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Nominate your favorite actors for an upcoming poll...


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Ok, When you post, nominate the person you think did the best acting job in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. In a week, or slightly longer depending on the number of replies to this, I will post a few of these for a poll vote and the winner after a set amount of time will be chosen by the poll.






I nominate Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu. :D

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Originally posted by -s/<itzo-

Natalie, just becasue she's HOT!!! :naughty:

She is a good actor btw. There are only a couple corny lines shes had in Ep1-2. Its strange that people only concentrate on those. She acts just fine. But Im not changing my vote. Im stickin with Ewan.


Hey whens this poll gonna show up? If the threads not getting enough hits then notify people at the swamp.

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Ok, I was expecting more then just the starring rolls which is why I didn't originally post this as a poll. For instance, I expected agentsmith to step up and nominate Amy Allen as Aayla Secura and all that. :D


I was looking to see who I wouldn't think of. Anyway, I think I have a large enough list of actors/actresses now so I'm gonna post the OFFICIAL POLL as soon as this thread is on page 2. Probably going to be less confusing that way. :D


In any case, if anyone has more nominees, they better start nominating quick.:D

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