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Hot Unreal Tournament Action


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In the spirit of keeping the Munkeh Eyelund "Quake" Clan on life support, we're thinking of setting up a Mojo Unreal Tournament match at some point next week. If it's a success (and we can be bothered), we'll see about setting up a Mojo match every week, probably flitting between games like some kind of mad game flitting thing. Some weeks you'll have the game we're playing, some weeks you won't and you'll feel really left out! Sometimes I can claim to be running a Hardwar server and you'll never know whether I really am or not.


In conclusion: Unreal Tournament. Next week. Interested? What options and/or gameplay modes should we use then? Please be aware that here is what I know about Unreal Tournament: [ ]


Subsequent weeks. Subsequent games. Interested?


You get the idea. Reply-me-up, daddy!

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I too am familiar with Counter-Strike and a few other Half-Life mods (DMC & possible DoD). Perhaps it could happen - I could possibly host on my 512/256 connection, but it wouldn't hold many, and my computer isn't exactly adept at dealing with buckets of bandwidth. Aside from that, I have no experience adminning, but it can't be too difficult. Post another thread and see who's up for it.


But for now, Unreal! I'm pretty sure everybody is equally bad.

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About Counter Strike, I think my brother's going to get a CS server on his dorm room soon. So we could use that when its ready.


Alien: its a shot from some security guard from the upcoming game Freelancer (space sim) I thought he looked kinda cool :)


(about freelancer, just dl-ed the demo, it looks very beautiful but it doesnt support joystick controls, which seems very sucky to me)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have a server: http://unreal://qworld.dyndns.org

It has a password: mojo

It's pretty fast, and Huz made it run UT in 6 days.


The match shall be on Sunday 16th at 7:30pm GMT. This should be suitable for both Americans and Europeans, any other continents NOT ALLOWED. It might be a good idea to get on a couple of minutes early, y'know, because this shall be an EFFICIENT GAME. Okay, whatever.


You will definitely need Bonus Pack 2.

You can download it here, it's only 1.5mb.


You will also need your Unreal Tournament to be well and truly patched to the latest version - 436. Click here for the patch. A slightly heftier 7mb.


You will not need to download anything if you have the Game of the Year edition, but you should anyway, "just in case"


There are four bonus packs in total. Get the rest if you feel like it from here, although they are not a requirement.



For those of you interested, we will start by cycling through 8 CTF levels (Gauntlet, Command, Coret, LavaGiant, EternalCave, Face, HallOfGiants and Orbital).


Then we shall move onto Assault, playing HiSpeed, Frigate, Rook, Mazon, OceanFloor and OverLord.


Finally, if anyone's still interested, there is a Deathmatch cycle waiting for you, or we can play some domination or something.


There should be at least 10 people there. Anyone who isn't there just plain sucks.

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Crap. Sorry Shutt. You're 8 hours ahead of us or so, aren't you :(


Solution: Don't sleep.


If not, just connect to IRC, GamesNet and join #gfnetwork, which is pretty much 'The UT chan'. There's usually me, Gabez and Bennyboy there on a weekend afternoon, and always a few people in #monkey-island that can be forced into playing. The server is up 24/7 too, I think.

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