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unfinished business

Darth Homer

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Hey Rhett, whatever happened to the "I'm gonna tally the points of the caption contest and let everyone know"? You were just waiting for us all to forget, weren't you?? Well, forget it! I have a mind like a rusty trap! Never know when it's gonna snap into action...now, fess up...who won?


While I'm railing against one, person, might as well widen my scopes...HAVOC! Why haven't you updated Dark Tides yet? And I don't want to hear any excuses of "My wife is very pregnant and is runing me ragged" or "Space aliens carted me off and did weird experiments involving Preparation-H and a cattle prod"


There, that's out of my system....if anyone has a beef against me for not doing something, feel free to blast me for it :)

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Can I try?:D


Rhett when are you gonna update LC with new articles!


And while your at it Rhett...when are you going to give me an image sig? I mean you ARE an admin and being a super mod does have its perks, right?:D


and if you can find the time...when are you gonna do my laundry?

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