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New pic editing software that I am trying out(troll with tu-tu inside)


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Hey guys, for no reason at all, I made this little troll with a white tu-tu. I got new photo editing software (well, a few days ago), and I am now trying to get the hang of photo editing, so wish me luck. (comments/criticism/tips/rude remarks regarding the picture is welcome)


Anyways, for your viewing pleasure, here's the pic of the troll with the tu-tu.




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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Hey guys, for no reason at all, I made this little troll with a white tu-tu. I got new photo editing software (well, a few days ago), and I am now trying to get the hang of photo editing, so wish me luck. (comments/criticism/tips/rude remarks regarding the picture is welcome)


Anyways, for your viewing pleasure, here's the pic of the troll with the tu-tu.





Nice! What image editing software is it?

Somes notes: The edges look kind of pointy, I would use a quick mask to solve it:) Also, maybe use the Dodge and Burn tools to blend the Tutu in with the troll more


RpTheHotrod: Thats disturbing....:eek:

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Originally posted by teutonicknight

Nice! What image editing software is it?

Somes notes: The edges look kind of pointy, I would use a quick mask to solve it:) Also, maybe use the Dodge and Burn tools to blend the Tutu in with the troll more


Thanks. ;)


The software is "Microsoft Picture it!" I've never used photoshop, but people have told me the two programs are similar.

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