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A Dark Jedi Vs a Jedi image (well almost)

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Heres that double sided lightsaber guy again. Take care of some business. :)




just incase some of u aren't sure this picture is not original. this is not what the devs or who ever took this picture looks like. I played around with these pictures and added sabers and all. just wanna be sure u all get it incase someone freaks out and thinks these are real pictures. but your all smart you should know its not real.

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awww why'd u move my topic :( i dont really come to the off topic section. its like u guys dont want me now. "yeah lets put this annoying guy in the off topic section. no one will know he's there"


haha ok just messing. but now i got a feeling no ones gonna respond, cuz not that many ppl respond in the general descussion room which has more post, but in this room will anyone even repond?

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