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Darth Groovy

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At this point in my life, at 28 years of age, I do believe that I am the only person in this world that does not, nor have ever participated in any drug type activity. I am not trying to come off like some self righteous moron. I just never thoght that I should be stupid like most of my freinds to gain social acceptance. Then later in life, I watched those same freinds as they developed addictions, personal struggles, and criminal activity. One girl who I was engaged too, died from drugs. And now recently I discovered that my girlfreind, did some pot. I know what your all thinking... it's a little pot, whats the big deal? It seems to me, it always starts out as "a little pot" and keeps evolving inot something worse. It seems to me the older I get, the more determined I get to not do it. I have had more opportunities than most poeple I know. I was in four rock bands and still remain drug free. I will never do drugs as long as I live, but why do so many poeple I care deeply about choose to get into this mess? I welcome all of your feedback. Why does this bother me so much?

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I have never had a cig in my mouth. I have no idea what smoking is like and I'm planning on keeping it that way. The same goes for drugs.


Drugs are bad, mmkay?


I do use alcohol quite a lot though...


*looks at the 2 empty bottles of beer on the comp desk*


Oh well.. *shrugs*

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I have never had alcohol, drugs, or smoked a cigarette. It is completly idiotic to do drugs.


I do wonder to myself sometimes, why people do drugs and its just for stupid reasons. In the end, the person who does drugs is WEAK. They are WEAKMINDED, plain and simple, and I feel no sympathy for them. If they wanna get high, go right ahead. Its common knowledge what drugs do to you, and there is simply no excuse for doing it.

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Doing ANYTHING at all to the body is terrible, imo. I'm not even going to get a tattoo.


Drugs make people feel like they are on top of things. I, personally, have never tried any drug, nor do I plan on doing so. Many up many of my friends do drugs, and no matter how much i am against it, no matter how much wisdom I offer ot them, they ignore me, and call me a "rightous boy." (I am not mad or angered by these comments, I find them as compliments. I am glad the world around me sees me differently then everyone else.)


These simple uses of drugs already have them hooked, I think. I pray that they will snap out of it and realize what harm they are doing to themselves. My friends are the going out, partying,drinking, and sleeping with anyone type of people. I do not do any of this, and I do not condone their actions, but I am instead trying to turn them away from this destructive path. I know that 96% of teenagers don't give a horse's patoot about their health, or their dignity, but I do. I try to give them some of that dignity, but they refuse it.


I HATE to see people do drugs and ruin their life. They are throwing out something precious that was given to them.

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Darth Groovy, define your take on what "drugs" are and I can offer up an opinion. Usually I see people use the word "drugs" as a negative description, not really including all drugs, but certain ones. Maybe you could list off the ones you are refering to, or the ones you think are ok.


I notice the confusion immediately:

Luc Solar

I have never had a cig in my mouth. I have no idea what smoking is like and I'm planning on keeping it that way. The same goes for drugs.

I do use alcohol quite a lot though...

Or maybe he was being sarcastic, I dunno.

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I'm 100% sober 100% of the time.....never drank, smoked, done drugs, or anysuch. It just hold absolutely NO appeal to me. Plus i've seen a LOT of people get their lives completely ruined by drugs.


And by drugs i mean illegal narcotics gotten without a prescription or medical need for them....or somethin like that.....


When you say doing ANYTHING to the body obi, does that include hair dying? As i know a few people who think hair dying is bad...


I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo of a dragon....a small one, somewhere easily covered up for like, job interviews, and when i get old and decide that i hate my tattoo......and such.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Drugs are bad, mmkay?

I do use alcohol quite a lot though...


Originally posted by munik

I notice the confusion immediately:

Or maybe he was being sarcastic, I dunno.


I dunno either. I was trying to point out the same thing you did...but I don't have an opinion about the whole deal yet so..





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Originally posted by ET Warrior


When you say doing ANYTHING to the body obi, does that include hair dying?


Nah, Hair dying is ok. When I said "anything" to the body, I meant anything that would degrade it in anyway. If you want to get a tatoo, that's fine. I don't really care about tattoos. The only reason i'm not getting one is because they do it with a needle, and I have this fear of needles. :\

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If you know anyone who gets Emphesema, you would have a very good reason on why not to smoke ever.


