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What Game Shall I Get...?

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Well, considering I have won a bet for the superbowl, I think I'll be getting a game with my new computer next month. Only one problem, I don't know what game to get, so I'm looking for suggestions from all of you guys!


Rainbow Six III: Raven Shield (Having second thoughts)

Command & Conquer: Generals

Battlefield 1942

Age of Mythology


My specs shall officially be in case I'm asked for some reason :p:

AMD Athlon XP 1800+ 1.57Ghz

Geforce 4 Ti 4200 128MB DDR

512DDR333 RAM

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Originally posted by darthfergie


Westwood studios is still intact...Generals is coming out Feb 11...what's the problem?


Well, maybe they are not going down completely afterall, but I don't like the sound of it at all really. Here's the article. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/24749


Also some info below:

- EA Pacific and Westwood Studios are closing.

- They will NOT be 'gone'.

- They are switching to Los Angeles.

- They have not yet decided on a name

- C&C has a future

- This is not a hinderment.

- This is 'an amazing opportunity' - Louis Castle


I say CnC: Generals... I've been following it for a while now (http://www.cncgenerals.com I've got 800 odd posts there... really good forums ) and it has really been shapping up into what looks like a smash hit. If you were disappointed with RA2 then give CnC another try because Generals is simply amazing.


Well.... The company has already ruined two games this far. I don't think I will be buying Generals until most likely later this year when I actually see the support get better anyways. Of course upon hearing that a unit became useless with the first or second patch, I will not buy anymore seeing they would be too lazy to balance themselves.....

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Without a doubt, get BF1942. When I got the game, well, let's just say I was instantly addicted. I started the game about 5:00pm Friday night, played until 2:30am (something I never really do), and beat the game after about 4 hours the next morning.


In short, I've NEVER done this before. Any game that can get me this addicted is AWESOME and worth every dollar.


And multiplayer, well, that's another whole story of addiction. All I have to say is LAN PARTY!!!

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Originally posted by Kylilin

Save your money and wait for that Star Wars mmorpg to come out.


I'm not going to buy a game that will cost more money after buying it for $50 at least.. Besides, I'm waiting for SW:K which shall hopefully be out abit before my birthday. As for BF, looks like I'll be getting the game afterall a month later that is. As for RA2, I thought it was fine until WW ruined the game altogether. Their too lazy to balance units....

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