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Occupation: Ground Assault


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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

So does that mean if I get you that custom title first, that'd I'd get to beta test Party Crasher?


Come on Aru, this isn't the time for petty, childish fighting and jostling.


Don't pick him, me! me! I wana beta test!


It would be a great honour to beta test it, even if I only got to do it through unscrupulous methods! Seriously, those points are completely no strings attached, just seeing your name with a purple glow makes it all worth it :) I'd be extremely happy to be part of the beta test team, but not through bribery :D

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

Come on now, Leslie... we all know that it wouldn't be much of a duel, anyway (he'd be dead before you can say 'deformed vertex') :p:D.


Oh really? Well I'll have you know that aside from being a pretty damn fine top notch mapper (in my mind at least), I also keep my lightsaber....erm...sharpened. I'm a pretty feared saberist (OK, feared is the wrong word). Being as Leslie has also challenged me to a duel at some point, I suggest we should set up some sort of big free for all some time, to sort out exactly that I am the best saberist! We could even do it WWE style and have long drwan out rivalries and vendettas, changing of sides at the last minute and general stuff like that.


Also, as Leslie has rightly indicated, this thread has gone off topic a bit...still, this is a good thing at the moment as it covers up the fact I haven't actually done any work on the map for a few days, and as such don't currently have anything to show. If any moderators are reading this - the showcasing is on the way, honest!


Hey Aru, I thought we agreed to keep my difficulties with vertexes quiet ;)?

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[WWE Voice]


And that's right... this Thursday on Smackdown, I'll be facing Kengo the jabroni.


*looks at Camera*


That's right, jabroni... i'm gonna take your lightsaber - shine it up real nice (the crowd recites the words along with him), turn that sumb***h sideways, and stick it straight up your candy a**!


*grabs Microphone, looks straight up, tongue wags wildly as he screams*


If ya SMELLLLLLLLLLLL what The Rock (err, Aru-Wen ;)) is cooking!


[/WWE Voice]


Consider the challenge accepted. :D

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Aru, you talk too much. I'm a man of actions, not words.


(Camera pans out to reveal Kengo sitting in an enormous tank, in a car park)


*Engine starts up*


(Camera pans back further to reveal Aur's car which he foolishly parked there, in all places, a car park)


*Tank moves forward*


(Camera cuts to Aru still in the ring)


Aru: Noooo, my beautiful car!!! I only bought it yesterday!!!


(Camera pans back to the car park)


*Tank rolls over the car with a crushing sound*


Kengo: Stick it Aru!!!

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*Aru's partner waits outside, sitting in a large crane*


The joke's on YOU, Kengo. Take him up!


*the massive crane picks up the tank, with Kengo inside, and lifts it to a height of 50ft*


Drop him!


*the crane lets go, the tank lands upside down as medics rush to the scene*



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(Aru-Wen sits quietly in a bar, covered in bandages. All his hair has been burnt off.)


Suddenly, a figure is framed in the doorway.


*Kengo steps into the bar, unbeknown to Aru-Wen.*


*Kengo picks up a pool cue and smacks Aru over the head with it, as Aru is still stunned Kengo picks Aru up (Kengo works out!) and throws him onto the pool table, which collapses.*


*Kengo then goes across to the side of the bar, rips an electic gambling machine off the wall and drops it on Aru, who is still lying barely conscious on the collpased pool table.*


Kengo goes to the bar


Kengo (to the bartender): Gambling sure is a terrible thing. Whisky please.


*14 of Leslie's battle droids step into the bar*


Kengo: Oh great, some of Leslie's henchmen


*Kengo picks up a bottle from behind the bar and throws it at the first battle droid, fragile as it is, it falls apart, pieces of it fall into the others, who also spontaneous fall apart.*


Kengo: And that's the end of that....whisky please.

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[Man, they just don't build those battle droids like they used to. You forgot about the one that tripped over the pile of rubble covering me who then fell to pieces on the ground. :D]


*Aru struggles to free himself from the rubble as the King and Michael Cole talk*


Cole : King, did you SEE what Kengo just did to Aru-Wen?


King : YEAH, I SAW IT! I can't believe it! He dumped a whole pile of stuff on him! What a cowardly attack, hitting him in the back like that! What're we gonna do?!


Cole : I'm suprised to see Kengo alive after being dropped 50ft inside a tank, a move that was orchestrated by Aru-Wen last Thursday on Smackdown!


*plays clip of the crane dropping the tank to the ground*

*Aru has pushed the gambling machine off of himself, and quietly grabs the Fire Extinguisher hanging on the wall. He runs up behind Kengo and hits him in the head with it, knocking him to the floor, and then starts spraying him with the fire extinguisher*

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(The fire extinguisher runs out, and Aru is distracted by another 20 battle droids charging into the building, not to mention a couple of Rancors.... Kengo regains some degree of consciousness)


Kengo (to camera): I don't like the use of the words "cowardly attack" King!

King: Hey, I didn't know they could hear us!

Cole: It's these damn microphones, they're on!

JR: Well, obviously I want to see Kengo win, 'cause he's on Raw

King: NO JR! He's on Smackdown!

JR: I said "HES ON RAW"


(A fight breaks out between JR and King, Micheal Cole continues the commentry)


Cole: Man, he hit him with giant slab of concrete, where did he get that???


Kengo: Erm, would you mind commentating on THIS match?

Cole: Oh sorry, I was just amazed JR could lift that.


(Aru has just finished off the last of the battle droids, the Rancors have run off to form a new boy group, called 'Ra|\|KOR')

Aru: How did you survive that 50ft fall Kengo?

Kengo: I wasn't in the tank

Aru: But we saw you in it just before it was picked up

Kengo; Did you Aru, did you really?


*Aru gives a puzzled look to the camera*


*Kengo takes the opportunity to knee Aru in the face, throw a few punches, then throw him over the top of the bar*


*Kengo throws the barkeeper a small bag*


Kengo: Hope this covers the cost


Kengo (to camera): And now I'm going to do some mapping, so I have some work to show on this thread, so it doesn't get locked up.....


*Kengo walks out of the bar, which is largely on fire, and has various bits of battle droid scattered around*


Bartender: My bar...oh well, at least I have the money Kengo gave me to cover the cost.


(The bartender opens the bag and discovers it is full of 'Kengo rules' badges)


Bartender: I don't think I'm going to let these guys in here any more


*Aru staggers to his feet, and wanders to the window*


Aru: Oh dear....


*An X-wing dives out of the clouds, Wedge fires a series of missiles at the bar.....*

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End? So soon? It started to look like a Ground Assault...


Oh man!


*drinks the rest of his coke and goes out of the bar throwing some "Judge foreva" badges to the bartender as seen from Kengo*


*Tooks Aru's hand and starts to pull it up as winner since Kengo went away*


*But suddenly a very familiar sound finds its way into the ruins of the bar: a series of heavy detonations.*


OMG Why do they make things always hard for me?


*Grabs some popcorn and coke again and teleports to somewhere else with his very own very personal very trigger_teleport*

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Originally posted by AKPiggott

This has turned into a pretty dreadful interactive story.


I think the word you're looking for is 'degenerated'. I think they should do this with more showcase threads, add a bit of a storyline into them, some human interest, some meaningless violence. Erm, screenshots on the way....

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