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I have a cousin...

Darth Homer

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I just got a call from my mom & she said that my Aunt has adopted a baby...this pretty much comes out of the blue for us as we had no idea she was even thinking about adopting. Apparently she'd gone as far as to look at China for adoption, but was told that since she would be a single parent (though she is a lawyer & judge) she might only take on a special case. Well, one of her partners said that he had found a girl (15yrs old!! :eek: ) that was putting a baby up for adoption & my Aunt was able to even get to see the baby born...this is all very surreal to me...here I am 22 yrs old and I have a new cousin...my mom told me her name, but I'm afraid I have already forgotten as I'm still in a bit of a shock........I have a cousin now... :D

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Congrats on the new cousin, Homer! :D


My mother is the eldest of eleven brother and sisters, and I in turn am my mothers eldest. SO I have a lot of cousins and new ones born every year. In fact right now my one aunt is pregnant with another cousin. I'm 25 years old and have cousins still in the womb, when my own child is due only one month afyter my cousin is due! Wierd :p


By the way, Homer, baby cousins are alot of fun. They really look up to you, and adore you! :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

By the way, Homer, baby cousins are alot of fun. They really look up to you, and adore you! :D


That is SOOO true. My Aunt had a boy like 3 years ago, and now he worships me like a god.

Another one of my Aunts jus had a baby last year, so, he basically cries and that's it. . .

And ANOTHER one of my Aunts is pregnant. . . but I dont know who the father is. . . she's not married. . .


But since it seems that other ppl are older than me that have cousins. . . I dont feel too old when i'm around them

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Congrats! I have an adopted cousin too. But I was almost 6 when she was adopted as a baby. I don't see her much because she lives in Northern Caroline (I think?). I think its great your Aunt adopted. There are so many children out there that need to go to good and loving families! Congrats Again !!! :)

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