He can't even walk 6 meters to the rubbish bin and back without coughing up all this phlem. A few more meters and he could die (I'm not kidding) when he get bouts of Emphesema.


That isn't too 'cool'.

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If drugs are defined as the illegal kind (in the US), like weed, crack, and the like... then I would never do it, and never have. I've been in the situation in which I could do most of those things, and I've never cracked. Been tempted, but never cracked (hey, they did look like they were having fun. :) )


As for alcohol... I have gotten wasted a few times, mostly because I dont really see the harm in it as long as I keep it to a minimum. I've only done it three times. I'm more of a social drinker... I'll have a few mixed drinks at a party, but never really anything major. I've only gotten drunk at my 21st birthday part, and at New Years... and once at a friends house when he came home from school.


I know weed isnt really bad for you if done in moderation (sorta like alcohol). But whenever I'm offered, I just think of the guys I knew back in high school who did it. They ended up dropping out and spending all their time trying to get weed money between working at mcdonalds and sleeping at their parents house. I doubt it would ever happen to me, but the thought of it just turns me off to it.


edit: And needles scare the bejeezus out of me... :D


edit: To answer your question, Groovy... I think you care and it bothers you because you care about your friends, and you know what excessive drug use can do to a person. And you dont want it to happen to your friends. Nothing wrong with that, it's an admirable trait, I feel the same way. Just means you care. :)

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i have tried weed, but nothing more than that, and i used to smoke it quite regularly, but now i just smoke cigarettes and drink. i don't believe that if oyustart off on soft drugs then that leads to harder drugs, because me and most of my friends are the same. sure i have mates who do stuff like extasy and speed, but they all know the limit and do it for a recreatíonal purpose, and i know they aren'T addicted cause they can go on for months without talking about it. drugs are a social thing, and unfortunately widely accepted by most of the youth community.

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You should try pot with her. Really. It's not going to hook you in any way, and afterwards you'll be able to state that it was not for you. You'll survive the experience with no scars, and you'll have some actual knowledge on it.


The whole deal of "pot makes you want to take other, worse drugs as well" is fundamentally flawed, as it can be summarized into "alcohol makes you want to go on drinking binges and you'll eventually, with time, become an alcoholic from your abuse". Use and abuse. Apples and oranges.


My advice: Don't base your entire relationship on whether or not she smokes pot. Keep an eye on her, just to check if she begins to crave heroin sooner or later. Heroin is bad. Very bad.

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Yeah, smoke up with her. Can't hurt anything, really. But there is that chance that after one hit you'll turn into a raving lunatic and go on a killing spree that people will talk about for the next decade. Or so I'm told.

Originally posted by ShockV1.89

If drugs are defined as the illegal kind (in the US), like weed, crack, and the like... then I would never do it, and never have.

Just to point out, there are shades of grey concerning "illegal" drugs in the U.S. Not everything will get you in trouble. Like the above, weed is schedule I, but crack, which is just freebase cocaine, is schedule II. Along with opiates like codeine and morphine. I've known plenty of people legally taking codeine, and plenty illegally taking it. Is the drug bad in and of itself, or is it because of it's legal status? So, if someone smokes crack, is it bad only if it is done illegally, or is it bad because it's crack?

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first off, groovy, don't smoke pot with your girlfriend. you said she did smoke. if she has stopped, good for her. if she still smokes, but only 'once in awhile,' try to convince her to stop. by smoking it yourself you'd only be sending the wrong message.


Originally posted by munik

Just to point out, there are shades of grey concerning "illegal" drugs in the U.S. Not everything will get you in trouble. Like the above, weed is schedule I, but crack, which is just freebase cocaine, is schedule II. Along with opiates like codeine and morphine. I've known plenty of people legally taking codeine, and plenty illegally taking it. Is the drug bad in and of itself, or is it because of it's legal status? So, if someone smokes crack, is it bad only if it is done illegally, or is it bad because it's crack?


as for this, most drugs are used for legitimate purposes like morphine and even marijuana can be used for medical purposes. but taking these drugs without having an illness is like drinking Nyquil or vanilla extract for the alcohol content.

