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Rhett's WTF of the Week

Boba Rhett

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Cousin unions addressed



Published Jan. 17, 2003


One of the more talked-about bill introductions Thursday was a proposal to eliminate Minnesota's law against marriages between first cousins.


The bill is sponsored by DFL Reps. Phyllis Kahn of Minneapolis and Cy Thao of St. Paul. They say recent scientific studies conclude that children of first cousins are at no greater risk of genetic defects than others. Thao, one of two Hmong legislators, said such unions are not uncommon in that culture. Kahn said the law also is a problem for Somali immigrants.


Rep. Marty Seifert, R-Marshall, joked that the bill would appear to conflict with Gov. Tim Pawlenty's oft-stated promise "not to turn us into another Arkansas."





WTF. :indif: To all you from Minnesota, shame on you.







Actually, my family on my mother's side is somewhat like this. They're from really southern Missouri and two of my cousins married 6th and 8th cousins. :indif:




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I'll have you know that i don't know anyone in arkansas who married cousins thank you very much. :mad:




i don't even know if that's legal here or not. oh well. i don't care. i'm not planning on marrying any of my cousins, so i doesn't matter. but i do know of someone who went to a party and fell in love with a girl who he found out later was his cousin, but they never got married.

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My sister did a family tree as part of a school project once and found that there was this really weird connection between part of the family...our tree branched out a good ways and then one from the extreme left of the family married someone form the extreme right...they were so distantly related at that point that they probably had no clue...they'd been something like 13th cousins 4 times removed or some such thing...so distant it doesn't matter...


also, my sister traced our family origins all the way back to a Reverend Robert Brice, who had changed his last name from Bruce (in the 1800's, I think) and that his family line went back to the Bruce Clan in Scotland...most notable of which was Robert de Bruce, King of Scotland and rebel against the English Monarchy (damn English *shakes fist*)


So, I like to think of myself as royalty! :D






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I think Gowen actually married his second cousin, very weird. I've never traced my family geneology, so I don't know where my name comes from or if I'm distantly related to anyone important.


Heh, is this thread anything like Rhett's useless trivia of the week?

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Originally posted by Artoo

Heh, is this thread anything like Rhett's useless trivia of the week?


Not sure, but I'm betting there's gonna be a quiz at the end of it...who's from where...who's royalty...who's calling themselves Emporer because a moistened bink lobbed a scimitar at them...

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