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Poll For Single Player Scripting for JKII


Should JKII Allow Scripting for Single Player?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Should JKII Allow Scripting for Single Player?

    • No

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um, i assume you mean scripting where u hit a button and do a move or something...the game can't really decide if it'll allow u to script, and THIS IS THE TOTALLY WRONG FORUM!! I'm not trying to flame you, I realize you're new, so a word for the wise: DO NOT POST POLLS LIKE THIS IN THE SHOWCASE FORUM! USE THE VALLEY OF THE JEDI!! ooh, pretty colors, eh? j/k

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1. If by scripting he means binding a chain of actions to a key, you've been able to do that since forever, and you cannot disable it.


2. If by scripting he means using ICARUS scripts to control the player and bind those to a key, it's been possible, but ICARUS won't want for you to stop shooting or moving, so if you try to play animations on the player, it can get really screwed up. You can't stop someone from doing this, either.


3. If by scripting he means adding code to allow for lightstaves, new weapons, things to that extent, that's impossible, and you can't make it possible.

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