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The Punisher.....A MOVIE???


Have You ever heard of The Punisher  

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  1. 1. Have You ever heard of The Punisher

    • Yeah, DUH WHO DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THE PUNISHER, what a dumb question.
    • No, What's a comic?
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    • Ha Ha Ha, peanutbutter

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Ok I just found out, (some here might already know) but there is going to be a punisher movie comin out at the end of 2003. Kurt Russell is supposed to be in it BUT NOT AS THE PUNISHER??? I think He would make a good punisher, Give me some feed back on if this would be a good movie or not. (supposed to be more of a crime oriented movie, rather than a cartoony superhero movie) Also make some suggestions on who should be The Punisher.





P.S. T3 Is gonna kick all other movies at box offices A$$

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ok this is not mine but here is what the ounisher is all about

(kinda Long, sorry)


When his family was killed in the crossfire of a Mafia shootout, Frank Castle put his military training to use -- waging a one-man war on crime. As the Punisher, Castle reinvented himself as the merciless scourge of the underworld. The mere mention of his name causes criminals everywhere to cringe in fear, because they all know the Punisher plays for keeps -- and someday, he may come gunning for them!


Real name: Frank Castle (born Castiglione)

Occupation: Former U.S. Marine turned professional vigilante

Group affiliation: None

Base of operations: Mobile

First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #129 (1974)


Height: 6'

Weight: 200 lbs.

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Black


Powers: A seasoned combat veteran of exceptional skill, the Punisher possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. A former U.S. Marine captain with a distinguished combat record who has undergone SEAL (Sea Air Land), UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) and LRPA (Long Range Patrol) training, Frank Castle is well-versed in the arts of warfare and hand-to-hand combat.


Weapons: The Punisher employs an exhaustive arsenal of portable weaponry. His firearms of choice include a Vietnam-era M16 automatic rifle in .223 caliber; a Sterling Mark 69mm, 34-round, clip-fed, semiautomatic rifle converted to automatic; a 14-round, 9mm Browning Llama automatic pistol; a government-issue, .45 caliber automatic frame re-chambered for 9mm ammunition with a replaceable barrel for conversion to .223 caliber; and a 4-shot derringer in .223 caliber. Thus, he need carry only two types of ammunition.


History: Frank Castle was an ideal soldier. A decorated captain in the U.S. Marine Corps, he fought to make the world a safer place for his wife and young children. For heroism in the line of duty, he was recognized twice with Bronze and Silver stars, and four times with the Purple Heart. But circumstance would twist Castle's military acumen, giving birth to an unreasoning engine of destruction. While on leave, he took his wife and two children to Central Park for a picnic. There, his family happened upon a gangland killing. Seeking to eliminate all witnesses, the mobsters murdered Castle's wife and children. The super-soldier had survived armed combat only to be shot in the park, unable to protect his loved ones. Castle lived, but was traumatized severely by his family's murder and dropped out of sight for several months. He was baptized in a new understanding: Society was fiction. The scene and the enemy had changed, but the war never ended. When the former Marine resurfaced, he had adapted his fighting skills to wage a one-man war on crime -- rooting out evil in every corner of the city, taking no prisoners. Outfitted in a battlesuit bearing a large death's head and equipped with enough weaponry to arm an entire battalion, Castle sought out and executed criminals he believed to be associated with the gangsters who had killed his wife and children.


Castle has served time for his brutal slayings, but even managed to carry on his crusade against the criminal element within the prison itself. While incarcerated on Ryker's Island, the Punisher was poisoned with mind-altering chemicals on the orders of the criminal gangleader Jigsaw, whose face had been horribly damaged when Castle hurled him through a window. The drugs had a delayed, cumulative effect -- slowly driving the Punisher mad. Following his escape from prison, he took to terrorizing minor criminals, such as litterbugs and jaywalkers. Subsequently, Castle underwent detoxification and returned to some semblance of sanity.


The Punisher resumed his never-ending war on crime, seeking shelter in a small apartment building while targeting the powerful Gnucci crime family. The Punisher threw matriarch Ma Gnucci into a bear pit, igniting an all-out war with her organization. The mangled Ma dispatched operative after operative against the man responsible for her loss of all four limbs, but even the seemingly indestructible powerhouse known as the Russian proved less than equal to the task. The attacks finally ended when the Punisher torched the Gnucci mansion and punted Ma's limbless body into the fire.


He had an expert computer hacker helper named Linus "Microchip" Lieberman who, after many years of friendship, started having disagreements with Castle's methods, resulting in the break-up of their working relationship. Frank went mad over this and, in a fit of rage, was involved in a gunfight with rogue SHIELD agent Sudden Death, which resulted in the death of Microchip, as well as Frank's incarceration by SHIELD agent Col. Nicholas Joseph Fury.

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Alright, I think they're really starting to go a bit far with the comic book to movie adaptations...


Personally, I'd like to see them have Dolph Lundgren cast as the Punisher again, I thought he did a marvelous(pun, get it:D) job as the Punisher in the original film.


But apparently someone named Thomas Jane is already cast as the Punisher, and the rumour regarding Kurt Russell as Tombstone has been squashed as well. It's not exactly high ranking on my anticipated movie list, so I'm not terribly disturbed by these developments.

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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

P.S. T3 Is gonna kick all other movies at box offices A$$


Sorry man but LOTR: Return of the King, and both Matrix movies are going to reign this year. I do think that T3 will be in the top 10 films of 2003 though.


As for the Punisher movie I just hope that they make it good and that they don't make it look cheazy like they have been making all these comic book movies lately.



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Originally posted by Dath Maximus

he still gets his butt kicked by wolverine quite regularly


in the latest punisher comic he blasts wolvies face off with a shotgun and douses him with gasonline, and wolvie is still a fighting!




um...... huh? even Wolverine could resist getting shot in the snot with a shotgun.....

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Originally posted by Ratmjedi

Sorry man but LOTR: Return of the King, and both Matrix movies are going to reign this year. I do think that T3 will be in the top 10 films of 2003 though.



Yes BUT neo would kick terminators ass anyway but that would be an unfair match (LOVE THIS MOVIE), also LOTR as book to me, sucks cause they talk too much for me to really depict the action sequence, but the movies are alright, I SAY AGAIN THERE ALRIGHT....sorry had to get it outa my system.


BUT I HAVE been a huge fan of terminator SINCE I WAS 4, back when my dad took me to see the first one, Because my mom wanted us to go somewhere and my dad thought no where else to go but the movies. So anyways T3 in my book will rock the house. Hala back now WOOO WOOO :yeldance:


:jab: <------- THATS SO FUN TO DO!!! especially to boobs......even better big boobs......ha ha ha.......pain killers ROCK! :hatchrun::monkbomb::cowdance

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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

Yes BUT neo would kick terminators ass anyway but that would be an unfair match (LOVE THIS MOVIE), also LOTR as book to me, sucks cause they talk too much for me to really depict the action sequence, but the movies are alright, I SAY AGAIN THERE ALRIGHT....sorry had to get it outa my system.


BUT I HAVE been a huge fan of terminator SINCE I WAS 4, back when my dad took me to see the first one, Because my mom wanted us to go somewhere and my dad thought no where else to go but the movies. So anyways T3 in my book will rock the house. Hala back now WOOO...


And now you're 9, so you've only been a Terminator fan for 5 years? ;)


Machines will rise (in the 2 Matrix sequels), Terminator will blow (Arnold was the outdated model in the LAST movie... he's gonna get his @ss pounded in this one), and LOTR will sweep up the rest of what looks like at least a billion dollar total between those 3 movies alone.

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