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Whos looking forward to having a good reputation?


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One of the things i'm hoping i have in star wars galaxies is a good reputation. I hope i do whatever job i'll be doing so good that ppl talk about me and tell ppl that if u want so and so job done u should see me.


I know it wont happen cuz as much as i will play this game, i know theres gonna be someone else play 2, 3, 4, x's as much as me. I work like half that day so its not like i got nothing to do to make a really good character.



but have u guys been hoping to have a good reputation? aka Boba Fett. u know in the star wars universe if someone wants to catch a bounty they would love to have Fett help them out.

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Well, as a merchant I need a good reputation. I'll probably post alot on forums and "in-game boards". I'll be honest in my business. Maybe do a little sponsorship/ special sprice stunts/ advertisement etc. The things companies do to sell their stuff. :)

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I hope to do alot of trading in-game, aswell as on E-Bay!, so being trustworthy as Wraith 8 say's is paramount!.


That is untill i turn to the dark side :mad:


Nando Shar

Sative Mneral Corporation

*Rock's Big and Small we got'em all*



Nice avatar Greek Jedi!:p

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I want to be a well respected doctor, with a good reputation. I don't wanna hear ne "Whats up Doc?".....cause this doctor does make house calls. ;) lol I kinda wanna be known as that old crazy man that lives out beyound the dune sea, but to those who know me, well, i take care of my own.



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