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Do you like scary movies?

Darth Groovy

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I like scary movies...but I love cheesy horror flicks. Lets see:


The Ring

Jason Series

Elm Street Series


Night of the Living Dead (original and remake)

Resident Evil


Then there are the movies that are great to make fun of because they suck so much!



13 Ghosts

House on Haunted Hill

Ghosts of Mars...

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

If so, what's your favorite?


Mine is:



The Shining

The Changling

American Warewolf In London


Evil Dead

Night Of The Living Dead





most of these are cheesy horror movies. signs wasn't even meant ot be scary. the only good horror flick there are the shining, alien and i think evil dead. but american werewolf in london, that's just asking to be cheesy.

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I have yet to see a movie that is actually scary so i can't really answer that.


The Shining nearly got there but I found his wife SO ANNOYING that I couldn't really enjoy it.


As for Final Destination, come on, that had to be a joke surely? Either it was the most subtle tongue-in-cheek film ever, or it was just piss-poor.


Personally, I find scary games far more terrifying than movies will ever be.



In terms of scaryness (not necessarily just enjoyment) what are your top rating movies?

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I think most "scary" films go for the "jump" factor. I've jumped at loads of films. Sixth sense was a good one for this (in cinema, not at home) and was a good film. Most films that are supposed to be scary are really poor, and end up just being funny.


I agree with lemon head about games being more scarier. Silent hill was probably scariest I can think of. And I do mean silent hill, not silent hill 2. Both good games, but I think the psx original was far more scarier. Especially when you have it plugged into your surround sound system!!!

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Yeah, that bit with the sick girl in 6th Sense did make me jump, and it was a superb film, but it just wasn't scary. In fact as a general rule I hate films that call themselves scary because they try to make you jump, it just seems so cheap and thrown together. And on the other hand, as helen said, when a film doesn't try to make you jump but just tries to be scary, then it's usually complete cack.


The one exception to that which i can think of is the shining, when Jack's wife finds the book he's been writing and the audience seem him appear behind her, the director could so easily have made that a 'jump' scene but he didn't and i really respect that, i think it increased the tension in fact.


Did anyone ever play that game which had the story designed by the maker of hellraiser?...er...hang on...oh yeah! Clive Barker's Undying, parts of that were really scary.

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Now Hannibal is a bizarre case for me. I watched Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal back to back a while ago (for the first time) and I thought Lambs was good and Hannibal...well...not so good.


That was it for the rest of the day, I didn't even think about it, but that night I had probably one of the worst night's sleep I can remember, I kept waking up thinking someone was trying to disembowel me.


So now I don't know whether I should class it as scary or just plain weird

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

most of these are cheesy horror movies. signs wasn't even meant ot be scary. the only good horror flick there are the shining, alien and i think evil dead. but american werewolf in london, that's just asking to be cheesy.


I said "Scary" movies, not horror movies. It could be a generation gap, but for me American Warewolf in London even though it had many funny elements, the scenes of the warewolf were extremely scary. If you want to get into that, neither Signs nor Sixth Sense are really horror movies. Signs was the last movie that really scared me, bye using old fashoined scare tactics like sound and movement. Psycho was very scary too.

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I find movies that screw with my head to be scarier than the ones which jumps out and shouts "boo". Examples are David Lynch movies (like Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet) and The Shining (which really only has the main plot in common with the book).

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personally I feel

House On Haunted Hill

is the best thing in the scare\horror gendre

I have seen in a long, long time.

I watched it for the first time at 2:45 am

and even knowing it was a movie

I needed a hot mug of coco

and some reasurring squeeks from Spooky

before I could go to bed that night\morning.


most scarry\horror movies are too predicatable.


it's fun to be scarred properly,

cause in real life the horrors you see on the news;

now that's scarry.

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You guys are talking about the remake psycho right?

Myself, I've only seen the original, but considering how amazingly old it is, it's pretty scary. (Despite the fact that the blood was just chocolate syrup).

Myself, I don't like scary movies all that much, but I am partial to M Night Shyamalan( Signs, the 6th sense, and unbreakable; the latter wasn't a scary movie) or however you spell it.


And yes, scary games will make you piss your pants when compared to any movie. (I think it's because you are controlling the character and because you can actually die unlike others -such as Ripley in Aliens; did she ever die?)

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