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Originally posted by C'jais

You should try pot with her. Really. It's not going to hook you in any way, and afterwards you'll be able to state that it was not for you. You'll survive the experience with no scars, and you'll have some actual knowledge on it.


The whole deal of "pot makes you want to take other, worse drugs as well" is fundamentally flawed, as it can be summarized into "alcohol makes you want to go on drinking binges and you'll eventually, with time, become an alcoholic from your abuse". Use and abuse. Apples and oranges.


My advice: Don't base your entire relationship on whether or not she smokes pot. Keep an eye on her, just to check if she begins to crave heroin sooner or later. Heroin is bad. Very bad.


I disagree. I have personally seen this dozens of time to know, I live near Chicago, where drugs are easier to find than books. It always starts off as a little bit of weed, and then it escalates into something much worse. The point is, she knew how I felt about this, yet she went and did it anyway. I used to smoke about half a pack of menthols a day, and I quit because she thought "smoking was gross". Tell me, where is the real trade off here? I'll smoke pot, when Goerge Bush decides to sign a treaty with Saddam Hussein.:rolleyes:

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Exactly. Drugs are bad. Full stop. There is a reason why harmful drugs are illegal, but no one seems to take that fact into account. I myself have never taken drugs, never even put a cigerette in my mouth, and I don't ever intend to. Drugs do so many irreversibly bad things to your body and mind, and IMO, 'having a good time' is no excuse to take such a huge risk.

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I used to have two friends. we joked about doing drugs all the time, talking like stoners and acting like crack addicts. but then they actually started smoking pot. I watched as they went from promising young men who enjoyed playing music and sports, to just two guys who spent every waking moment of their lives either smoking pot or thinking about the next time they could. they no longer cared about music, sports, or their friends. all they care about now is pot. I watched them destroy their lives and could do nothing about it. "just a little pot" isn't just that.

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Originally posted by greedo626

I used to have two friends. we joked about doing drugs all the time, talking like stoners and acting like crack addicts. but then they actually started smoking pot. I watched as they went from promising young men who enjoyed playing music and sports, to just two guys who spent every waking moment of their lives either smoking pot or thinking about the next time they could. they no longer cared about music, sports, or their friends. all they care about now is pot. I watched them destroy their lives and could do nothing about it. "just a little pot" isn't just that.


I herebye nominate this as the best post I have read all year...period. This is EXACTLY what I mean. I have seen this so many times, it is not even funny any more.


Also told the GF, that pot is something I am not willing to accept. She assures me, it won't be repeated, but I have heard this before. I will keep a close eye out, and we will see what happens next. I hate loosing the ones I love, to something as dumb as drugs...

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I and my friends infrequently smoke the hashish. We're all considered above average intelligence, and we all have healthy past time interests, while working as well.


There are no gateway drugs. Only gateway people.

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Originally posted by C'jais

I and my friends infrequently smoke the hashish. We're all considered above average intelligence, and we all have healthy past time interests, while working as well.


There are no gateway drugs. Only gateway people.


Just a question: Why do you smoke it at all? I assume you know the health damages it causes, both to the lungs and to the brain (it does make you dumber). What's the point of doing it anyway? Can you really enjoy causing damage to your body like that?

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Originally posted by C'jais

I and my friends infrequently smoke the hashish. We're all considered above average intelligence, and we all have healthy past time interests, while working as well.


There are no gateway drugs. Only gateway people.


I hang out with C'jais, so I guess I'm one of the above (some might disagree with me being above average int. but thats beside the point).


I agree with C'jais, so does my chemistry teacher, moving on from what is concidered as mild drugs, is strictly psycological, and thus they most likely would end up doing 'em anyways.


Don't smoke, drink or shoot-up anything you don't want to, there's no point, and you wont enjoy it anyway. I can respect people who doesn't want to try, I can respect people who has tried it once and never smoke it again. But I can't respect people who smoke it cause of peer-pressure. it should be your own choice

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