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LotR Quote Contest


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Ok, Here you go:

an easy one.


'Boromir, O Boromir!' he cried. 'What did she say to you, the Lady that dies not? What did she see? What woke your heart then? Why went you ever to Laurelindorenan, and came not by your own road, upon the horses of Rohan riding home in the morning?

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This quote is from the book and my hint is this: It is a foreshadowing to the end of the events of RotK. This should at least tell you when it is said.


"Half a moment!" said Person whom you are trying to guess. Putting his hand in the brest of his jacket he pulled out a little soft wallet on a string. "I keep a treasure or two next to my skin, as precious as Rings to me. Here's one: my old wooden pipe. And here's another: an unused one. I have carried it a long way, though I don't know why. I never really expected to find anyPIPE-WEED on the journey, when my own ran out. But now it comes in useful after all."


There is another two sentences but they do not help.



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