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team DSbr has just finished their first movie documenting their ownage of jk2. Here is the description:


Trick jumps and frag highlights from team DSbr, the original pioneers of jk2. Darksaber has been defining how the game is played since day one. We now present our revolutionary efforts to the masses with this latest video. See why DSbr has been cocky, rude, arrogant and down right mean when you feast your unworthy eyes on this sick entertainment.


you can find the download link over here: http://www.own-age.com/vids/videoprofile.asp?id=386

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Very Cool Moive nice editing especially the spin in 3d cameraman thing im guessing you did that while watching the demo and changing angles using the cg_thirdpersonangle? or did you like freeze in-gmae (him turn on noclip) and you pan around him. It was a nice effect either way I might contact you about my movie later its got a diff based theme then urs tho. It seems a lot of JKO players play with FPS which is intrigueing to me as I always played CS and other FPS but in JKO I never play in FP I like to be able to see my surroundings. I know a lot of those tricks and moves you did I can snipe with the disruptor at close range as well. But How the Heck Do You Fly Around the Map so dang Fast and i checked both speed and rage werent on in the certain scenes im thinking of plus i noticed you "bouncing" off walls or something ultimately escaping death and flying back up all around the map with ur flag wtf was that noclip as well? I noticed a few familiar names like BSB and SA_BountyHunter I mostly play on the zone so i dont know all those in-game server clans or teamwarfare ones although on other threads I hear that FK Fallen one guy is REALLY good is that why you included you killing him in ur movie? ;) hit me up when im on the zone man and we can discuss a few things Im CM_Ronin1 Im making a movie with my RPG club website is http://www.roleplayersinc.com stop by our forums anytime.

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Very Cool Moive nice editing especially the spin in 3d cameraman thing im guessing you did that while watching the demo and changing angles using the cg_thirdpersonangle? or did you like freeze in-gmae (him turn on noclip) and you pan around him. It was a nice effect either way I might contact you about my movie later its got a diff based theme then urs tho. It seems a lot of JKO players play with FPS which is intrigueing to me as I always played CS and other FPS but in JKO I never play in FP I like to be able to see my surroundings. I know a lot of those tricks and moves you did I can snipe with the disruptor at close range as well. But How the Heck Do You Fly Around the Map so dang Fast and i checked both speed and rage werent on in the certain scenes im thinking of plus i noticed you "bouncing" off walls or something ultimately escaping death and flying back up all around the map with ur flag wtf was that noclip as well? I noticed a few familiar names like BSB and SA_BountyHunter I mostly play on the zone so i dont know all those in-game server clans or teamwarfare ones although on other threads I hear that FK Fallen one guy is REALLY good is that why you included you killing him in ur movie? ;) hit me up when im on the zone man and we can discuss a few things Im CM_Ronin1 Im making a movie with my RPG club website is http://www.roleplayersinc.com stop by our forums anytime.

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That was amazing stuff. Its as if the members of Dsbr were part of the map. The bouncing, jumping, speed, aim, and timing were sw33t. No wonder Dsbr has your favorite JK2 gods.


The music was crappy though besides for that 70s thing in the start. I hate bands that can't sing worth poop (like punk bands in general).

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*walks in a 3 piece suit and puts on some Raybans :cool: and pulls out a Silver Tampon Applicator thingy....or so it seems* Ok Folks if youll step this way and look at this Red light *FLASH* What you experienced was a Great JKO player In action Brutally Stunning another JKO player to death in mid-air I am a member of the Stun Baton Manufactureres and it appears this baton was defective Thank You for your time! :confused:

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I really don't get the point of a clan making a movie of how "1337" they are using exploits. The first half was like showing off the wall climb exploit.


Some of the shots were good, but common. They did good making the movie clip, but the in-game stuff just just normal, stuff I see everyday.

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