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Valentine's Day


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Yeah its like tommarow.. I hope I speak for a lot of people when I say:


"**** Valentine's day, **** it right where it belongs."



It only reminds me that the world is dark and lonely, and people will try to exploit your feelings anyway you can..


Although I do find ways to have fun with it:


Example: My school has this fundraiser where you can send Balloons to random people to tell em you like em or something.. Now I have some extra cash, so I bought a bunch and sent them anonymously to people I hate, that'll screw with their heads

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*crawls into a corner* Let me know when it's over....


Originally posted by Clefo

Although I do find ways to have fun with it:


Example: My school has this fundraiser where you can send Balloons to random people to tell em you like em or something.. Now I have some extra cash, so I bought a bunch and sent them anonymously to people I hate, that'll screw with their heads


I've done that so many times. Last year, there were these Junior guys that was always annoying people and picking on the freshmen (last year I was a sophmore so I felt a lil sorry for them. . . a lil). I sent them flowers and for the name I put: "Guy across from you," and for the comment I put: "I'm WANT you, and I am going to HAVE you."


Man, the best 10 bucks I ever spent (well sorta). They were freaked out for like 2 weeks. Unfortunately the story had a not so happy ending. . . turns out someone saw me do it and told them. I avoided them for like a month. . . but now that I'm not a lowly sophmore and I'm a little bigger, I'm not afriad of them anymore.

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V Day is alright. Everything cost too much though. Oh well, I have a rose for my girl and will be taking her to dinner tonight. Nothing really big this year.


I remember in HS they did the same thing as the balloons, giving them to crushes and friends, but instead they were flowers. I never sent any out, but I tended to get an ass load of them. After reading your stories, It kinda makes me wonder who I really got them all from.......

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I've always detested the concept of Valentine's Day. Go out, spend extravagant amounts of money on your partner, just to tell them you love them. Ugh, what is that? It is so stupid.


What makes you love your other on this day more than any other day? Huh? It's like you're supposed to love him/her/it more now, as opposed to...three months down the road? Puh? Excusem-moi? It's so stupid. Don't even get me started on commercialization.


And for the record, I'm happily taken and have been for nearly two years now.

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Actually, I think some people might love each others more on V-Day, as there's this whole atmosphere of it at school and stuff.. also, I bet there's a slightly higher chance of a girl or guy saying yes to go out with you on V-Day than the rest of the year.


Personally, I think it's a cute tradition, but I don't think there should be one. First of all, I've been pondering this whole concept of a "going-out-day". You know, normally, you'd not go out on day when you know everything's gonna be packed, right? So why go out on a day when you know everyone else are going out? Doesn't that have to mean everything'll be packed?


It's a cute tradition, but nothing more than that. If I had a girlfriend, I might have enjoyed it more, I guess, but I'd have gone out on V-Day only if the girl wanted me to. I don't have a gf for one reason: I don't feel like having one, or going out, right now. It's not that I'm cold or anything, it's just like that.


Two words: Commercialized love :rolleyes:. Huh, right-wings...


Lastly, you don't need a day to celebrate love: You need to educate people on what love is like. Huh, a day to mark the undying love between people in a country with a divorce rate of what, 60%?? Everyone thinks love is like "live happily but if anything at all goes wrong, it's not the right one. Screw that the kids are crushed, I'm having a divorce":mad:. Seriously, health and biology classes tell you how to make kids, what, five times during your middle school and high school career alone.. while I've learned about STDs once, never about fetishism, never about how to maintain and run a family, and only once or twice on homosexuality (the first one doesn't count since we chose homosexuality as a topic in a project in my old student-controlled school). Those are the things we need to learn about, so why don't we learn about them?


Okay, I'll stop now. Have a good night.

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