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Next "Jedi" Game


Out of these which should the new fps "Jedi" game be about?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Out of these which should the new fps "Jedi" game be about?

    • Pre-Republic/Like KOTOR
    • Clone Wars
    • Remake "Obi-Wan" for p.c.
    • New story with Kyle Katarn
    • A story from the Expanded Universe

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

*rips a hole in wassups suit*



Set during NJO? Sweet merciful crap. That'd prevent me from getting it. :p


yeah i'd agree with that, though i would probably still get it


i would like to see a jedi power battles based on Ep II

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My choice was a Kyle game.


My other opinions:

- KOTOR is KOTOR, we need not make it KyleOTOR


- No NJO for me thanks ... I admit not keeping up, but it just lost me - too Trekky for my tastes.


- I would like to see ObiWan on the PC, but not if it takes anything looking like work ;-) It would be crap on the PC like it was crap on the X-Box, but for $19.99 it would be a fun game to play around with for a bit. Never gonna happen ... LucasArts already moved it to 'Classic' status.

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Originally posted by wassup

A new Kyle Katarn or Kyle-related adventure set during the timeline of NJO.


*puts on flame retardent suit


I definitely want another Kyle game, especially if they are going to put it in the Dark Forces series. I'd also like the ability to design my own character that could go through the game, set in the JO timeframe.


As for the NJO, it has been discussed at length in these forums why that wouldn't work as a game. Just to reiterate:


- the majority of star wars fans don't who the hell the Yuo-sa-whatever Vong are, and so would be saying, "Sweet Jeez, where the hell are the stormtroopers? And who are these ugly bastards?"


- Many of those that do know about the NJO hate it, so Lucasarts would be alienating a large part of their customers, since (those who don't know the Vong) + (those who hate the NJO) > (those that like the NJO).


- What good is a game about Jedi where you get lots of cool force powers but face an enemy that is completely immune to them. "I'm going to push and grip this ugly sucka all over the map! What the..?"


Frankly, I have enjoyed the Jedi Knight series post-ROTJ storyline much more than the NJO line. Just just seems to fit the Star Wars universe much better than aliens from another galaxy. A game set in the KOTOR timeframe would be cool too (but don't call it JO2!).

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Originally posted by Prime

Frankly, I have enjoyed the Jedi Knight series post-ROTJ storyline much more than the NJO line. Just just seems to fit the Star Wars universe much better than aliens from another galaxy. A game set in the KOTOR timeframe would be cool too (but don't call it JO2!).


I absolutely agree with you. I love [blasting] stormies and all of my ol' friends I watched in theaters as a pre-teen and teen ... Rodians and the like.


I think that the possible popular appeal for a new game lies in 3 places - in the post-RotJ time as they have been, in the 'prequel' era, and in the KOTOR era. The latter two - if they were to involve Kyle - would require Time Travel ... already making it 'iffy'. But there may be some way to integrate them into the Valley of the Jedi (which I still have questions about ... why does that still have so much power anyway? I thought everyone was freed?)


Who knows ... so long as I have a saber, force powers and recognizable Imperials and other Star Wars baddies to slice, I'll be happy ...

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Originally posted by txa1265

Who knows ... so long as I have a saber, force powers and recognizable Imperials and other Star Wars baddies to slice, I'll be happy ...


This is what it really comes down to, doesn't it? It's these basic connections to the Star Wars world that makes the game so much fun.


The thing I like about the JK series storyline is that it has so many elements that I like from both the PT and OT. Stormtroopers, lambda shuttles, rodians etc., and that grungy, run down, lived-in feel of the OT, and the larger number of Jedi/Dark Jedi like the PT. Perhaps the best part is that since the game follows it's own timeline after the movies, it gives the devs the freedom to write their own story. The thing I don't like about games that are a direct story from the movies is that you know what's going to happen next. "Darth Maul must be around somewhere because I'm in the Theed Palace now!" It is much better having a game world where the story is open ended.

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Originally posted by Prime:

Stormtroopers, lambda shuttles, rodians etc., and that grungy, run down, lived-in feel of the OT,

I have to say that this is the main thing that attracts me to the DF series. The architecture is suitably weathered. It feels that much more serious and real, and allows you to more easily suspend your disbelief for a few hours a week. The prequels don't quite have the same level of grime and graffiti that the OT had, do they... All shiny. Don't like that. :D


Originally posted by Sapaca:

The next game should be long. I blew through in about two weeks, tops.

Hey, have I ever told you all that I completed JO SP on Jedi Master level about twenty hours after I received it... Despite the minor annoyance of my day job?


Ah, okay. Just checking. :dozey:

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Originally posted by Sapaca

I really hope (Whatever "sequal"' they make) that it puts a spot on the maps. I would be nice to see some ground-breaking stuff in an LEC game.


The next game should be long. I blew through in about two weeks, tops.


While I agree with wanting a long game - I would love if JKII were twice as long - I just have to note that at ~24 hours play time estimate, it is much, much longer than most other FPS's that came out in the last year or so ... like RtCW, MoHAA, SoFII (even at 60+ levels) and so on ...


But I still agree ... make the next one even longer ;-)

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Well actually I am happy just waiting for these games:





Once Galaxies gets here then I'm not gonna want another Kyle game or any game for that matter lol.


But Galaxies is a MMORPG, right? So perhaps for you a FPS like JKII just keeps yougoing for a while ... for me it is ALL FPS. So I see KOTOR as interesting, Galaxies as a non-event (like Starfighter / Rogue Leader / etc)



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I voted for something from the Expanded Universe. I really want to have a game series off of Zahn's Heir to the Empire trilogy. You'd probably play as Mara jade. Wouldn't be the most action packed game series, but it'd be fun for me. Besides, i couldn't bear to have another Katarn game, he's been through enough. Also, they can't really arry on the plot much longer.

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I,too voted for another Kyle game.I don't feel that Kyle's story is over just yet.[hunt down Tavion/turn her back to the Lightside?] I thought that Kyle should have an apprentice by now to train in HIS ways of the Force,e.g.:no academy training .Not another MOTS storyline exactly [Mara Jade was an established character] but someone all-new for the DF series.CO-OP in SP might be more doable with more than one character in the storyline at the same time. OK ,Just my two cents. FLAME ON!:D

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I vote for another game featuring Kyle Katarn. But I think it should be a game where he bows out of the main picture, and just has a cameo role. Maybe you should even be given a choice of which character you want to play, from the outset of a new story - either as Kyle, or an apprentice, or maybe Jan.


Or maybe have it MotS style, where you get to play a couple of different characters, trying to complete different objectives...


It would really make a difference if you could customise the appearance of your character from the outset, just to mix it up a bit. But I digress. Keep this series focussed on the life and times of Kyle Katarn for now...and introduce new characters that can be explored in other games. I reckon.

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