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Favorite SuperHero

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I'd have to go with superman...He's a little cheap, but that's why I like him!


Eye laser, flying, superstrength, x-ray vision, walk through walls (in on episode), freeze people with breath, in the movie they could move people with their finger, blow people away with breath, doesn't have to breath, invincible (basically)


Oh! beat that

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Originally posted by JangoClone#104

i would have to say spider-man. i like all superheros, but i like spidey because he was a normal person who became a superhero. i mean, batman was rich, superman came from another planet, most of them wern't normal people.


Actually, Spidey was some Science Freak. :D

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Hmmm....instead of favorite super hero can I have a favorite team? I really like Young Justice!! And in Young Justice my 2 favorite are Robin and Superboy so I guess they're my favorite super heroes. I really like Tim Drake as the current Robin because unlike the other Robins he can hold his own. Dick Grayson is a much better Nightwing and Jason Todd was just....ya, I didn't like him. Superboy is really cool because he just has this attutide, but he's really nice as well if you get to know him. And his powers are cool. TTK! If anyone out there is into comics I say check out Young Justice. It's worth it!

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