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Boba Rhett

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I had the opportunity to see DareDevil last night at an early screening. (I also got ticket Number 1! but I guess that's besides the point...)


This won't be as long as my TTT review but don't you worry, it'll have my adorable ramblings just the same. ;)


Here's a very short recap of DD's story.


The movie starts out with DareDevil wounded and climbing into a church where he then collapses. He narrates a little and then almost immediately we are taken into a flashback. That's where most of the movie takes place. We see how he was blinded when he was a child, why he does what he does and the whole story behind why he's injured in the church at the beginning of the movie. The flashback eventually catches up with the current time and the story continues.


I know that's really really vague but I don't want to say anything else about it. I want to get onto listing pros and cons.


First my Cons:


1. A few sentences made me giggle from the cornyness.


2. They didn't really flesh out Elektra's character as much as they should have.


3. King Pin just wasn't as strong as he should have been. :D


4. It takes a while for the music to grow on you.


5. You occasionally will go into what I'll call, "DareDevil Mode" during the movie and hear things supposedly how he does. It was cool but it was done so much it started to give me a slight headache.


6. His father's cauliflower ears made me nervous. :D


7. It's a tad short.


Now my Pros:


1. Very realistic. It's not all set in the clouds. Everyone comes off as if they are real, very much human people. The atmosphere is great too. Most of the injuries inflicted are pretty real as well. "Not much is way over the top stuff"


2. Many small details relating to how a person who is gifted yet burdened would compensate that you wouldn't think about. A few examples: He must take painkillers and sleep in a sensory deprivation tank. He'll tap his baton on things to he can see the echo and get a picture of the room. Even though he's got powers, he still has to use the same techniques that normal blind people must use to get around in everyday life.


3. DareDevil isn't even close to invincible. He gets the **** kicked out of him quite a few times and is injured after most fights. His back is even covered in scars.


4. Everyone did a good job representing his or her character. Even side characters like DD's friend Foggy Nelson were done well.


5. I was very worried about Bullseye being an extremely stupid character. I was pleased with him though and it's very neat seeing what type of objects he uses to fight with. Throwing stars, glass, pencils, playing cards, PAPER CLIPS, heck, even peanuts. He makes all of those objects lethal too. Pretty funny. :D


6. I like it when someone finds out who the hero is. I always have. The newspaper reporter knows who DD is but he chooses to keep it a secret so DD can continue fighting the good fight.


7. During the movie DD has a run in that has him pondering just what exactly a, "good guy" is. At the beginning he basically does whatever he wants, however he wants. He later learns that he can't do that and still be the, "good guy".


8. None of the main characters get killed in this. I like that because that means we get to see them all again. :D


9. In this movie you're not reminded that Ben Affleck is a schmuck. :D


10. KEVIN SMITH, baby, yeah! He's in there.



I guess that's all I have to say for now. I'll inevitably add more later. Please feel free to ask questions and post your reviews here. :rhett:

*stamps movie with his stamp of approval*


Woah, I almost forgot to mention this. Make sure to stay for the credits or you won't get to see what happens to Bullseye!

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'cepts he never kills in the comics... But still, it offered a nice evolution of character.


About your Pro #2, Rhett, you forgot to mention the fact that he folds his money in a different way to recognize the value, like most blind people do.


I'll add a few Pros...


11) Jon Favreau! This guy rocks. Foggy Nelson brought a certain charm to the movie, that helps preventing it from totally drowning into a dark atmosphere.


12) YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH JOE PANTOLIANO! It was really nice to see Cypher from The Matrix return to the screen in a relatively important role like the reporter guy :)


13) The two best fights: Matt Murdock vs Elektra and the "I missed!" scene :D


I think Rhett has been pretty nitpicky on Daredevil considering his review of The Two Towers... But I do agree that it's too short. When are they going to announce Daredevil Returns? ^_^

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

About your Pro #2, Rhett, you forgot to mention the fact that he folds his money in a different way to recognize the value, like most blind people do.


It was inferred when I said, "Even though he's got powers, he still has to use the same techniques that normal blind people must use to get around in everyday life." :D

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Oh well, the only superhero that doesn't have superpowers is Batman and he's all the better for it.


The writer/director takes away all the campness and tries to hard to inject modern credability into the character. Oh and Ben Affleck is bland, bland, bland and bland.


Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

His name is Ving Rhames. Decent actor, alot of supporting roles.


Con Air


Mission Impossible 1 & 2



Wow! You're completely wrong! It is in fact Michael Clarke Duncan, who starred in The Green Mile and more recently The Scorpion King.

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Originally posted by rad-x

Wow! You're completely wrong! It is in fact Michael Clarke Duncan, who starred in The Green Mile and more recently The Scorpion King.


My bad, I have yet to see the movie, and was going off a brief glimpse of Kingpin in a trailer, sorry. I am aware of Michael Clark Duncan as well (Armegeddon, The Whole Nine yards, Cats and Dogs). I guess I should see the movie before making guesses next time! :p

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i just saw it last night with artoo, but we didn't stay for the credits! what happened to bullseye? can you post it in spoiler tags? my favorite line of the movie (in spoiler tags, just in case):



Kingpin: Is there anything else?

Bullseye: Yes.

Kingpin: Well, what is it?

Bullseye: I want a bloody costume!



:D it's slightly paraphrased 'cause i can't remember the exact words, but you get the gist.


well, i agree that it was to short, but it was pretty good. colin farrel was a good bullseye, but he looked weird bald. i was on the edge of my seat with the mustard thing, but i was pretty sure they wouldn't let the handicapped superhero be abused by a secondary character like that. :D i give it a 8.9.

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Dude! You should have stayed. It goes to Bullseye being guarded in the hospital. He's all bandaged up and can barely move and this fly keeps landing on him and bothering him. He can't stand it anymore so he desperately reaches for a nearby needle. You then hear it being thrown and it shows the fly stuck to a wall with the needle through it. It goes back to Bullseye and through the side of his mouth he's able to sputter out, "bbb bullseye". It was cool. :D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

4. Everyone did a good job representing his or her character. Even side characters like DD's friend Foggy Nelson were done well.


True, but I really hate the actor who played Foggy.


And I TOTALLY hated the kingpin! :mad:

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thanks rhett. i'm going to see another movie this weekend, so i'll try to sneak into Daredevil for the credits. :D


anyway, what's up with all the superhero movies all of a sudden? there was x-men, then spider man, and now daredevil, hulk, and x-men 2. also, i heard they're gonna make a punisher movie. i guess since one was a success, everyone else jumped ont he band wagon, too. not that i mind. ;)

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