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Man vs. Beast


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I learned of this show while watching "Pardon The Interruption" today. Allegedly, t his show will pit men (or women) vs various members of the animal kingdom in several contests. What those contests are, I have no idea, but they did mention something about an eating contest between a man and a Grizzly Bear. Is anyone going to watch this? Or, as they stated on the show, further proof of the decline of Western Civilization?


here is the link for the show if you want to check it out for yourselves:




Man vs. Beast

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Joe Millionaire is the funniest thing I have EVER seen, those chicks have NO idea what they are getting themselves into, I make 1/2 of what that guy and I am a full time student. But anyways, that grizzly is gunna get a run for its money, that chinese guy is INSANE

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Simple, the producers know that a majority of people are dumb, don't like thinking for themselves, and will accept crappy shows. So instead fo making good ones they make crappy ones and hype it up. People then watch the shows out of fear of being excluded from others.


This goes for any country, most people are idiots who like to follow others.

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Originally posted by Admiral

So instead fo making good ones they make crappy ones and hype it up.


They could have run commercials that just had white words on black saying "A Draft Team of 60 Midgets will Attempt to Out Pull an Elephant" and i would still be saying this will be the high-water mark of man's existence.

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The Bear won the hot dog eating event.


The Oranagutan (CAN'T SPELL) beat the Sumo wrestler in a tug of war.


The Sprinter outran a giraffe but failed to out run a Zebra (two attempts. the zebra jumped early the first time)


the former SEAL beat the hell out of a chimp in the obstacle course (interestingly, the chimp was the best competitor of all the animals. he didn't need handlers to hold him back and he waited on the starting line line a human and even flexed and stretched)


and the elephant decimated the midgets. half the midgets weren't even trying.


what an awful 8000th post. just like the previous 7999 i guess

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Frankly, who is the wise guy that figured out 60 midgets equals 1 Elephant? or that a human being has the same appitite as a Bear?


and people forget that man is the best EDURANCE runner on the earth. Why bother seeing who the fastest when we know the cheetah is the fastest land animal on the earth


Frankly, this is a waste of time to even bother to watch, it is so messed up from the start.

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I was impressed by the performance of the little people, I didn;t even think they'd get the plane to overcome the initial inertia when I first heard of it, then I saw them moving it in an advertisement.


I figured the bear would win at the eating contest, he was swallowing those hot dogs whole, two at a time.


I missed the tug of war between the Sumo wrestler and the orangutang (sp?). I switched to the Mavericks/Kings game during that.


Overall, I don't think I'll waste my time watching another like that again.

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