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So what are your first plans in game?

Wraith 8

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Spidermonkey, you're hired. ;)


I plan to build an Imperial base on Corellia and conquer the galaxy.




But seriously, I plan on RPing as much as possible and go on patrols with STs and battles with AT-Ats. Oh it will be such fun.......

Oh come on April.....Where are you? :(

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The game has a rank cut off to my understanding. Also, it says you can build and run an Imp base but doesn't it also say you can't actually be an Imp? I know it says you can't be an ST. Perhaps they meant you can't be that low in rank. Maybe some one can clarify before I research as I take a break from my hard days work for a smoke. ;)

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After double-checking, it does appear that you will be able to be the CO over STs and the like, but how high you can go it does not state. Obviously they will not allow you to grow to such proportions as to have constant contact with such FCs as Palpatine and Vader, but it does peak my curiosity that they do not list low and high ranks.

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I wanna be like in the movies...I'll grow up on that one planet made out of sand, looks kinda like a big beach. And I'll buy one of those cars without wheels, and buy a couple of those robots that talk to each other. And we'll go from place to place, and I'll fly in one of those space planes towards that circle lookin thing with a dimple in it, and fly my plane in one of those canals and shoot a firey ball in the hole and fly away really fast. Then I'll fall in love with my sister, but later realize its not that kind of love. Then I'll go to this swamp and play with a muppet, and learn how to lift things with my brain powers. And then I'll go fight the big black guy and lose my hand, but its ok, cuz I think i'll have someone that knows how to make fake hands, so don't worry. Then I'll go play with some midgets with fur on them...then.....


Ok, I'll stop now.


What I'm REALLY going to do? I'll probably start on Tatooine, depending on where all my buddies wanna start, then work on my smuggling, and fighting stuff....I'm deciding if I want to become a BH, since EVERYONE wants to be....but maybe.

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im planning on becoming a construction man, and building cool houses for everyone, and maybe opening my own city once i have the skills and the cash. If i decide not to open my own city, then i will build a kickass outpost and once it is finished, maybe join a PA. If all of that falls through, then i will revert to being a hermit that lives under a waterfall on naboo.

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I think you guys skipped ahead a bit- The very first thing that each of us will probably do, after recovering from hysterical giggling because we've finally been able to log on, is pick a direction and run like maniacs exploring the countyside. lol. At least until something nasty decides to take us out...



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Originally posted by Jared Sinn

I think you guys skipped ahead a bit- The very first thing that each of us will probably do, after recovering from hysterical giggling because we've finally been able to log on, is pick a direction and run like maniacs exploring the countyside. lol. At least until something nasty decides to take us out...




I will immediately complete CharGen. Then build the first Imperial base on Corellia. Then the excitement will finally set in, I will flip out and become a power monger, roaming the countryside with a garrison of STs and taking over small villages. J/K


Seriously though, everything depends on how the game actually works. We may talk a lot of theory and discuss rumors here, but how much do we really know? I may discover that I can't make my character the way I want to. I may suddenly discover that I am force sensitive and that would kill most of my plans right there. Will Vader and the Inquisitors hunt down a Loyal Imperial Dark Jedi? Should I go into hiding or hunt down Light Siders for the fun of it? Who knows, but we shall see shant we?

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Originally posted by Red_Apocalypse

I'd start working on basic skill trees and raising money. Donate most money to PA, help start underground empire. :cool:


Well, hello there Red. Since no one else has........


WELCOME TO THE SWGalaxies.net Forums


.....and, as a warning, beware the Gnorts. ;)


I think you'll find it's pretty friendly here. Hope you stay awhile.

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

Well, hello there Red. Since no one else has........


WELCOME TO THE SWGalaxies.net Forums


.....and, as a warning, beware the Gnorts. ;)


I think you'll find it's pretty friendly here. Hope you stay awhile.

Heh, thanks. I plan to stay awhile(hopefully).

For now, I guess I'm just a newb who annoyingly plugs his PA. (:

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Originally posted by swediot=)

well when the game first come out i plan on talking to alot of poelp and secretly hassling themas therer will be no way they can understand me MWUUUBHABABABA WHUAAHAHAHA .... sorry .... i mean i will try to make money yeh money is gooood money is goood ehehee


Don't drink and post

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To Red_Apocalypse:


Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, one of the Welcomming Committee.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)




As for the topic:

I'm pretty much prolly gonna do what Jared said. :D

Well, first I'm gonna get me some equipment. :)

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I thought you guys decided not to do the multiple welcomes? Oh well...I like it....infact:


WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!


I forgot what I was going to welcome....i resign from the welcoming committee! Bastards....All I wanted was a raise, and maybe a dental plan.

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