

Sherack Nhar

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Anyone who has heard Joe Lieberman speak will understand what I'm about to say:


Lieberman could never be taken seriously as President of the United States. He sounds like Droopy Dog for god's sake!


Imagine you're Saddam Hussein, or a North Korean Ambassador and you were being told you better shape up or else by Joe Lieberman. They'd be on the ground laughing, until they realised that he still has the american armed forces backing him up, of course. But that's the only reason. He'd be mocked more than ANY president before him.


If Luke Skywalker had remained on tantooine as a moisture farmer and grown old he would sound just like Joe Lieberman. Whiny and depressing! :p

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Originally posted by Hannibal

Sorry Tie Guy but in a CNN poll of voting democrats Lieberman is currently in the lead.


Polls this early mean absolutely nothing. Heck, polls mean absolutely nothing, period. I mean, who cares if 30% or whatever of a very small demographic says they like him, it means nothing. Besides, right now no one knows anything about the candidates so they go for the most familiar one, Lieberman. Trust me, Lieberman doesn't have a chance. You are right about Gore being the only one that could challenge Bush, though not even Gore at his peak could touch Bush now.


And Havoc, you're exactly right. His stupid voice is more than enough reason not to vote for him. Heck, i think that's ultimately why Gore lost in the last election. ;)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

You are right about Gore being the only one that could challenge Bush, though not even Gore at his peak could touch Bush now.


Bush is at his lowest support level right now. But that won't last long. The Dems need someone new to come along. Some governor or something. This group they have now just suck.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

Bush is at his lowest support level right now. But that won't last long. The Dems need someone new to come along. Some governor or something. This group they have now just suck.


His low is still high enough to win an election verse any of those candidates.

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Ok... here are your choices



Democrats - liberals (that is a socialist in the extreme form... which is also a communist and a fascist, if you want to debate me on this I will own you, so dont start



Republicans - Conservatives - people who want smaller government, less taxes, and are more for family values and the freedom ofpeople... if you would like to protect yourself, i say you vote these people, look at england with the gun bann... highest gun crime ever


all liberals are dumbarses... read the sig... ask me any instance and I will shoot you down... trust me.

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

Ok... here are your choices



Democrats - liberals (that is a socialist in the extreme form... which is also a communist and a fascist, if you want to debate me on this I will own you, so dont start



Republicans - Conservatives - people who want smaller government, less taxes, and are more for family values and the freedom ofpeople... if you would like to protect yourself, i say you vote these people, look at england with the gun bann... highest gun crime ever


all liberals are dumbarses... read the sig... ask me any instance and I will shoot you down... trust me.

Is what he said true? If it is, that means US citizens have to choose between two extremists? If that's so, why the hell isn't there a more middle-of-the-road party?
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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Is what he said true? If it is, that means US citizens have to choose between two extremists? If that's so, why the hell isn't there a more middle-of-the-road party?


Well, the two sides appear to each other as extremists even though neither really try to be or actually are. To be elected they have to go toward the middle of the road...anyone too extreme one way or the other has no shot at all. There have been attempts to make a third party, most recent is the Green party and what-not...most people see it as a two party system, which is kinda bad really. It'd be more interesting if we had a greater number of candidates. I'm a moderate myself...I listen to the arguments for and against each side and then make up my mind...as opposed to some of the strict party-people who vote however the party says to vote w/ little or no thought (I like to think that these type of people are a minority)

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Lieberman is also a part of the Parents Television Coucil. A group that has nothing better to do than hound TV networks when naughty things are shown on the air. Why cannt these morons devote their time and efforts to solving REAL problems like poverty, hunger, drug adiction, AIDS etc.


So far their are NO candadates I want running my country. Maybe its time to move to Canada!

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I already have escape routes planned to Canada, several European countries and Southeast Asia.


Seriously, this country needs more reputable and honest politicians running this damn place. I know it seems like an oxymoron and it probably is. That's why this place is so friggin' messed up.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Seriously, this country needs more reputable and honest politicians running this damn place. I know it seems like an oxymoron and it probably is. That's why this place is so friggin' messed up.


So basically what you're saying is we need less Democrats and more conservatives? ;)


Seriously, what has Bush ever done that was blatently dsishonest or irreputable?

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Originally posted by SlashAndBurn

So far their are NO candadates I want running my country. Maybe its time to move to Canada!


I might be coming up to that country when I get out of high school. I'm sick of the politics and such here! In fact, I HATE IT ALL! So Canada it will be, I might be moving the Alberta were it's cold. ;)

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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar

I might be coming up to that country when I get out of high school. I'm sick of the politics and such here! In fact, I HATE IT ALL! So Canada it will be, I might be moving the Alberta were it's cold. ;)

Come to Québec! It's actually pretty cold in Winter and still nice in the summer since we're close to the ocean ;)
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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Come to Québec! It's actually pretty cold in Winter and still nice in the summer since we're close to the ocean ;)


I would actually like to stay near the US border still unless family has a problem with me moving away from the US, then I might consider. Besides, I heard it's best to learn French anyways, but it does sound like a good place to have a LAN and computer store at the same time. :D

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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar

I would actually like to stay near the US border still unless family has a problem with me moving away from the US, then I might consider. Besides, I heard it's best to learn French anyways, but it does sound like a good place to have a LAN and computer store at the same time. :D

I live near the US border... :confused:


You don't have to learn french, I know plenty of people who stay here and don't know french. They all live in West Island, which takes up almost half of Montreal and has one of the best malls of the city so it's not a ghetto at all :)


Yeah there are lots of rednecks, but if you don't speak french you won't notice... and we don't have any Prime Minister trying to ban videogames! ^_^

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Is what he said true? If it is, that means US citizens have to choose between two extremists? If that's so, why the hell isn't there a more middle-of-the-road party?


Also alot of what he said was stereotypical views on the 2 parties.

There's good and bad politicians on both sides.


Someone who does a good job (to me) is someone who takes the best qualities of both sides. In all honesty the parties aren't all that different. These are the same guys(Senators and Govs) who sit next to each other at the country clubs.

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