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The Day the Earth Moved Again...


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As a small number of you may know, I've been in a major rut recently. Everything was cascading down upon my head and I was seriously depressed. I mean BADLY. I had nothing but apathy for the world around me and nearly decked my best friend several times in the past few days for reasons that will become known to you...so keep reading. I had several LARGE Projects due in the span of a little over a week and I just didn't feel like doing anything...it really sucked to be me. Then today rolled around and it started off just as bad as the way it had been heading...nearly tore off my friend's head, etc. Then all of the sudden BANG! we found out that all our projects except one had been knocked back a week (that one is due tomorrow, but anyway:o ). We were celebrating in the halls. Plus soon I found I had no homework but that project...so I could focus in on it easily. Then towards the end of the day I asked a girl out. She said yes and you have no IDEA how releaved I was when she did...I had been tring to ask her out for literally over a month, but every time I had the words coming out of my mouth our conversation would be interupted by some unknowing passerbye...or my friend trying to talk about football news (see I told you I'd tell you). But finally, today I had my oportunity when he went out to his car to put his stuff up and I knew I had nearly a minute...I barely had asked her and she had just replied when he got back...just in time to deny me further conversation. (gonna hit him...oh yes...gonna hit him)...but anyway it all turned out happy in the end and now I'm not in a deep funk anymore...but dang it's cold (our thermostat died today...right in time for it to be snowing outside).


Anyway...that's my tidbit of happyness for this season:)

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That's good to hear man. :thumbsup:

That sucks about wanting to deck your friend man, I've been there and known the feeling. Congrats on the girl thing too. I hate when your getting the nerve to tell her something and then someone just ruins your oppurtunity and you can't do it after all.


I also know about having a $hit load of stuff due. I had a lot back when I was returning to school. I also had to do it cause I need to graduate. But luckily everything worked out and I turned the stuff in. I also had a group project that was due tomorrow but luckily our teacher pushed it back. :D



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