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Howdy! (Introductory)


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Howdy guys!



I don't exactly remember how I came across your site here, but I have been lurking around reading. I think I am going to move my permenant posting status over here from the main SWG forums, seeing as you people seem to be a little more laid back for one, and for another you guys seem to have everything under control where as people over there are going apey over the smallest things. :D



So, I just thought I would say howdy to all you good folks (yes, I am from the South :) ) and let yall know I was lurking about, and maybe you'll see more of me.





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Me? Laid back? Someone must indeed have given you faulty information! :D


But seriously, welcome our little place on the net. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. If you manage to get any enemies. Not even our heated debates seems to make us hate each other!



And that is a good thing. I'm glad to be here, and hopefully, you'll find at least a bit of that joy yourself!



(ok guys, that's about as much as I can take of this welcome thingy! You know I can't handle it! :p)

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Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and the other Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Hey, I think we need to add to our rules for banishment...


If at anytime in your post you use the word "First" in any form or fashion to identify yourself as the initial person to respond to a post, you will be banned for a week. If it is your second offense, or the post you respond to has a clear request for no "Firsts" you will be banned eternally! :D:D:D


Heh! This will maintain that "quality" that we all like so much!! Half of the reason we all stay over hear is to avoid that dribble!


I read in one of their posts about how they chose Beta participants from the active members of their msg boards. I don't know about you, but this really scares me!!! :eek:



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There are several reasons why I don't visit the official boards. One of them is the *first!!!!111!!!11!!!* posts, and another is the low quality of the posts. And then you can't do as many nifty things with your account on your account as you can here. And then, the guys over there are jerks, while you are... well, you!


*grouphug*! :D

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And then, the guys over there are jerks, while you are... well, you!

Ok, I am officially touched. :(


*hugs back*


I personally don't read any posts from there that have "Jedi" or "Why I wil not play this game" or "The devs suck" or "phat lewt" in the subject line.

I click them as often as I can. :D Fun read most of the time. :p

Heh! This will maintain that "quality" that we all like so much!! Half of the reason we all stay over hear is to avoid that dribble!

What's the other half? :D

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Heh! This will maintain that "quality" that we all like so much!! Half of the reason we all stay over hear is to avoid that dribble!


What's the other half? :D


Isn't that obvious? To learn as much as we can about SWG!!! And make new and interesting friends so we can go online and KEEL DEM!!



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Originally posted by GreenJediGrinch

I think I am going to move my permenant posting status over here from the main SWG forums, seeing as you people seem to be a little more laid back for one, and for another you guys seem to have everything under control where as people over there are going apey over the smallest things.


Trust me, if you want my honest opinion you would have been better off there. Only becuase a majority (99%) of the people here never have even BEEN to the main forums, never seen the Dev posts , etc. It's more communial bonding there than here. I could say, right now, I now a way to unlock the FS character slot and everyone would believe me.


Trust me, people are are as naive as the Montanans! :)


But just some extra information the largest PA here is the Associates (Asses for short) feel free to talk to Gaalgoth their leader if you want to join. Although, I'm not sure how capabile (sp?) he is considering he wants to be a Bounty Hunter as soon as he starts out!


Welcome and Good-bye!

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I could say, right now, I now a way to unlock the FS character slot and everyone would believe me.

Yes, in fact, someone once came along and said he knew how to unlock the FS (back when we didn't know that the Jedi will be a seperate slot). Good read, but had waaaay too many holes in it to be true. ;) Was able to quickly refute that one. :D

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Oooh, so much hostility in this one, so much anger! Anger leads to fear, fear leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side! :D



Sorry, but if you like the official forums so much more, then stay there. I'm not trying to stop you. Go back to your comfy haven of "*first!!!1!!!11!!* posts, flame wars and bitching. In the meantime, I'll settle here in my chair, and have some chocolate gnorts, and don't care about crawling the forums for details slipped out from the devs, that will be changed anyway by the time I'll play the retail version. Happy trolling!

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