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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Darth Zaius Wakes up and gets a cab to the other side of the cantina and sees nova_wolf mortally wounded*


ill help you nova, for a price, if you give me gigan, destroyah and megalon, ill heal you a bit for a temporary truce (Zaius patiently waits for Nova wolf`s response), but first I have to save a sith comrad


*Darth Zaius turns on his lightsaber and cuts motheras cocoon in half containing Darth Homer but accidentally Chops him as well*




*Darth Homer is dead for 3 posts*

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*runs up on Zaius and bashes him witha cinder block in the back of his head*

*watches the block break and Zaius fall to the ground*


*Zaius is recuperating for 3 rounds*

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*gets up from where he had fallen*




*walks back to a hill w/ Psion*


Ok, if they want a fight...MEN!!!


*thousands of warriors crest the hill, each armed with a lightsaber, Psion looks around wondering where all these soldiers suddenly appeared from*



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*Darth Zaius wakes up, gets on destroyah and nova_wolf gets on Godzilla and laser beams and stomps on all of Darth Homers army meanwhile cheasy Goidzilla music plays*


darnit this music is annoying


*Darth Zaius goes after the bad singer and stomps on him, the cheesy music abruptly ends and goes back to fighting the seemingly never ending army*


*Darth Zaius and nova_wolf fight Darth Homer and his gigantic army undisturbed for 2 posts*


*almost 100 posts wOOt!!*

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*My army continually attacks, wearing down Mecha-Godzilla until only the inoperable head is left*


*Inside nova_wolf does his best to keep the warriors from reaching him*


nova_wolf is out for 3 posts fighting warriros




*Homer walks up to Zaius amid the fighting*


Thank you for releasing me, I will overlook your partnership with nova this one time...however, I don't think Psion will be as forgiving.


*Zaius spins around in time to block Psion's attack*

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*Corran glances up and sees a huge battle raging.*


"Aww, come on, people... isn't there anywhere where I can step in? What's that? You're all in uninterruptable fights? Oh, please..."


*Corran gets up and draws his lightsaber. The orange glow makes the shadows dance and flee.*


*He leaps into combat with a group 5 Homer-Warriors. They really aren't all that good, it seems...*


*A swift slash disembowls one, while a series of cuts causes the next to scream and disengage from the fight. The third is decapitated by a sweeping blow, while the fourth falls victim to a combination parry-feint-stab.*


*Finally, Corran turns to face the last, and sees it is..... StarCords!*


"Oh. Hi. Um... are you evil? Cos I'm not sure whether to kill you or not."


*Corran ponders for a second, then notices $am*


"Just give me a second..."


*He darts off across the cantina, cuts $am's leg off as revenge for tripping Rhett (that's how the Spartans did it), then swiftly returns to Star Cords*


"So, what do you say? Do we duel?"


$am is at an intensive bacta treatment facility getting his leg re-attached for 4 posts

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time to die MydnightPsion! *Darth Zaius uses Destroyah to stomp on MydnightPsion and squashes him to death, with no leaders alive, the army of vampires and warriors give up*


*MydnightPsion is flat as roadkill (dead) for 4 posts*


now with this huge army I shall now take controll over the Cantina, give everybody great privaliges that i shall post later and claim myself as the supreme Sith Ruler (or overlord as the peasents shall call me) of The Cantina Lexx, you shall be appointed my army general, Corran, you shall be the Surgeon General, Darth Groovy shall be my trusty 3rd in command, and the rest of the mods and administrators shall be in my council of what they suggest, and I shall appoint them to it, if I feel it is right (hey first come first serve) , and it seems that there is only one place left, my Co-ruler, and it seems nova_wolf, that you are not on it :sithm:


*Darth Zaius and nova_wolf get off of thier kaiju (monsters) and saber battle*


* nova_wolf Rushes forward, striking as fast as he can, but Zaius Ducks, uses force speed and chops him into tiny peices*


*nova_wolf is dead for 6 posts*


now I shall reveal my second in command...Darth Homer, you see only the Sith trust each other like a brother and sisterhood, and the sith is all I trust


*Darth Zaius is now in control (with his comrads) of the cantina untill Lucas Forums closes permanently, and starts a party in such a glorious occasion, with all kinds of food beverages, entertainment and etc.*


*100th post wOOt!!! Huzzah!!!*

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*is down, but my army fights on, as they do not fall because they are leaderless*

*they cause members of Zauis' army to fall into mental sezures with their Psionics before sucking them dry(since they are Vampires)*

*my champion, Tzurial, attacks Zauis from behind, knocking him to the ground before furiously beating him with his Baton of a Mind's Hell*

*Zauis is down for one more post after Psion decides to post...not including this one...*

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*boinga1's driver suddenly stops the car. Boinga yells to drive as he scans behind the car for persuers*




*nothing happens*




*boinga turns around to see his driver slumped over the wheel*


Boinga1: What's going on?


*boinga's car door flies off*


Boinga1: What's that?!?!?


*Homer appears beside him & force chokes boinga out of the car*


Homer: So, we like drive-bys do we?


Boinga: ACK!!


Homer: Wha? I didn't quite catch that...


*Homer releases boinga, who falls to the ground gasping for air*


Homer: Now, I believe you were about to explain why I shouldn't kill you...


boinga: I.....I....I...


Homer: No, you only have two eyes...the third would have to go THERE! *Homer thrusts his ignited saber into boinga head*


boinga1 is dead for 5 posts


Homer: Now then, I believe there was a party to attend...


*Homer force speeds his way back to the cantina*

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